968 - Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 23 June 1744

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Image 1 of 2

Image #1 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 23 June 1744

Image 2 of 2

Image #2 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 23 June 1744
Dear Daughter Sheffield Park June 23
I Recvd yours with Plesure to hear you
Got safe to London Liekwise to hear your sister is well and
All frends else I hope youl Enjoy a Deal of Plsure While
You stay with your sister. I am much Better I thank god But
Have not got my strength as yt I have Bathed in ye River
five Times and It agrees with me verey well you Ritt
me word your Uncle Wright Wood Take me to Scarbrough but
I fear it was only a florish of his for I have hard nothing
of it since – Dolley has Been verey Bad of her Ear she has
not Been at scooe since you wen tand now it is Lickley to gather
and {?Rrah} under hear Ear Mr Hussey has Given her fisik Twise
I have Lost my good ould Nightbour Widow Lumax She is Ded
It was agreeably Supris:d with strangrs Last Thursday to Dine
With me first came Mr Hennell then Came Mrs Smith of Stap{^les}
Inn She is come Eather to Day or to Morrow to Stay with me
While sent for I had Mrs Smith of Sheffield that Day She desier
her Respects to you & your sister I had Mis Coopers Compnay
While your father was abrode I Disier you Wood By me a Knot
And Brast Knot for her and a Bitt of Lace for my new shoose
Pleas to Give my Respetes to Mr Elliott when you Write
and Tell him Sheffield is Dull Without him
This is all at present Wishing you all ye Plsure you Can
Have and a Good Jorney Down When you Come all from
Your Affectionat and Loving Mother
D Wright
PS over for sister
[new page]
[blank page]
Dear Daughter Sheffield Park June 23
I Receive yours with Pleasure to hear you
Got safe to London Likewise to hear your sister is well and
All friends else I hope you’ll Enjoy a Deal of Pleasure While
You stay with your sister. I am much Better I thank god But
Have not got my strength as yt I have Bathed in ye River
five Times and It agrees with me very well you Write
me word your Uncle Wright Would Take me to Scarborough but
I fear it was only a flourish of his for I have heard nothing
of it since – Dolly has Been very Bad of her Ear she has
not Been at school since you went and now it is Likely to gather
and {?Rrah} under hear Ear Mr Hussey has Given her physic Twice
I have Lost my good old Neighbour Widow Lumax She is Dead
It was agreeably Supris:d with strangers Last Thursday to Dine
With me first came Mr Hennell then Came Mrs Smith of Stap{^les}
Inn She is come Either to Day or to Morrow to Stay with me
While sent for I had Mrs Smith of Sheffield that Day She desires
her Respects to you & your sister I had Miss Coopers Company
While your father was abroad I Desire you Would Buy me a Knot
And Brast Knot for her and a Bit of Lace for my new shoes
Please to Give my Respects to Mr Elliott when you Write
and Tell him Sheffield is Dull Without him
This is all at present Wishing you all ye Pleasure you Can
Have and a Good Journey Down When you Come all from
Your Affectionate and Loving Mother
D Wright
PS over for sister
[new page]
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Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 23 June 1744

She is pleased to hear that Catherine got safe to London, Dorothy is much better, she has not got her strength but she has bathed in the river five times which has agreed with her very well, Dolly's ear has been bad and she has had to take physic, providing details of the visitors they have had, and asking Catherine to purchase some lace for her

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/1 [5]

Sheffield Archives




June 23 1744

Sheffield Park

[Yorkshire, England]

[London, England]

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 23 June 1744, 2361744: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/1 [5]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
