966 - Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 1 April 1744
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Dear Daughter London Aprll 21
I Recvd yours which gives me grat
Satisfaction to hear that all Goes well at home I thank
God I am allmost quite shut of my could your Brother Jarvas
Sett of Last Wenesday and I Recvd him With all the
Civilities imaginable and p{^r}omised to assist him all that Lay
In thair powers and Tould him ye Did not fear it answering
His Expetion – We was at a Play Last Night Calld King
Lear a verey Deep Tradgey Else have Been verey Little
abrode since I came to Town I have Bought Me a Gown Which
you will Like I Dar Say I am to Dress Me in it to Morrow
for we are to Dine at Mr Rob Coopers and have sett next
Tusday to go to Hakeney Mrs Cooper & Mrs Frost goes with us
I could allmost wish now I had not Bought it for your
Brother Required a good {^deal} of setting of so am afraid your
Father shud think much – Pleas to Give my Love to your
Father and Deutty to your Granmother your Brother
and Sister Cooper Desires thair Respetes to Mr Elliott
and you and hope youl Excpte ye same from your
Ever Loving and affectionat Mother
D Wright
Pleas to Give my Fespetes
to Mrs Smith and Lett us Know
Whether Mrs Cawton be come or no
I have not Bought your Lace as yt
Couz Polley Desiers her servis to
you and Douty to her Mother she
is verey well
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Mrs Elliott in the
Allsop Fields Sheffield
Single Sheet Yorkshire
Dear Daughter London Aprll 21
I Received yours which gives me great
Satisfaction to hear that all Goes well at home I thank
God I am almost quite shut of my cold your Brother Jarvas
Set off Last Wednesday and I Received him With all the
Civilities imaginable and p{^r}omised to assist him all that Lay
In their powers and Told him ye Did not fear it answering
His Expedition – We was at a Play Last Night Calld King
Lear a very Deep Tragedy Else have Been very Little
abroad since I came to Town I have Bought Me a Gown Which
you will Like I Dare Say I am to Dress Me in it to Morrow
for we are to Dine at Mr Rob Coopers and have set next
Tuesday to go to Hackney Mrs Cooper & Mrs Frost goes with us
I could almost wish now I had not Bought it for your
Brother Required a good {^deal} of setting of so am afraid your
Father should think much – Please to Give my Love to your
Father and Duty to your Grandmother your Brother
and Sister Cooper Desires their Respects to Mr Elliott
and you and hope you’ll Accept ye same from your
Ever Loving and affectionate Mother
D Wright
Pleas to Give my Respects
to Mrs Smith and Let us Know
Whether Mrs Cawton be come or no
I have not Bought your Lace as yt
Cousin Polly Desires her service to
you and Duty to her Mother she
is very well
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Mrs Elliott in the
Allsop Fields Sheffield
Single Sheet Yorkshire
Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 1 April 1744
She is happy to hear that they are all well, and she is nearly shut of her cold, Brother Jervas set of last Wednesday, they went to a play last night called 'King Lear', she has not been out much but did buy herself a new gown, she will wear it to dinner at Robert Cooper's tomorrow, she is starting to regret the purchase as it required a good deal of setting, sending love to various family members
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/1 [4]
Sheffield Archives
Aprll 21 1744
Mrs Elliott in the Allsop Fields, Sheffield, Yorkshire
To Cite this Letter
Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 1 April 1744, 2141744: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/1 [4]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.