949 - Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763

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Image 1 of 3

Image #1 of letter: Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763

Image 2 of 3

Image #2 of letter: Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763

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Image #3 of letter: Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763
Dr Sisr / London Feby 19 1763
Hope you’l Excuse my long silence but realy have
not spirits to write as I have so Maloncoly a subject to Write upon
shall but just Mention my poor Dear Girl as I cant bear it, in
saying that I have allmost given her up & yet at times I comfort my
self with hopeing that God may in his Mercy spair her to restore peace
to & thankfulness once more after such heavy trials (vain Hopes I fear)
last Tuesday Mr & Miss Preston came & fetchd Nancy in good Health
& High spritis have not seen her since but here she is well –
sent Down by ye last Wagon a Baskit ye contents as follow viz 2 silk
Hankerchief one a present from Nancy to you the other for Mother
Desire sh’l Except of it Miss Mack silk Mrs Coopers Hankerchief
& 10 yd of Silk at 2/6 pr yd from Mrs Hennell if not approve,d
of please to return next jorney & having room to spair in ye Baskit
put you to ye Trouble of Washing ye Counterpain as I can’t have it
Mangeld here, I had like to have forgot to Mention some odd cup &
saucers that I find Sis:r Dolly wrote she wanted to make up ye set
& haveing some of ye same hath sent them, I propose Writeing to Dolly
Very soon [deleted] Mr Cooper thank god is very well hath begun
Bisness this {^week} & preforms pritty well, all friends at Hackney & Patter=
=noster Row is well, Mr Cooper joynes in Love & Respects to all
Yr Effecte Sisr
R Cooper
our Duty to father & Mother
with thanks for ye Pudding which was prenounced
to be ye best that ever was Eate as was your Beef which
I aught not to forget returning thanks for
I had them all at Hackney as Bror & Sisr Cooper is very of Both

wee recev,d a letter from ye Doctor with {^ye} Deplorable state of my poor Child
shall be in dayly Expectation of hearing of a second Operation grived
for her & all about her (but will say no more)
[vertical left margin] Destroy this Miserable Scroll
for my spirits is so [deleted] {^oprest} I don’t
now what I say
Dr Sisr / London Feby 19 1763
Hope you’ll Excuse my long silence but really have
not spirits to write as I have so Melancholy a subject to Write upon
shall but just Mention my poor Dear Girl as I cant bear it, in
saying that I have almost given her up & yet at times I comfort my
self with hoping that God may in his Mercy spare her to restore peace
to & thankfulness once more after such heavy trials (vain Hopes I fear)
last Tuesday Mr & Miss Preston came & fetchd Nancy in good Health
& High spirits have not seen her since but here she is well –
sent Down by ye last Wagon a Basket ye contents as follow viz 2 silk
Handkerchief one a present from Nancy to you the other for Mother
Desire she’ll acccept of it Miss Mack silk Mrs Coopers Handkerchief
& 10 yd of Silk at 2/6 pr yd from Mrs Hennell if not approve,d
of please to return next journey & having room to spare in ye Basket
put you to ye Trouble of Washing ye Counterpane as I can’t have it
Mangled here, I had like to have forgot to Mention some odd cup &
saucers that I find Sis:r Dolly wrote she wanted to make up ye set
& having some of ye same hath sent them, I propose Writing to Dolly
Very soon [deleted] Mr Cooper thank god is very well hath begun
Business this {^week} & preforms pretty well, all friends at Hackney & Patter=
=noster Row is well, Mr Cooper joins in Love & Respects to all
Yr Effecte Sisr
R Cooper
our Duty to father & Mother
with thanks for ye Pudding which was pronounced
to be ye best that ever was Eat as was your Beef which
I aught not to forget returning thanks for
I had them all at Hackney as Bror & Sisr Cooper is very of Both

wee received a letter from ye Doctor with {^ye} Deplorable state of my poor Child
shall be in daily Expectation of hearing of a second Operation grieved
for her & all about her (but will say no more)
[vertical left margin] Destroy this Miserable Scroll
for my spirits is so [deleted] {^oppressed} I don’t
now what I say

Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763

Apologising for her long silence but she hasn't been able to write about such a melancholy topic, her daughter is still ill and she has almost given her up, she has sent some handkerchiefs and wonders if Catherine will wash her counterpane for her as she can't get it mangled in London, an added note suggests that her daughter will require a second operation

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/2 [7]

Sheffield Archives




Feby 19 1763



[Sheffield, Yorkshire, England]

Person: Ann Hare
View full details of Person: Ann Hare



spirits (body part)


  • health
  • well

  • happy
  • spirit (immaterial)

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 February 1763, 1921763: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/2 [7]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
