946 - David Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 1 January 1763
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Dr Sister
The favour of yours with the agreeable News of
all our friends Health came to Hand the 29th Decr & the
Inclosd draft for 12 {^£} which in the Names of Cozn Nancy
must return Her Papa & you {^sincear} thanks for She has been
at Hackney for some days that She is at present a
stranger to the news, but makes no doubt but she will
gratefully acknowledge it, & make it Her Study to
oblidge sutch Kind and Indulgent Parents
I am greatly oblidg’d to Her for Her Company whilst
Confined to my Chamber which She was so kind to say
she did not [damaged] any & indeed She seem’d very easy &
Satisfied, & would willingly have stayed longer if thought
Necessary; Imagine it will be agreeable News to hear
that I can now creep about the House with Two Sticks
my Crutches have flung away accept at particular
times, & am able to walk in the Yard & Shop, though the
Weather has been so sevear of late, which makes me
[new page]
{?Timorous}, I have sent by Brothers Wagon some Oysters for the
several {?Persons} mentiond, which ust beg the favour you will be so
kind to Informe, Viz, Mr Elliott, Mr F Wright, Mr Jarvs Wright
Mr Baines Mr Burton & Mr Wilson all directed as the above & hope they
will come safe & proves worth acceptance, we receivd
present which beg you will make my gratefull thanks for & also for his
advice which I shall follow, we thank you for the Beef &c though not yet
come to Hand, but supposes will, I seome time since sent a Barrill of Porter
for the Doctor & should be glad in your next {^to know} if it came safe to Hand, why
I make this enquiry is because I hear the Cask was very old & was {?^so} confined
that I was oblidged to trust to other People, but this must be [illeg]
We are very glad to hear that our little Girl is not worse & hope the Spring
will be great help to Her which I may wish for on my own account as well
as Hers for find this sevear Cold weather affects a weak part ie
We both Joyn in sincear respects to all friends & with the
Yearly Compliments of yr Affectiont Brothr
Davd Cooper
NB Brother
Charles sends Oysters on
Tuesday, for Father & self
Little Jemmy is very well {?desires}
His Sister & all Friends every day,
Has he paid the Insurance
[new page]
1 Janry 1763
Mr George Elliott
In Sheffield
Dr Sister
The favour of yours with the agreeable News of
all our friends Health came to Hand the 29th Decr & the
enclosed draft for 12 {^£} which in the Names of Cozn Nancy
must return Her Papa & you {^sincere} thanks for She has been
at Hackney for some days that She is at present a
stranger to the news, but makes no doubt but she will
gratefully acknowledge it, & make it Her Study to
oblige such Kind and Indulgent Parents
I am greatly obliged to Her for Her Company whilst
Confined to my Chamber which She was so kind to say
she did not [damaged] any & indeed She seemed very easy &
Satisfied, & would willingly have stayed longer if thought
Necessary; Imagine it will be agreeable News to hear
that I can now creep about the House with Two Sticks
my Crutches have flung away accept at particular
times, & am able to walk in the Yard & Shop, though the
Weather has been so severe of late, which makes me
[new page]
{?Timorous}, I have sent by Brothers Wagon some Oysters for the
several {?Persons} mentioned, which must beg the favour you will be so
kind to Informe, Viz, Mr Elliott, Mr F Wright, Mr Jarvs Wright
Mr Baines Mr Burton & Mr Wilson all directed as the above & hope they
will come safe & proves worth acceptance, we receivd
present which beg you will make my grateful thanks for & also for his
advice which I shall follow, we thank you for the Beef &c though not yet
come to Hand, but supposes will, I some time since sent a Barrel of Porter
for the Doctor & should be glad in your next {^to know} if it came safe to Hand, why
I make this enquiry is because I hear the Cask was very old & was {?^so} confined
that I was obliged to trust to other People, but this must be [illeg]
We are very glad to hear that our little Girl is not worse & hope the Spring
will be great help to Her which I may wish for on my own account as well
as Hers for find this severe Cold weather affects a weak part ie
We both Join in sincere respects to all friends & with the
Yearly Compliments of yr Affectiont Brothr
Davd Cooper
NB Brother
Charles sends Oysters on
Tuesday, for Father & self
Little Jemmy is very well {?desires}
His Sister & all Friends every day,
Has he paid the Insurance
[new page]
1 Janry 1763
Mr George Elliott
In Sheffield
David Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 1 January 1763
Thanking her on behalf of their daughter for the news that she will surely gratefully acknowledge and make it her study to oblige such kind parents, he has been very grateful for Nancy's company because he has been confined to his chamber by an inability to walk, he has sent some Oysters for a number of people, and a barrel of Porter for the Doctor, he would appreciate it if she could enquire to ensure everything has arrived, his daughter is not worse, and they hope the spring will help her to recover
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/2 [6]
Sheffield Archives
1st Janry 1763
Mr George Elliott, in Sheffield, Yorkshire
- travel
- visiting
- affection
- grateful
- disposition
- duty
care provided by family/kin/household
To Cite this Letter
David Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 1 January 1763, 111763: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/2 [6]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.