938 - Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 29 May 1785
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (1)
- How to Cite
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My Dear Nancy
I have not yet received an Answer to my last
but is sit down this morning to give you som account how has
spend this week quit full of engagements on Sunday tould you
was to go Kentish Town to Mr Woodfols had a verry agreeable
Day she is a pleasing Woman without form handsom Honest
Gaidings that was much pleasd with my Visit, on Munday morning
Went to Chelsey to see Miss Bagshaws calld upon Mrs Hall so
Miss Hall & one Brother Mrs Hall com one morning from Kings=
=ton to see me but was out purpos spending a Day with her
thear in the afternoon went to Drink Tea with Coz {?Kennell}
before she left London is going down to Northampton on
Tusday went in the Morning to Westminster Abby but they
are preparing to the Oratores that most of the Abby is made
up in the evening went to Convegarding Play House to see ye
Merry Widow of Windsor with the {?Nanery} Henderson was grate
In {?Sr} John Fallstaff the Play was no favoud but was plasd
with the entertainment a couded Hous but little Genteel
Company being Mrs Bellameys benefit at the other House
On Wedensday Morning made Mr Whiphams & Mr R {^?Jane} Cooper a
visit he poore Gentelman is declining fast Mr & Mrs Cooper
presed me much to com see them in the Afternoon had Company
in the Evening a Man com to show tricks in Cards by slight
of hand so passed of that Day, on Thursday Morning went to
[new page]
make Mrs Adams a visit she is much alterd looks Old did
not see the Miss {?Tonblorys} was out a walking she has a son
& Daughter by Mr Adams Miss is about Kitteys size he
is gon to Barbados to be absent a Year all now lives to=
=gether every bodey enquired much after you she was very
Presing of me to stay Dinner that Day or any Daty sutable
Mrs Maxwell find is very bad saw her oldest Daguther
thear but she is with a Lady that took her when a Child
in the Afternoon Drank Tea at Mr Earls so much for that Day
on Friday rested the Morning in the Evening went a gain to
the Play a new Comady calld the Follies of a Day or the Marriage
of Figaro which liked very well entertainment the Poor Solo{?ist}
but the Principle Singer was found that could ot sing which
quit spoild it such his [illeg] that stoped the performance som time
els they say is a very good entertainment a full Hous to night
is the last this season Mrs Writhg gets Tickets of Mr Woodfole for
that House, to Night Brot & Sister & Dolley coms to go with us to
Vaux Hall & stops & spends tomorah hear am afraid of Rain
As will spoile our entertainment has had sum fine rain what
Hopes you have had {?allison} I don’t doubt but make your Father
very happy spending the week with him & hopes all gos on well
at home & wishes he would oftens ride over & Dine with you how
dos Mrs Briddon do oftens thinks of her is she getting better or
no now must tell my Dear Kittey Grandmama has got Curls was so
pertickles that was obligd to have at last & when gos into Publick
has my Hair dressd but not by a Hare Dresser if my Kittey had been
with me this bustl would quite delighted her hope she made her Grand
Papa very happy the week she was with him can say nothing of my
[new page]
must now tell you Miss Preson calld on Thursday Morning as
did Mr {?P} but we was out so went yesterday morning to make
a visit she expect me going down to spend a forthnight
with her willc all the beginig of the week to let me know
when she gos down is so full of engagements in Town has
a Charming House boath loaks fall & well asked her about
your Cloke & hat sais musling cloakes is much wore but the
sprigged ons coms high that says as you are a worker might
sprig one against an other somes as thay are shure to be well
& if you was to have a handsom singl black made with a
Good lace but shall wait your answer verry {?big? hats
Is wore we calld at one of the Genteelest Milliners says
The Gentlest Hatt is white silk sum kind with black or
The sam said would come to about 1g the Bolon & [illeg]
Hatts & bonnits so common will soon be out for Kittey
says a white Silk Spanish Hatt lind with blue or [damaged]
a Bow on one side with white Tueesa will be the neatest
for her so shall wate your answer before I order them as i
could wish to buy you what is most wore & to your liking if
a whit Musling let me know whether sprigd or Check as ye#
latter will com much cheap I have expected you visiting [damaged]
as you said you would about advancing me money has got Kittey
stays com yesterday paid 6s more for them wich may fit shall
you chuse to have them down before me must let me know
I met with every Civility from this Family & every one has buy{^d}
Kittey a white & Greeh Sash to your orders as is all wore with which [illeg]
I wish may like my marketing of the Musling for her frock is fine &
Strong for wear tell your Father shall be short of Money to bring me
Down as what I have will be made out hear shall not have
Any of the young folks down with us
[new page]
I had wrot my Letter this morning in hops of hearing from you before
I went to Voxhall which got with the pleasing account of all being
well – you was all verry good in staying with you Father as he is
always best when I am a way which makes me more easy from
home Brother & Sister Wright is come in so thanking you for your long
Letter will write a gain soon the afternoon {She??} a due one more
Mrs Hare
At Cowley near Chesterfield
Going on Cheapside the other Day met with Mr Willson said
left Kittey well at his House & Mary was to return with her
to Cowley I desired him to call upon me said was com to Town
upon a Law Sute could not tell how long should stay could
wish if he go down about our time to have his Company
Brother Sister Wright & Sister Dolley all Joyns me in Love to
your Father Capt Hare Kittey & all Friends Kittey & Jenney sends
thear Love to Kitty & remains your ever Afft Mother C Elliott
you will scarce be able to reed this sad scrole
My Dear Nancy
I have not yet received an Answer to my last
but is sit down this morning to give you some account how has
spend this week quit full of engagements on Sunday told you
was to go Kentish Town to Mr Woodfols had a very agreeable
Day she is a pleasing Woman without form handsome Honest
Gardens that was much pleased with my Visit, on Monday morning
Went to Chelsey to see Miss Bagshaws called upon Mrs Hall so
Miss Hall & one Brother Mrs Hall com one morning from Kings=
=ton to see me but was out purpose spending a Day with her
there in the afternoon went to Drink Tea with Coz {?Hennell}
before she left London is going down to Northampton on
Tuesday went in the Morning to Westminster Abby but they
are preparing to the Oratores that most of the Abby is made
up in the evening went to Convent Garden Play House to see ye
Merry Widow of Windsor with the {?Nanery} Henderson was great
In {?Sr} John Fallstaff the Play was no favoured but was pleased
with the entertainment a crowded House but little Genteel
Company being Mrs Bellameys benefit at the other House
On Wednesday Morning made Mr Whiphams & Mr R {^?Jane} Cooper a
visit he poor Gentleman is declining fast Mr & Mrs Cooper
pressed me much to com see them in the Afternoon had Company
in the Evening a Man com to show tricks in Cards by slight
of hand so passed of that Day, on Thursday Morning went to
[new page]
make Mrs Adams a visit she is much altered looks Old did
not see the Miss {?Tonblorys} was out a walking she has a son
& Daughter by Mr Adams Miss is about Kittys size he
is gone to Barbados to be absent a Year all now lives to=
=gether every body enquired much after you she was very
Prewsing of me to stay Dinner that Day or any Day suitable
Mrs Maxwell find is very bad saw her oldest Daughter
there but she is with a Lady that took her when a Child
in the Afternoon Drank Tea at Mr Earls so much for that Day
on Friday rested the Morning in the Evening went a gain to
the Play a new Comedy called the Follies of a Day or the Marriage
of Figaro which liked very well entertainment the Poor Solo{?ist}
but the Principle Singer was found that could not sing which
quite spoiled it such his [illeg] that stopped the performance some time
else they say is a very good entertainment a full House to night
is the last this season Mrs Wright gets Tickets of Mr Woodfole for
that House, to Night Brot & Sister & Dolly coms to go with us to
Vaux Hall & stops & spends tomorrow hear am afraid of Rain
As will spoil our entertainment has had some fine rain what
Hopes you have had {?allison} I don’t doubt but make your Father
very happy spending the week with him & hopes all goes on well
at home & wishes he would oftens ride over & Dine with you how
dos Mrs Briddon do oftens thinks of her is she getting better or
no now must tell my Dear Kitty Grandmama has got Curls was so
particular that was obliged to have at last & when goes into Public
has my Hair dressed but not by a Hair Dresser if my Kitty had been
with me this bustle would quite delighted her hope she made her Grand
Papa very happy the week she was with him can say nothing of my
[new page]
must now tell you Miss Preson called on Thursday Morning as
did Mr {?P} but we was out so went yesterday morning to make
a visit she expect me going down to spend a fortnight
with her will call the beginning of the week to let me know
when she goes down is so full of engagements in Town has
a Charming House both locks fall & well asked her about
your Cloak & hat says muslin cloaks is much wore but the
sprigged ones comes high that says as you are a worker might
sprig one against an other somes as they are sure to be well
& if you was to have a handsome single black made with a
Good lace but shall wait your answer very {?big? hats
Is wore we called at one of the Genteelest Milliners says
The Gentlest Hat is white silk sum kind with black or
The same said would come to about 1g the Balloon & [illeg]
Hats & bonnets so common will soon be out for Kitty
says a white Silk Spanish Hat lined with blue or [damaged]
a Bow on one side with white Tueesa will be the neatest
for her so shall wait your answer before I order them as i
could wish to buy you what is most wore & to your liking if
a whit Muslin let me know whether sprigged or Check as ye#
latter will com much cheap I have expected you visiting [damaged]
as you said you would about advancing me money has got Kitty
stays com yesterday paid 6s more for them which may fit shall
you choose to have them down before me must let me know
I met with every Civility from this Family & every one has buy{^d}
Kitty a white & Green Sash to your orders as is all wore with which [illeg]
I wish may like my marketing of the Muslin for her frock is fine &
Strong for wear tell your Father shall be short of Money to bring me
Down as what I have will be made out hear shall not have
Any of the young folks down with us
[new page]
I had wrote my Letter this morning in hopes of hearing from you before
I went to Vauxhall which got with the pleasing account of all being
well – you was all very good in staying with you Father as he is
always best when I am away which makes me more easy from
home Brother & Sister Wright is come in so thanking you for your long
Letter will write a gain soon the afternoon {She??} a due one more
Mrs Hare
At Cowley near Chesterfield
Going on Cheapside the other Day met with Mr Willson said
left Kitty well at his House & Mary was to return with her
to Cowley I desired him to call upon me said was com to Town
upon a Law Suit could not tell how long should stay could
wish if he go down about our time to have his Company
Brother Sister Wright & Sister Dolly all Joins me in Love to
your Father Capt Hare Kitty & all Friends Kitty & Jenney sends
there Love to Kitty & remains your ever Afft Mother C Elliott
you will scarce be able to reed this sad scrawl
Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 29 May 1785
She has sat down to write despite not receiving a response to her last, providing extensive details of the families she has visited and dined with, they have been to Covent Garden to see The Merry Widow, Mr Cooper is declining fast, thanking her for spending a week with her father which will make in happy in Catherine's absence, discussing the purchase of clothing in great detail
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/3 [4]
Sheffield Archives
May 29 1785
[Hackney, England]
Mrs Hare, At Cowley near Chesterfield, Derbyshire
my dear Nancy
primary addressee
love (parental)
care provided by family/kin/household
To Cite this Letter
Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 29 May 1785, 2951785: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/3 [4]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.