937 - Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785

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Image #1 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785

Image 2 of 4

Image #2 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785

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Image #3 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785

Image 4 of 4

Image #4 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785
London May 21 1785
My Dear Nancy
The favour of yours give me Infinite
Sattisfaction to hear you are all well & that your Father
is satisfied with Bettey who hope will make it her study
to pleas him you would give him much plesare to be
with him this Week in your next shall hear what grate
doings have had at the opening the {?Ton} {?heer} was much
surprised to hear of the Death of Mrs Greaves her Death
will be littel regretted as any bodey I know, last night
came to Town to make my Visit at Brothers have had
verry presing envetation from all my Friends to make
a stay with them but shall decline ym have heard nothing
yet of Miss Presten but shall call & leve an other [illeg]
at thear old shop being in the Country now must give
you a pertickles of this Weeks procedings on Munday
Dined at P Coopers has a verry neat Hous fitted up in
grate Tasd she is a verey Genteel agreable Woman recd
me with grate Politness Tusday Dined at Mrs Ferns she
much the sam recd us with such a Codgel welcome was
much plased presd me much to make a stay with them
on Wedensday had Brot Cooper Mrs James C & her two girle
& Miss Parkes of Sheffield Dine with us the Next Day the
Ball Dolley had a Pink Coat & plain Musling frocke wt
Sack was verry neat was a prittey sight to see such a number
of dine Girls so weel Dresd most in white frocks all ribin
[new page]
Sashes much wore thear was a grate deal of Genteel
Company on Friday Dined all from Hackney with us at
Mr Kennells com hear in the Evening am going this
Morning to the Stay maker & then to the Dyer will take
care to fullfill your commission the young Ladies all
wears Musling {?Whirts} so shall get Kittey along with
your Cloke but shall not order them yet the Baskit
recvd on Wedensday but all the families is gon out of
Mourning but we paid Cousien the Complement to wear
it to see her yesterday as she is with her son at present
have been sadly vexed had not my Mourning but when
went out wore my Satten with black or Whit ribings
as got a Gause cap with black ribins made redey
Sine wrote the above Sister & I went to the Staymaker
has promised the Stays to be made & sent hear
next week complains of the others being Dirtened
verry much tould him must make som allowance said
it had ben returned directly could have disposed
of them from thear went round by black Friers Bridg
so another Bolon with {?Blarshould} but has not yet
heard whear it alighted have bought you sum Goves
at a Cheap shop nigh hear if you will but like them
This Moring Miss Preston calld upon me looks well &
is grown fat as verry glad to see me staid about
[new page]
a Quarter of an Houre was in her Chairot with footman
was making morning visits enquird how you looked
expects she willc all upon us soon a gain & then
Perhaps may ask or take me down this Morning met
Mr {?Colmon? Greaves going to look at the Bolon said
He went out of Town this afternoon & would call upon
your Father this Morning went to Coz Davids to [damaged]
a blown silk for a petticoat & thay will get it [damaged]
on Thursday was sum rain but being the Ball Day [damaged]
an agreeable sight had a rany morning yesterday [damaged]
cam quite from Hackney to Mr {?Kennells} on a Coach [damaged]
Day is good walking having had but one Shower [damaged]
afraid if the Weather should change would be [damaged]
in Town Tomorah is to Dine at Mr Woofols at Ken[damaged]
Town Mr Robt Cooper is {^in a} verry poore way is at present at
Clapton at Frances Mr R & this Wife calld upon me at
Hackney said hoped to see me have many Visits yet [damaged]
my Hands that hopes your Father will be so good as [damaged]
me stay a while longer hopes he will let my Bed be
washed and put up you will scace reed this scrole my Love
to your Father Mr Hare & my Dear Kittey is glad to hear
is in good Spirits directed your Next hear supos you would
have her with you all Friends hear Joyns me in Love &
remain your Afft Mother C Elliott
[new page]
Mrs Hare
At Mr Elliotts in
Norfolk Street Sheffield
London May 21 1785
My Dear Nancy
The favour of yours give me Infinite
Satisfaction to hear you are all well & that your Father
is satisfied with Betty who hope will make it her study
to pleas him you would give him much pleasure to be
with him this Week in your next shall hear what great
doings have had at the opening the {?Ton} {?heer} was much
surprised to hear of the Death of Mrs Greaves her Death
will be little regretted as any body I know, last night
came to Town to make my Visit at Brothers have had
very pressing invitation from all my Friends to make
a stay with them but shall decline ym have heard nothing
yet of Miss Preston but shall call & leave an other [illeg]
at their old shop being in the Country now must give
you a particulars of this Weeks proceedings on Monday
Dined at P Coopers has a very neat House fitted up in
grate Taste she is a very Genteel agreeable Woman received
me with great Politeness Tuesday Dined at Mrs Ferns she
much the same received us with such a Cordial welcome was
much pleased pressed me much to make a stay with them
on Wednesday had Brot Cooper Mrs James C & her two girls
& Miss Parkes of Sheffield Dine with us the Next Day the
Ball Dolly had a Pink Coat & plain Muslin frock with
Sack was very neat was a pretty sight to see such a number
of dine Girls so well Dressed most in white frocks all ribbon
[new page]
Sashes much wore there was a great deal of Genteel
Company on Friday Dined all from Hackney with us at
Mr Hennells come here in the Evening am going this
Morning to the Stay maker & then to the Dyer will take
care to fulfil your commission the young Ladies all
wears Muslin {?Whirts} so shall get Kitty along with
your Cloak but shall not order them yet the Basket
received on Wednesday but all the families is gone out of
Mourning but we paid Cousin the Complement to wear
it to see her yesterday as she is with her son at present
have been sadly vexed had not my Mourning but when
went out wore my Satin with black or White ribbons
as got a Gauze cap with black ribbons made ready
Sine wrote the above Sister & I went to the Staymaker
has promised the Stays to be made & sent hear
next week complains of the others being Dirtened
very much told him must make some allowance said
it had ben returned directly could have disposed
of them from there went round by Blackfriars Bridge
so another Bolon with {?Blarshould} but has not yet
heard where it alighted have bought you sum Gloves
at a Cheap shop nigh here if you will but like them
This Moring Miss Preston called upon me looks well &
is grown fat as very glad to see me staid about
[new page]
a Quarter of an Hour was in her Chariot with footman
was making morning visits enquired how you looked
expects she will call upon us soon again & then
Perhaps may ask or take me down this Morning met
Mr {?Colmon? Greaves going to look at the Balloon said
He went out of Town this afternoon & would call upon
your Father this Morning went to Coz Davids to [damaged]
a blown silk for a petticoat & they will get it [damaged]
on Thursday was sum rain but being the Ball Day [damaged]
an agreeable sight had a rainy morning yesterday [damaged]
cam quite from Hackney to Mr {?Hennells} on a Coach [damaged]
Day is good walking having had but one Shower [damaged]
afraid if the Weather should change would be [damaged]
in Town Tomorrow is to Dine at Mr Woofols at Ken[damaged]
Town Mr Robt Cooper is {^in a} very poor way is at present at
Clapton at Frances Mr R & this Wife called upon me at
Hackney said hoped to see me have many Visits yet [damaged]
my Hands that hopes your Father will be so good as [damaged]
me stay a while longer hopes he will let my Bed be
washed and put up you will scarce reed this scrawl my Love
to your Father Mr Hare & my Dear Kitty is glad to hear
is in good Spirits directed your Next hear suppose you would
have her with you all Friends hear Joins me in Love &
remain your Afft Mother C Elliott
[new page]
Mrs Hare
At Mr Elliotts in
Norfolk Street Sheffield

Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785

She is pleased that Ann's father is happy with Betty, she hopes they will get on, she is not sad about the death of Mrs Greaves, providing details of all the visits that they have been on, describing Cousin Cooper's house and family, she still hasn't got her mourning clothes but has done her best to be presentable, Miss Preston called on her to ask about Ann, she has been walking

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/3 [3]

Sheffield Archives




May 21 1785


[England, Hackney]

Mrs Hare, at Mr Elliotts in Norfolk Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire


Person: Catherine Hare
View full details of Person: Catherine Hare


spirits (body part)




How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 21 May 1785, 2151785: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/3 [3]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
