935 - Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785

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Image 1 of 4

Image #1 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785

Image 2 of 4

Image #2 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785

Image 3 of 4

Image #3 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785

Image 4 of 4

Image #4 of letter: Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785
My Dear Nancy/
I wrote to your Father on Wedensday to
Acquent him got well to Town we took up a Young
Lady at Grantham from Lincoln a pertickler Acquent=
=ance of Mrs heues made the Journey more a greeble
as was affraid should {?bee} all alone not haveing any
Person from Sheffield Brother was at the Inn wating
for me I met with the gratest Civility in this happy
Family the three youngest Girles is fine stout Children
Nancy is all life & spirits, puts me in mind of my
Dear Kitty she is so honest & speaks what she thinks
when I got hear was grately mortified all the Family
in Mourning for Mr {?Kennell} I desired your Father to send
up my black silk by the Coach to wear a little time
Sister & I went to Town yesterday calld at Mrs Earles
To order a plain Gause Cap & rebins from thear to
Mr {?Kennells} whear Cousien is at precent as she
has resind her House she was much Affected when she
so me from thear we went to Davids to order the
silks for Mrs Leader & then to Brot Charles whear
we Dined he was at the Hall upon busness so did not
see him is an Eligant House {?Kitty} is verry prittey
looks the Picture of Health Jenney & Mariah was gon
to Islington to see the little Boy who is thear for ye Air
[new page]
so did not see her after Diner Mr Wright took
us to the Exabition at Sumerset House which was
much entertaind with but could have wished to hav
had more time to see them as would have taken
up half a Day one of the Capatal Pictures is a
Grandmother set in her Elbow Chear Knitting with
her Spectels a Cat at her Elbow & her two Grand=
=aughters Beautifull one reeding & the other working
& they seme to give such attention to the Lady reding
Is a long Picture another large one with three young
Princess & three Dogs by them a fine Peece Indeed
thear was several Potrats that pleasd me much
was very sorry to leve the rooms so soon but was [damaged]
to Drink Tea at Davids his wife was exceeding [damaged]
Phillip is verry like my Dear Sister his Wife & Son
Is at Salt Hill calld in our return at Mr Earles
Whear met with Brother Cooper he looks verry well
All enquired after you so ended our Days Excurtions
had forgot took your Silk to the Dyers but advise
you to have it cleand & not Dyed as he says will
take no couler but a Mulbury or Moroon & will look
exceeding well cleand as in deferant coules the {?sashes}
he say will take a good Green asked him about Black
ashurs me the Dy will not [damaged] the least so tould him
would wate for your answer for boath the ribins as
woud take a good blue so pleas to let me know who
has the Plesure of hearing from you which hops soon
[new page]
James Copper Breckfasted with us this Morning is
a little smart Man very like his Father I hope you
will take a ride over to see your Father as oftens
as you can shall be glad to hear he & Betty agrees
I wish you may perswad him to let me stay as long
As Pasable I purport my Bed washing but he said
It should not likwis wished to have the Hall & Kitchins
The Garit a {?Ston} Couler ye other White which if not don
May rprevale on him & wishe would let me outside
Of the Houses paintd as wants if much & perhaps you
May prevale on him now I am a way I must desire you
When at Sheffd to send [deleted] hear a Ham & Couple of
This Years Toungs if Could get a {?Eason} baskit for them
[damaged] said you would write me your Comitions
[damaged] wich shall be glad to fullfill Hoops is going [damaged]
& thay have stuffd Hips must I buy you them forgot
Brother as I calld at Mrs Belfods she is with Child
but looks shockingly is going into the Country the
somer for the Aire on Sunday being Charles Birth day
all the Fmailies Dines hear they talk of a [deleted]
Winser excurtion & a Vauxhall one shall be much eng=
=aged whilst I stay the time slips on so pleasingly I
Purpos attaching Brot Charles to let me have eather Kitty
Or Jenny down with me Brother Sister all Joyns me in
Love to your Father Mr Hare self & Kitty which Conludes
Me your love Afft Mother
C Elliott
Hackney April 6 1785
PS Sister Dolley looks charming well &
Shall be glad to heer {?how} Mr R Milns
Weding gets on whearther he be returned to Town to ye Lady
[new page]
Dolley & Nancy sends thear Love to Kitty
the former was in hopes of a Letter from Kitty
her Ball is soon as is preparing for it Sister went
with the Stays but the Master was not in so left
them with ye Letter whear did you order them to
be sent
Mrs Hare
At Cowley near Chesterfield
My Dear Nancy/
I wrote to your Father on Wednesday to
Acquaint him got well to Town we took up a Young
Lady at Grantham from Lincoln a particular Acqaint=
=ance of Mrs Hughes made the Journey more agreeble
as was afraid should {?bee} all alone not having any
Person from Sheffield Brother was at the Inn wating
for me I met with the greatest Civility in this happy
Family the three youngest Girls is fine stout Children
Nancy is all life & spirits, puts me in mind of my
Dear Kitty she is so honest & speaks what she thinks
when I got hear was greatly mortified all the Family
in Mourning for Mr {?Hennell} I desired your Father to send
up my black silk by the Coach to wear a little time
Sister & I went to Town yesterday called at Mrs Earles
To order a plain Gauze Cap & ribbons from there to
Mr {?Hennells} where Cousin is at precent as she
has rescind her House she was much Affected when she
so me from there we went to Davids to order the
silks for Mrs Leader & then to Brot Charles where
we Dined he was at the Hall upon business so did not
see him is an Elegant House {?Kitty} is verry pretty
looks the Picture of Health Jenney & Mariah was gone
to Islington to see the little Boy who is there for ye Air
[new page]
so did not see her after Dinner Mr Wright took
us to the Exhibition at Somerset House which was
much entertained with but could have wished to have
had more time to see them as would have taken
up half a Day one of the Capital Pictures is a
Grandmother set in her Elbow Chair Knitting with
her Spectacles a Cat at her Elbow & her two Grand=
=aughters Beautiful one reeding & the other working
& they seem to give such attention to the Lady reading
Is a long Picture another large one with three young
Princess & three Dogs by them a fine Piece Indeed
there was several Portraits that pleased me much
was very sorry to leave the rooms so soon but was [damaged]
to Drink Tea at David’s his wife was exceeding [damaged]
Phillip is verry like my Dear Sister his Wife & Son
Is at Salt Hill called in our return at Mr Earles
Where met with Brother Cooper he looks verry well
All enquired after you so ended our Days Excursions
had forgot took your Silk to the Dyers but advise
you to have it cleaned & not Dyed as he says will
take no colour but a Mullbury or Maroon & will look
exceeding well cleaned as in different colours the {?sashes}
he say will take a good Green asked him about Black
assures me the Dy will not [damaged] the least so told him
would wate for your answer for both the ribbons as
would take a good blue so pleas to let me know who
has the Plesaure of hearing from you which hopes soon
[new page]
James Copper Breakfasted with us this Morning is
a little smart Man very like his Father I hope you
will take a ride over to see your Father as oftens
as you can shall be glad to hear he & Betty agrees
I wish you may persuade him to let me stay as long
As Passable I purport my Bed washing but he said
It should not likewise wished to have the Hall & Kitchens
The Garret a {?Stone} Colour ye other White which if not don
May prevail on him & wish would let me outside
Of the Houses painted as wants if much & perhaps you
May prevail on him now I am away I must desire you
When at Sheffd to send [deleted] hear a Ham & Couple of
This Years Tongues if Could get a {?Eason} basket for them
[damaged] said you would write me your Commissions
[damaged] which shall be glad to fulfil Hoops is going [damaged]
& they have stuffd Hips must I buy you them forgot
Brother as I called at Mrs Belfods she is with Child
but looks shockingly is going into the Country the
summer for the Aire on Sunday being Charles Birth day
all the Families Dines hear they talk of a [deleted]
Windsor excursion & a Vauxhall one shall be much eng=
=aged whilst I stay the time slips on so pleasingly I
Purpose attaching Brot Charles to let me have either Kitty
Or Jenny down with me Brother Sister all Joins me in
Love to your Father Mr Hare self & Kitty which Concludes
Me your love Afft Mother
C Elliott
Hackney April 6 1785
PS Sister Dolly looks charming well &
Shall be glad to hear {?how} Mr R Milns
Wedding gets on whether he be returned to Town to ye Lady
[new page]
Dolly & Nancy sends their Love to Kitty
the former was in hopes of a Letter from Kitty
her Ball is soon as is preparing for it Sister went
with the Stays but the Master was not in so left
them with ye Letter where did you order them to
be sent
Mrs Hare
At Cowley near Chesterfield

Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785

Giving an account of their journey and the acquaintances that she made on the way, she is now with her brother and has been received with great civility into his family, his children are fine, stout girls, she was embarrassed to find that they were in mourning when she arrived and she has asked Ann's father to send her mourning clothes to her, giving extensive details of the many visits she has made and the meals that she has eaten, asking Ann for directions about her instructions for the dyer, they have plans to go to Vauxhall in the coming days

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/3 [10]

Sheffield Archives




April 6 1785


[London, England]

Mrs Hare, at Cowley near Chesterfield, Derbyshire


How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 6 April 1785, 641785: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/3 [10]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
