929 - Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 14 May
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (2)
- How to Cite
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I must now thank you for your
long & agreeable Letter which gives me pleasure to find you bouth
enjoy your Town amusments & that it agrees so well with Kittey
is much pleased to hear her Spirits so good & now hopes she may
enjoy a good state of Health W Nickelson calld with yours was
sorry to find you had your Old complaint but Mr J Elliot Leter
relieved me from that {?Anxeity} recd my Dear Kitteys short Letter
& Precent for boath return my thanks oray write us as much as you
can your amusments as they will be gratley so to us to recd
them {?recid} the Frank on Monday likes my Gown but must now
keep it for Winter the Pins Thread Needls got the Gowns dun & sent
them off by the Waggon last Night so may say we lost no time
& wishes may like them you made no menshon of your Gown & Coat
but has has sent them Polley begun your Cloke when red yours was
at it several Days till Sister com & finished it Sister Wright
spent part of a Week helping me to Quilt a Bedquilt we pass
our time very comfortable amongst our Freinds who is all very
obligin in coming to see us & engaging us to spend the Day
with them Mrs Colley recovers Exceding well & makes a good {?Nare}
has a fine Boy Mr Colley is expected from Liverpool verry soon
[new page]
the seming neglect of Mr Preston’s hope will be explain’d when
they com to Town as this apearant neglect I know will much
hurt your fine feelings I think you have call d sufficient till you
Hear from them Cousien Hennell wrote to desire would give her
Sister a guiney & was at a loss to remit it me I will mention
you being in Town & may pay it to you Mr {?Hind} cam before he
died sent fiftey Pounds to the Girls Charity School at his Funeral
the Children all attended with black {?Ribons} in thear hatts verey
many Cryd much they have lovd a good Friend on Sunday we drank
Tea at Mr Burtons he returned the night before said had call sup>d upon
you three times but could not meet with you I wish could say
the Houses was let Miss Downs calld & looked at {?yr} Mr downs is
Married a gain & his Mother Brother & Sister is coming hear but
wants a House nigh the Town thinking the Town wont a gree with
them Mr Wade is building a Hous below Mr Leaders I act facing
our dining room that will take the Prospect of the country from us
Mrs White dind with us Yesterday said the family had all coulds I hope
Mr Hoksley will be an advantag to her we Dined thear one Day seems
verry socable, was so surpris’d to meet with Mrs Hoole at Church
Yesterday has left Mrs Hind this two months said if had staid would
ben the Death of her Bards in Town said left her Sister with a
young Sarvent maid have been som diferance betwixt them how
[new page]
Mrs Hind can do without her cannot think, have you seen any thing
of Mrs Rimington in Town Miss Leader is with them which will be
verry a greeable to them Mr Heald just calld said Mr Gisbon was in
Town yesterday said he calld at his shop to enquire after you &
had you ben in Town would have calld on your was verry [illeg ?pertible]
& said many scivil things as also Mrs [illeg ?Sewell] I think without grate car
will go into a Dropsey his legs swells & grows fatter in his [damaged]
has never ben hear since you went I recomend them to have
a Phision in time & not [illeg ?traid] to Mr Raine we are
going this afternoon to Mr [illeg ?Hodston] he frequently
calld to enquire after you boath & begd his Complements
when I wiod, I sent {?Milliy} Purcell by G Coates said all was well
I wanted to go to Rotherham as thinks has no luck to get theer
Polley & I has don verry well together but has given me warning
thinks the country will a gree better with her & at precent has
not heard of one & wheather she will leve me at the months
notis she gave me before I am fixed she offerd her self to Mrs
Downs at {?Hessowth} for a head Sarvant Miss D com to enquire her
Charicter if she could send up her {?Diners} without a Mishap I toald
her not she would make a good Chambermaid or Childs maid has
Toald Mrs {?Gambel} she had ben twice a Houskeeper before she come to you
[new page]
I hope you will get your Trunk safe forgot to send the
Keg that had a Joyner to open it & make it up a gain
Sister Joyns me in Love to Self & Kittey as allso to the
Family & Freinds you are with to the good Family at
Hackney whom shall be glad to hear a good account of their Health
remember us likewis to all Freinds your ever Afft Mother C Elliott
[vertical centre]
Mrs hare
at Mr James Coopers Marchant
In Swithers Lane London
Polley desires will give her duty thear is a Letter in
the Trunk for {?Cousen} D Wright & a Letter from Mrs Gambell
the next Letter shall be an answer to Kittey if she will
over look bad spelling
I must now thank you for your
long & agreeable Letter which gives me pleasure to find you both
enjoy your Town amusements & that it agrees so well with Kitty
is much pleased to hear her Spirits so good & now hopes she may
enjoy a good state of Health W Nickelson called with yours was
sorry to find you had your Old complaint but Mr J Elliot Letter
relieved me from that {?Anxiety} received my Dear Kitty's short Letter
& Present for both return my thanks pray write us as much as you
can your amusements as they will be greatly so to us to received
them {?received} the Frank on Monday likes my Gown but must now
keep it for Winter the Pins Thread Needles got the Gowns done & sent
them off by the Waggon last Night so may say we lost no time
& wishes may like them you made no mention of your Gown & Coat
but has has sent them Polly begun your Cloak when red yours was
at it several Days till Sister com & finished it Sister Wright
spent part of a Week helping me to Quilt a Bedquilt we pass
our time very comfortable amongst our Friends who is all very
obliging in coming to see us & engaging us to spend the Day
with them Mrs Colley recovers Exceeding well & makes a good {?Nare}
has a fine Boy Mr Colley is expected from Liverpool very soon
[new page]
the seeming neglect of Mr Preston’s hope will be explained when
they com to Town as this apparent neglect I know will much
hurt your fine feelings I think you have call d sufficient till you
Hear from them Cousin Hennell wrote to desire would give her
Sister a guinea & was at a loss to remit it me I will mention
you being in Town & may pay it to you Mr {?Hind} cam before he
died sent fifty Pounds to the Girls Charity School at his Funeral
the Children all attended with black {?Ribbons} in their hats very
many Cried much they have loved a good Friend on Sunday we drank
Tea at Mr Burtons he returned the night before said had call sup>d upon
you three times but could not meet with you I wish could say
the Houses was let Miss Downs called & looked at {?yr} Mr downs is
Married again & his Mother Brother & Sister is coming hear but
wants a House nigh the Town thinking the Town wont agree with
them Mr Wade is building a House below Mr Leaders I act facing
our dining room that will take the Prospect of the country from us
Mrs White dined with us Yesterday said the family had all colds I hope
Mr Hoksley will be an advantage to her we Dined there one Day seems
very sociable, was so surprised to meet with Mrs Hoole at Church
Yesterday has left Mrs Hind this two months said if had staid would
ben the Death of her Bards in Town said left her Sister with a
young Servant maid have been some differance betwixt them how
[new page]
Mrs Hind can do without her cannot think, have you seen any thing
of Mrs Rimington in Town Miss Leader is with them which will be
very agreeable to them Mr Heald just called said Mr Gisbon was in
Town yesterday said he called at his shop to enquire after you &
had you ben in Town would have called on your was very [illeg ?pertible]
& said many civil things as also Mrs [illeg ?Sewell] I think without great care
will go into a Dropsy his legs swells & grows fatter in his [damaged]
has never ben hear since you went I recommend them to have
a Physician in time & not [illeg ?traid] to Mr Raine we are
going this afternoon to Mr [illeg ?Hodston] he frequently
called to enquire after you both & begged his Complements
when I would, I sent {?Milliy} Purcell by G Coates said all was well
I wanted to go to Rotherham as thinks has no luck to get there
Polly & I has don very well together but has given me warning
thinks the country will agree better with her & at present has
not heard of one & whether she will leave me at the months
notice she gave me before I am fixed she offered her self to Mrs
Downs at {?Hessowth} for a head Servant Miss D com to enquire her
Character if she could send up her {?Diners} without a Mishap I told
her not she would make a good Chambermaid or Childs maid has
Told Mrs {?Gambel} she had ben twice a Housekeeper before she come to you
[new page]
I hope you will get your Trunk safe forgot to send the
Keg that had a Joyner to open it & make it up a gain
Sister Joins me in Love to Self & Kitty as also to the
Family & Friends you are with to the good Family at
Hackney whom shall be glad to hear a good account of their Health
remember us likewise to all Friends your ever Afft Mother C Elliott
[vertical centre]
Mrs hare
at Mr James Coopers Marchant
In Swithers Lane London
Polly desires will give her duty there is a Letter in
the Trunk for {?Cousin} D Wright & a Letter from Mrs Gambell
the next Letter shall be an answer to Kitty if she will
over look bad spelling
Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 14 May
She is pleased to hear that Kitty's spirits have recovered, discussing clothing and the progress of making her cloak and quilting a bed quilt, providing information on the health and wellbeing of various acquaintances and family members, complaining about the notice of their servant Polly and the difficulties Elizabeth is having in replacing her
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/3 [7]
Sheffield Archives
[Yorkshire, England]
[Sheffield, Yorkshire, England]
My dear Nancy
primary addressee
- distress
- feeling
spirits (body part)
- gifting
- recreation
- health
- recovery
To Cite this Letter
Catherine Elliott to Ann Hare, 14 May, 145: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/3 [7]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.