9 - Elizabeth Rayner to Ralph Thoresby (16 Jul 1680)

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July 16th 1680

Though the Lord is still pleas’d to continue my distemper in a great height
(soe yt now seems to be incurable) & not only to deprive me of ye use of my tongue
for some short time (wch is frequently) but also some times for several days together
wch makes me incapable of conversing with my friends, wch {^liberty} is sometimes a great pleasure
to me, & truly at this time (I was apt to promiss my self ye continuance of it because
it had continued soe long, but since God sees best yt it should be otherwayes it is my
great comfort yt my time speech & whatever concerns me are in ye hands of an allwise &
good God of whom I have some trembling hopes yt by vertue of ye infinite merrits & satisfaction
of his deare son & not only abillity but willingness to receive ye cheifest of siners yt are willing
to receive him, is become to me a reconciled God & most tender hearted father, for I hope
he hath put it into ye sincere desires of my heart to make an intire unreserved resigna-
=tion of my self soul & body into his most mercyfull hands to be disposed of him in life or
death doeing or suffering as seemeth good unto him if by any way I might but be made
capable of glorifying him whom my soule loveth; if my deceitfull heart doe not deceive me
my soul panteth after him as ye panting hart after ye water brooks yea is even ready to breake
with longings for him whose loving kindness & tender mercyes I am not able to utter,
O wretched miserable creature yt I am, who shall deliver me from ys body of sine ys good wch
(I would I doe not but ye evill wch (I would not yt I doe, therefore Dear Sir I most
earnestly intreate you to pray for me yt ye Lord (Jesus would take to him his great power &
reigne & rule in my soul yt this mortall Enemye may be subdued under him & fall before him
yt I might never more yeild willing obeydience to it but be dayly crucifying ye flesh with
ye affections & Lusts till this corruptible shall put on incorruption & mortallity be swallowed up of
life where there shall be noe more sin but an imediate beholding of ye blessed face of God in christ
& singing Hallelujahs to him yt siteth on ye throne & unto ye Lamb for ever & ever.
and oh yt God would appeare & shew himself mighty in ye behalf of his poor despised interest
in these nations yt notwithstanding ye,/sup> may keep plots of his & their Enemyes to lay zion in ye dust
yet it may be seen yt noe wisdom nor council can prevaile against ye Lord who have promised soe to
build his church as yt ye gates of hell shall not prevaile against it, oh yt God would be pleased to poure
downe more of a spirit of prayer & repentance upon ye inhabitants of these nations yt we could
poure out our souls like water before ye face of ye Lord & turne every one from our evill ways, then
might we have some comfortable hopes yt our Lord should not be made a desolution but yt ye {?consurgy}
decreed should overflow with righteousness & succeeding ages have ye glorious Gosple continued to
them not in word only but alsoe in power, wch might make them flow to ye Lord Jesus as doves
unto their windows yt ye Lord alone may be exalted in yt day & all yt worship graven Images
be confounded put to shame & perish.
E. R.
July 16th 1680

Though the Lord is still pleased to continue my distemper in a great height
(so yt now seems to be incurable) & not only to deprive me of ye use of my tongue
for some short time (which is frequently) but also some times for several days together
which makes me incapable of conversing with my friends, which {^liberty} is sometimes a great pleasure
to me, & truly at this time (I was apt to promise my self ye continuance of it because
it had continued so long, but since God sees best yt it should be otherwise it is my
great comfort yt my time speech & whatever concerns me are in ye hands of an all wise &
good God of whom I have some trembling hopes yt by virtue of ye infinite merits & satisfaction
of his dear son & not only ability but willingness to receive ye cheifest of sinners yt are willing
to receive him, is become to me a reconciled God & most tender hearted father, for I hope
he hath put it into ye sincere desires of my heart to make an entire unreserved resigna-
=tion of my self soul & body into his most merciful hands to be disposed of him in life or
death doing or suffering as seemeth good unto him if by any way I might but be made
capable of glorifying him whom my soul loveth; if my deceitful heart doe not deceive me
my soul panteth after him as ye panting hart after ye water brooks yea is even ready to break
with longings for him whose loving kindness & tender mercies I am not able to utter,
O wretched miserable creature yt I am, who shall deliver me from ys body of sine ys good wch
(I would I doe not but ye evil which (I would not yt I doe, therefore Dear Sir I most
earnestly entreat you to pray for me yt ye Lord (Jesus would take to him his great power &
reign & rule in my soul yt this mortal Enemy may be subdued under him & fall before him
yt I might never more yield willing obedience to it but be daily crucifying ye flesh with
ye affections & Lusts till this corruptible shall put on incorruption & mortality be swallowed up of
life where there shall be no more sin but an immediate beholding of ye blessed face of God in christ
& singing Hallelujahs to him yt siteth on ye throne & unto ye Lamb for ever & ever.
and oh yt God would appear & shew himself mighty in ye behalf of his poor despised interest
in these nations yt notwithstanding ye,/sup> may keep plots of his & their Enemies to lay Zion in ye dust
yet it may be seen yt no wisdom nor council can prevail against ye Lord who have promised so to
build his church as yt ye gates of hell shall not prevail against it, oh yt God would be pleased to pour
down more of a spirit of prayer & repentance upon ye inhabitants of these nations yt we could
pour out our souls like water before ye face of ye Lord & turn every one from our evil ways, then
might we have some comfortable hopes yt our Lord should not be made a dissolution but yt ye {?consurgy}
decreed should overflow with righteousness & succeeding ages have ye glorious Gospel continued to
them not in word only but also in power, which might make them flow to ye Lord Jesus as doves
unto their windows yt ye Lord alone may be exalted in yt day & all yt worship graven Images
be confounded put to shame & perish.
E. R.

Elizabeth Rayner to Ralph Thoresby (16 Jul 1680)

Rayner is ill, critically she thinks, and this means she cannot use her tongue and speak. She is asking Thoresby to pray for her.

Thoresby, Ralph Papers


Brotherton Library, University of Leeds





Leeds [Yorkshire, England]

Person: Ralph Thoresby
View full details of Person: Ralph Thoresby

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devotional practice


How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Elizabeth Rayner to Ralph Thoresby (16 Jul 1680), 1671680: Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Thoresby, Ralph Papers, YAS/MS6/3

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
