847 - Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 16 March 1776
- Transcription
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My Dear Mrs Hare will be surprised to see another
letter from her Friends in this part of Lancashire so soon after her
last – I cou’d not omit the very first opportunity to let you know
we received the shoes safe last Thursday Evening & a set of very
nice shoes they are the person which made them shines in his
art of Ladies work I never saw prittyer shoes in my life
they all fit well & we cou’d not have wish’d them different had
my heels been a very little Broader & my sisters a little higher
but by custom I hope to manage but I never wore such small heels
before am heavy – the work is very pritty & the coulers of heels &c
adapted delightfully, please to accept our best thanks for your
work & the trouble you have had in geting them made pack’d
& sent there has been a deal of care about them – Mrs Elliotts
present will be received with gratitude indeed she is both very
thoughtfull & kind – the gloves & mitts wer are oblig’d to one of
you Ladies for – I wish the stokings Aunt Nelly is geting done
may please as well as the shoes I hope they will I am sure she
[new page]
will do her best – but it don’t always answer as one cou’d wish
my Uncle has had another great Loss of a Friend Mr {?Saw} died
on Wednesday his loss will be felt by numbers but by my Uncle
very particularly though not equal to Mr Pickerings Death –
Mr {?Saw} only was seiz’d the Saturday before Doctor Brandeth
was sent from Monday he thought he had then little or no
chance – poor Man he had grieved so long upon his Wifes account
that he was wore quite out & a Fever took him of she had died
just a month before him of a natural decay it was a Happiness
she died in her Bed – these suden changes makes Ormskirk
rather gloomy at least to old standards – old Lord & Lady Derby
took a comfortable end & both Funerals {^was} at one time they was
a very old Couple you wou’d see the partiuclars in the papers of
their Funerals it was rather private but dignity kept up
their Daughter Lady Magret was Interr’d on the Saturday after
her Father & Mother & theirs {^was} on the Monday before – it was
something remarkable, we did not go to see the procession but
numbers did an Earl & Countess of one day was wonderfull
Molly Mount went & there was a great number of spectators
[new page]
has Mrs Bamforth left Mr Sam Staniforth any Legacy – did she
have all she had to her sister – does not Mr Hare stay longer
till the spring at home – have you any wedings going on with
you they are quite in the way of it at Liverpool – poor Mrs
Heathcote is Breeding again & very poorly my sister & Jenny
are gone to day to spend a few nights with her – she has busy
work of it the youngest is one of the finest Children I ever saw
they shou’d go after Easter to see Mr Heathcotes Relations but
[damaged] to be feared she will not be able – Aunt Formby
[damaged] is rather better she is complaining of her old
Complaints – I am very well but still am troubled with the
Pleghm very much in times I shou’d be happy to get quit of it
My Sister thank God has had a charming Winter – I am just
as I was except not quite so fat in the face – Aunt Ellison
has scall’d her legs & feet very bad & is but indifferent – I hope
all your Friends are well at every place please to present my
best Compts to them accept love & present it to Mrs Elliott &
best regards to Mr Elliott Mr Hare & Mr Sam Elliott a Kiss
& love to Kitty I daresay she grows fast & is a very fine girl
am my Dear Mrs Hares affectionate Friend E Hesketh writ soon
[new page]
Mrs Hare at Mr Elliotts
Norfolk Street
My Dear Mrs Hare will be surprised to see another
letter from her Friends in this part of Lancashire so soon after her
last – I could not omit the very first opportunity to let you know
we received the shoes safe last Thursday Evening & a set of very
nice shoes they are the person which made them shines in his
art of Ladies work I never saw prettier shoes in my life
they all fit well & we could not have wished them different had
my heels been a very little Broader & my sisters a little higher
but by custom I hope to manage but I never wore such small heels
before am heavy – the work is very pretty & the colours of heels &c
adapted delightfully, please to accept our best thanks for your
work & the trouble you have had in getting them made packed
& sent there has been a deal of care about them – Mrs Elliotts
present will be received with gratitude indeed she is both very
thoughtful & kind – the gloves & mitts were are obliged to one of
you Ladies for – I wish the stockings Aunt Nelly is getting done
may please as well as the shoes I hope they will I am sure she
[new page]
will do her best – but it don’t always answer as one could wish
my Uncle has had another great Loss of a Friend Mr {?Saw} died
on Wednesday his loss will be felt by numbers but by my Uncle
very particularly though not equal to Mr Pickering’s Death –
Mr {?Saw} only was seized the Saturday before Doctor Brandeth
was sent from Monday he thought he had then little or no
chance – poor Man he had grieved so long upon his Wife’s account
that he was wore quite out & a Fever took him of she had died
just a month before him of a natural decay it was a Happiness
she died in her Bed – these sudden changes makes Ormskirk
rather gloomy at least to old standards – old Lord & Lady Derby
took a comfortable end & both Funerals {^was} at one time they was
a very old Couple you would see the particulars in the papers of
their Funerals it was rather private but dignity kept up
their Daughter Lady Margaret was Interred on the Saturday after
her Father & Mother & theirs {^was} on the Monday before – it was
something remarkable, we did not go to see the procession but
numbers did an Earl & Countess of one day was wonderful
Molly Mount went & there was a great number of spectators
[new page]
has Mrs Bamforth left Mr Sam Staniforth any Legacy – did she
have all she had to her sister – does not Mr Hare stay longer
till the spring at home – have you any weddings going on with
you they are quite in the way of it at Liverpool – poor Mrs
Heathcote is Breeding again & very poorly my sister & Jenny
are gone to day to spend a few nights with her – she has busy
work of it the youngest is one of the finest Children I ever saw
they should go after Easter to see Mr Heathcote’s Relations but
[damaged] to be feared she will not be able – Aunt Formby
[damaged] is rather better she is complaining of her old
Complaints – I am very well but still am troubled with the
Phlegm very much in times I should be happy to get quit of it
My Sister thank God has had a charming Winter – I am just
as I was except not quite so fat in the face – Aunt Ellison
has scalded her legs & feet very bad & is but indifferent – I hope
all your Friends are well at every place please to present my
best Compts to them accept love & present it to Mrs Elliott &
best regards to Mr Elliott Mr Hare & Mr Sam Elliott a Kiss
& love to Kitty I daresay she grows fast & is a very fine girl
am my Dear Mrs Hares affectionate Friend E Hesketh writ soon
[new page]
Mrs Hare at Mr Elliotts
Norfolk Street
Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 16 March 1776
Effusively thanking her for sending the shoes, they are the prettiest shoes she has ever seen (though she would like slightly broader and higher heels), detailing the death of Mr Saw and the doctor's attempts to save him, discussing the funerals of Lord and Lady Derby, poor Mrs Heathcote is pregnant again and is poorly, providing updates on her own health, Aunt Ellison has scalded her legs and feet
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/6 [9]
Sheffield Archives
16th March 1776
[Lancashire, England]
Mrs Hare at Mr Elliotts, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire
To Cite this Letter
Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 16 March 1776, 1631776: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/6 [9]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.