795 - Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #1 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #2 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #3 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #4 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #5 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

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Image #6 of letter: Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781
Ormskirk June 28th 1781
Dear Mrs Hare/
We have long expected hearing from you
though I believe you are not my debtor, you are thought
tedious in answering Jennys & my sisters last letters,
a Countery Life takes up more of your time till a towns
did, it is not so with us, we are busier here till at {?Barton}
more engaged till we wish, & have less time for anything
it agrees with our Health which is the most {?material}
sister is grown fat & very Healthy, I am much the same
Aunt B continues very well, for fourteen Months or near
that time, she has known few Complaints, it will give
us great pleasure to hear what you are doing & how
your Health & Kittys go on, no Friends you have will
rejoice more truly at your Happiness, & wish you
wou’d indulge us more frequent with an information
of your self, Mrs Elliott much oftener favours us with
a line till you do, but lately have not heard from her
dare say she is particularly {^engaged} perhaps Mr Wright is not
alive or if he be very weak, shall pitty his Daughters
they are affectionate & though his age will make
them not expect his Life to be many years, still the
Stroke is severe when felt by a good Child at any
age. Do you ever see Mr Mrs {?K/Rind} & Mrs {?Pool}
[new page]
R Formby is now in the Countery, you are so kind to often
enquire for him & remembers so much of his Father
that I flatter my self you will like to hear of him, he
came from Oxford to keep his Birth day at Formby
gave the Servants a treat the day he came of age, he
is in {^my} {?eyes} a smart sensible grave good young man
lively with young people & studious to please every one
we are happy in the prospect of him at present, hope
he will fall into good hands, he keeps a servant & a couple
of Horses has Lodgings in Liverpool, when he is not at
[damaged] {?only} upon Business – Cos James Taylor is now in London
[damaged] y promiseing, Mr Taylor has a very fine little Boy
Cos Mary Taylor is just the same as ever, her addition
of fortune don’t make her go more from home yet, Aunt
Statham is very happy & makes him so Mr Statham I
mean, Cos Jane enjoys her usual good spirits & is often
the life of the Company, Mrs Heathcote don’t Breed so
fast as she did, her youngest is three years old, but
she has four which is pritty well, Mr Heathcotes Daughters
have entirely left school which will be a trial now
of a second sort of Chilldren, you would be surprised to
see how much this little Town is altered in dress & visiting
not many young men that visits, full more till usual
I think our Vicker is a visiting young Gentle Man
[new page]
this day week we drank tea at Barton, I had not been there
of twelve months, it is very neat which was a pleasing
Circumstance to us, the Yarding kept up much the same
the Papers we left dry & quite whole, Forby Gardings
are much run to decay, what sort of a Lady as your
Cos Kind married at the last, will he make a spirited Husband
do you ever hear from Mr Hare, were is he & what is he doing
Doctor Branderth is the leading Man in Liverpool now
his Lady is big with Child – Aunt Mount & Molly does
very well in Ormskirk, Aunt is fond of Cards which are
a great amusement to her, we have had some terrible
thunder & lightening two Houses in this Town damaged
[damaged] no lives lost, Mr R Chappell is married [damaged]
[damaged] to a Lady out of the North, they saw their [damaged]
company in a morning this week, he is not the
least improved dare say you remember him, Miss
Septhton was married yesterday & gone to live at
Prescot, do you remember that Lady, they were two
Sisters smart fashionable Ladies, none of your friends
[damaged] way for matrimony, now it is in
the [damaged]perhaps it may call upon some of us –
Mr Knowles is alive though he continues his Old
Way of Life & has been very poorly what a {?Complaint}
He has, Aunt Mount & Cos desires their compts Aunt
B & C of respects accept our Love & a Kiss to Kitty
If you are at Sheffeild give Respects I am my Dear
Your affectionate & sincere Friend E Hesketh
[new page]
Mrs Hare Mr Elliotts
Norfolk Street
Ormskirk June 28th 1781
Dear Mrs Hare/
We have long expected hearing from you
though I believe you are not my debtor, you are thought
tedious in answering Jenny's & my sisters last letters,
a Country Life takes up more of your time till a towns
did, it is not so with us, we are busier here till at {?Barton}
more engaged till we wish, & have less time for anything
it agrees with our Health which is the most {?material}
sister is grown fat & very Healthy, I am much the same
Aunt B continues very well, for fourteen Months or near
that time, she has known few Complaints, it will give
us great pleasure to hear what you are doing & how
your Health & Kitty's go on, no Friends you have will
rejoice more truly at your Happiness, & wish you
would indulge us more frequent with an information
of your self, Mrs Elliott much oftener favours us with
a line till you do, but lately have not heard from her
dare say she is particularly {^engaged} perhaps Mr Wright is not
alive or if he be very weak, shall pity his Daughters
they are affectionate & though his age will make
them not expect his Life to be many years, still the
Stroke is severe when felt by a good Child at any
age. Do you ever see Mr Mrs {?K/Rind} & Mrs {?Pool}
[new page]
R Formby is now in the Country, you are so kind to often
enquire for him & remembers so much of his Father
that I flatter my self you will like to hear of him, he
came from Oxford to keep his Birth day at Formby
gave the Servants a treat the day he came of age, he
is in {^my} {?eyes} a smart sensible grave good young man
lively with young people & studious to please every one
we are happy in the prospect of him at present, hope
he will fall into good hands, he keeps a servant & a couple
of Horses has Lodgings in Liverpool, when he is not at
[damaged] {?only} upon Business – Cousin James Taylor is now in London
[damaged] y promising, Mr Taylor has a very fine little Boy
Cousin Mary Taylor is just the same as ever, her addition
of fortune don’t make her go more from home yet, Aunt
Statham is very happy & makes him so Mr Statham I
mean, Cousin Jane enjoys her usual good spirits & is often
the life of the Company, Mrs Heathcote don’t Breed so
fast as she did, her youngest is three years old, but
she has four which is pretty well, Mr Heathcote's Daughters
have entirely left school which will be a trial now
of a second sort of Children, you would be surprised to
see how much this little Town is altered in dress & visiting
not many young men that visits, full more till usual
I think our Vicar is a visiting young Gentle Man
[new page]
this day week we drank tea at Barton, I had not been there
of twelve months, it is very neat which was a pleasing
Circumstance to us, the Yarding kept up much the same
the Papers we left dry & quite whole, Formby Gardens
are much run to decay, what sort of a Lady as your
Cousin Kind married at the last, will he make a spirited Husband
do you ever hear from Mr Hare, were is he & what is he doing?
Doctor Brandreth is the leading Man in Liverpool now
his Lady is big with Child – Aunt Mount & Molly does
very well in Ormskirk, Aunt is fond of Cards which are
a great amusement to her, we have had some terrible
thunder & lightening two Houses in this Town damaged
[damaged] no lives lost, Mr R Chappell is married [damaged]
[damaged] to a Lady out of the North, they saw their [damaged]
company in a morning this week, he is not the
least improved dare say you remember him, Miss
Septhton was married yesterday & gone to live at
Prescot, do you remember that Lady, they were two
Sisters smart fashionable Ladies, none of your friends
[damaged] way for matrimony, now it is in
the [damaged]perhaps it may call upon some of us –
Mr Knowles is alive though he continues his Old
Way of Life & has been very poorly what a {?Complaint}
He has, Aunt Mount & Cousin desires their compliments Aunt
B & C of respects accept our Love & a Kiss to Kitty
If you are at Sheffield give Respects I am my Dear
Your affectionate & sincere Friend E Hesketh
[new page]
Mrs Hare Mr Elliotts
Norfolk Street

Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781

Complaining about Ann's lack of response to her letters, and suggesting that she is 'thought tedious' by the others, providing information about the health and size of various family members and acquaintances, Mr Wright is not very well and she pities his daughters should he die, discussing the kind and sensible disposition of Mr Formby, Mrs Heathcote is not breeding as fast as she did, providing the details of a number of marriages amongst their friends along with a commentary on their potential success

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/6 [11]

Sheffield Archives




June 28th 1781


[Lancashire, England]

Mrs Hare, Mr Elliotts, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire


Person: Ann Hare
View full details of Person: Ann Hare

Dear Mrs Hare

primary addressee

  • drinking
  • kissing
  • writing


  • affection
  • happy
  • love
  • shock

  • environment
  • rural
  • urban
  • weather

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Ellin Hesketh to Ann Hare, 28 June 1781, 2861781: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/6 [11]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
