72 - Mary Tonstal to Ralph Thoresby, 29 November 1683

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Sr I hope the pils is Come Safe to you
the man did not deliver yr Letter till he
was just goeing away, soe that I hade noe
time to writ, ore fears to stay him till
I could put them up I recevied the Crown
for them, and if you heare of any that was
my Dear Husbands pactions that would have
either the purgsing pil ore the Cordial
black pil ore drops may have the {?same}
still for I was desired by many of them
to make them still, pardon this fredome
in her that shall for ever be
Yr Obliged [damaged]
Mary Tonstall

New Cast
83 Nov 29

Sr ther is one Mr Craistor
in Leeds, did send for pils, to my Husband
but I never received any mony for them they
wher delivered to one Carrier whose name
was Crabtre the first of Aprill /81
Thay came to ten shillings Sr if you
know him pray do me the Favour as to tell him
Sir I hope the pills is Come Safe to you
the man did not deliver your Letter till he
was just going away, so that I had no
time to write, or fears to stay him till
I could put them up I received the Crown
for them, and if you hear of any that was
my Dear Husbands pactions that would have
either the purging pill or the Cordial
black pill or drops may have the {?same}
still for I was desired by many of them
to make them still, pardon this freedom
in her that shall for ever be
Your Obliged [damaged]
Mary Tonstall

New Cast
83 Nov 29

Sir there is one Mr Craistor
in Leeds, did send for pills, to my Husband
but I never received any money for them they
where delivered to one Carrier whose name
was Crabtree the first of April /81
They came to ten shillings Sr if you
know him pray do me the Favour as to tell him

Mary Tonstal to Ralph Thoresby, 29 November 1683

She has sent him some pills and discusses cordial. Tonstall is, from the sounds of it, the wife of an apothecary?

Thoresby, Ralph Papers


Brotherton Library, University of Leeds




Newcastle [Northumberland, England]

Leeds [Yorkshire, England]

Person: Ralph Thoresby
View full details of Person: Ralph Thoresby

primary addressee

  • consumption
  • writing

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Mary Tonstal to Ralph Thoresby, 29 November 1683, 29111683: Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Thoresby, Ralph Papers, YAS/MS6/42

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
