708 - Thomas Hatfield to unknown, 6 November 1806
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- How to Cite
I was glad you had so favour=
=able an afternoon, and hope you
found all well – yesterday we
had the Old Quay Packet No 1 launched in
very pretty vessels one of the {?Capts} belong=
=ing to some of the {?Flatts} was a little in
Liquor, and when she was got into the
River fell over board and swam to the
otherside – shall be glad to hear how Mr
Roscow comes forward with his Election.
My mind by your staying to settle the
accounts between one and Jons is much
at ease & done to my satisfaction, for
which I full obliged to you my dear
Friend I [illeg] Inclosed is your Bond
which I have return’d you cancel’d with
the approbation of my son & Daugr who
join me in every good wish for you &
Family – our kind love to sister
your sincere friend
Thos Hatfield
P S Hant thinks you had
Not the Note you left the
Change by me for Grocots note
Novrth 1806
[new page]
6 Novr 1806
Thos Hatfield
Recd 7th Novr
I was glad you had so favour=
=able an afternoon, and hope you
found all well – yesterday we
had the Old Quay Packet No 1 launched in
very pretty vessels one of the {?Capts} belong=
=ing to some of the {?Flatts} was a little in
Liquor, and when she was got into the
River fell over board and swam to the
otherside – shall be glad to hear how Mr
Roscow comes forward with his Election.
My mind by your staying to settle the
accounts between one and Jons is much
at ease & done to my satisfaction, for
which I full obliged to you my dear
Friend I [illeg] Inclosed is your Bond
which I have return’d you cancel’d with
the approbation of my son & Daugr who
join me in every good wish for you &
Family – our kind love to sister
your sincere friend
Thos Hatfield
P S Hant thinks you had
Not the Note you left the
Change by me for Grocots note
Novrth 1806
[new page]
6 Novr 1806
Thos Hatfield
Recd 7th Novr
Thomas Hatfield to unknown, 6 November 1806
A short note discussing the election, and a drunk falling overboard in the river, providing details of the bond and what to do with it
Nicholson Family Papers
MSS 1041 1806 (143)
John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
6 Novr 1806
[unknown, England]
[Lancashire, England]
To Cite this Letter
Thomas Hatfield to unknown, 6 November 1806, 6111806: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, Nicholson Family Papers, MSS 1041 1806 (143)
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.