692 - Hannah Roberts to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 23 September 1805

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Park Septr 23rd 1805
My dear Mary Ann
It is now so long since I have heard from you
or your sister Elizabeth, that I feel anxious to hear some
tidings of your family {?oricle}, from whom tho absent in
person, is often present to my mind. I hoped to have been
favoured with a letter by Miss Hatfield, but as no one has
reached me, concludes they did not bring one for me, Miss
Canby told me she thought one of your brothers or sisters
wou’d accompany Miss Hatfield to Travis Mills, if so, I hope
to obtain an interview {^with} them, [deleted] we have been engaged
with company in the house ever since my return from
Kiddr, which has hitherto prevented me going to Manch
since Miss Hatfields return, but we expect my aunt & cousins
here next Wednesday & then I shall perhaps hear if any one
or more of you be at Travis Mills, Will you beg my res=
=pects to Mrs Hatfield, & tell her I have purchased two
lbs of Wool for her at Kiddr which I left at Mr Hatfield
to be sent by the first conveyance, I am extremely sorry
[deleted] it has been so long in coming, but I hope it will
prove good & not out of season as winter is approaching.
You have perhaps heard by your cousin of my sister
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Martha’s indisposition, & that we were under the necessity
of returning into Lancashire without her, she still conti=
=nues alarmingly ill, & I fear it will be a long time ere
She be able to resume her usual occupations, you will
Readily conceive that the above event must have frustrat=
=ed many of our plans, & depressed our spirits, we la=
=mented it as much on Miss E Hatfield’s account as our
own, as we were prevented showing her so many of the
beauties of Worcestershire as we wished; our original
plan was to have returned home by Shrewsbury, to have
spent a few days with my sister Weaver there & then
to proceed to Harkeston, take a view of that romantic
place & from thence proceed to Chester, & return to Manch{^r}
by the Duke’s boat – from this route we promised our=
=selves much pleasure, but our plans was entirely frus=
=trated by the indisposition of my sister, & we were glad
to remain at Kiddr as long as we cou’d, hoping to see an
alteration for the better take place, but alas! In that we
were disappointed your cousin gratified many of our
friends by her performance in the Pianoforte, & several
who are judges were much surprised to hear her play so
well for the time she has learnt, indeed she excels on that
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instrument any person in Kiddr. I was much disappointed
in not seeing Mr Shepperd during the Midsummer vaca=
=tion, & was much concerned at the cause which prevented
me that pleasure (viz) the indisposition of Mrs S, he was
coming to Manchr & intended visiting Mr Smith & calling
upon me, but Mr Philips begged Mr Smith woud bring
him down to dine with us, the day was fixed & some
other gentlemen invited to meet him, when just before
dinner, we received a note saying he was prevented com=
=ing to Manchr, I thought I should have heard somewhat
Of your family from him, therefore I was doubly dis=
=appointed, pray beg my kind respects to him & Mrs Shep=
=perd, & say that I hope they will pay their annual [damaged]
next Christmas, & then I shall perhaps stand a chance of
seeing them. Pray remember me to all enquiring friends
particularly to Mrs Rawson with whom I sincerely sym=
=pathize for the loss of her amiable daughter. Mr & Mrs
Walker spent a day or two with us before there removal to
your neighbourhood, I woud have written to you by them
but I thought the letter woud stand a poor chance of reach=
=ing {^you} I shall send this to Mr Jonn Hatfield & beg of them
to send it by the first opportunity. Pray beg my affectionate
remembrances to your father, brothers & sisters accept the same
& be assured it will always afford me great pleasure to hear of your
Welfare & accept the good wishes of your affecte friend H Roberts
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Miss Mary Ann Nicholson
Mr Thos Nicholson
No 19 Castle Ditch
[change hand] Park near Manchester
23rd September 1805
H Roberts to M A N
Rec:d October 9th 1805