69 - Sir Knightly Hickson to Ralph Thoresby, 22 August 1682

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Mr Ralph Thorsbey
In Leeds

V R Colson Wth a
Booke dd


yorke 22 Aug 1682
Worthy Sr
I Red yors of ye 18 instant am glad to here
You gott soe well to Leeds: I Bles God John is now
soe well Recovered yt he is gon this day to skoull
I have ben but Badly my selfe of a Could but I
hope tis wereing away: ye Rest of my family are
in health I shall be glad to here ye same of
yors: if mis Abbigall has kepped any Benifett by
being wth me I shall hartily Rejoyes in it or if you
thinke it be for her Advantage to speend some more
time here you may assure yor selfe she shall be
very welcome to yor Ever affectinat ffriend &
Redy Sarvant
Sr Knightly Hickson

I & mine desier to be
most kindly Remembred
to yor selfe & sister: I
have wth these sent ye
Booke left here for you
Mr Ralph Thorsbey
In Leeds

V R Colson Wth a
Book dd


yorke 22 Aug 1682
Worthy Sr
I Received yours of ye 18 instant am glad to here
You got so well to Leeds: I Bless God John is now
so well Recovered yt he is gone this day to school
I have ben but Badly my self of a Cold but I
hope tis wearing away: ye Rest of my family are
in health I shall be glad to here ye same of
yours: if mis Abbigall has kept any Benefit by
being with me I shall heartily Rejoice in it or if you
think it be for her Advantage to spend some more
time here you may assure yor self she shall be
very welcome to yor Ever affectionate friend &
Ready Servant
Sr Knightly Hickson

I & mine desire to be
most kindly Remembered
to yor self & sister: I
have with these sent ye
Book left here for you

Sir Knightly Hickson to Ralph Thoresby, 22 August 1682

Discusses the recovery of John, who is well enough he has returned to school, Knightly himself has been badly affected by a cold, rest of the family in health, he is happy for Abigail to stay longer if it is of benefit to her

Thoresby, Ralph Papers


Brotherton Library, University of Leeds




York [Yorkshire, England]

Leeds [Yorkshire, England]

Person: Ralph Thoresby
View full details of Person: Ralph Thoresby

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How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Sir Knightly Hickson to Ralph Thoresby, 22 August 1682, 2281682: Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Thoresby, Ralph Papers, YAS/MS6/23

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
