686 - Elizabeth Nicholson to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 26 February 1805

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Travis Mill Febry 26th 1805
My Dear Sister
You will be glad to hear
that we arrived safe at Travis Mill about
two o’clock on Sunday Afternoon, after a
Morning of encessant rain, and a very un=
=pleasant journey. We found the family
at the Mill all well, then at the Isle
were all well, except Bessey who has been
[new page]
for above a week very much Indisposed
she is rather better this morning. We have
not been much favoured with the weather
hitherto. My Father intends going to
Huddersfield tomorrow he expects to day
to finish the business he came about
My Father my cousin Hannah
Desire their love to all at home. I believe
[new page]
I shall bring you a letter from Miss
Hannah Roberts when I return as she
has been waiting for an opportunity
of answering your letter, give my love
to all at home. Adieu from your affect
Sister Elizabeth Nicholson
[new page]
[change hand] Travis Mill Feby 26th 1805
E Nicholson to M A N
Rec:d 28th Feby
[original hand} Miss Nicholson
Near Liverpool
Travis Mill Febry 26th 1805
My Dear Sister
You will be glad to hear
that we arrived safe at Travis Mill about
two o’clock on Sunday Afternoon, after a
Morning of encessant rain, and a very un=
=pleasant journey. We found the family
at the Mill all well, then at the Isle
were all well, except Bessey who has been
[new page]
for above a week very much Indisposed
she is rather better this morning. We have
not been much favoured with the weather
hitherto. My Father intends going to
Huddersfield tomorrow he expects to day
to finish the business he came about
My Father my cousin Hannah
Desire their love to all at home. I believe
[new page]
I shall bring you a letter from Miss
Hannah Roberts when I return as she
has been waiting for an opportunity
of answering your letter, give my love
to all at home. Adieu from your affect
Sister Elizabeth Nicholson
[new page]
[change hand] Travis Mill Feby 26th 1805
E Nicholson to M A N
Rec:d 28th Feby
[original hand} Miss Nicholson
Near Liverpool

Elizabeth Nicholson to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 26 February 1805

A short letter telling her of their safe arrival at Travis Mill despite incessant rain, providing an update on Bessy's indisposition, their father is going to Huddersfield

Nicholson Family Papers

MSS 1041 1805 (124)

John Rylands Library, University of Manchester




Febry 26th 1805

Travis Mill

[Manchester, Lancashire, England]

Miss Nicholson, Gateacre, near Liverpool

[Lancashire, England]

Person: Elizabeth Nicholson
View full details of Person: Elizabeth Nicholson

primary author


  • childhood
  • youth


  • affection
  • love


How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Elizabeth Nicholson to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 26 February 1805, 2621805: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, Nicholson Family Papers, MSS 1041 1805 (124)

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
