653 - Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723
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relation to yr Fathers consent, Dear Miss Cowper
can never be effac’d from my memory, it con=
=firms me in the good opinion, I always had, of
your sincerity & Generosity – I am Grateful
I am truely sensible of my Obligations to you
But surely you’l repeat no more to me, that harsh
Expression {^viz} that you had been guilty of a Folly
in declaring yr sentiments to me, I’ll flatter
my self they were but words, since in yr Last
you told me, you shou’d neither be dissatisfied
or miserable, provided I asur’d you I was
entirely yours, it is wt I thought I’d confirm’d
to you before, but I’ll repeat it to Eternity, & pro=
=test to you my Heart is entirely yours, my
last Gasp will confirm the sincerity, of my Passion
why do you imagine I can change? am I so insen=
sible of perfection? No – believe me Dr Cowper
I can distinguish innumerable Charms, only center’d
in you, you are mistress (& ever will be) of my
Thoughts, actions, & of my whole Soul, four a
Clock I suppose you’ll be at Mr Squires – be steady,
Resolute, & not change – Adieu,
M Madan
Monday Noon
relation to yr Fathers consent, Dear Miss Cowper
can never be effaced from my memory, it con=
=firms me in the good opinion, I always had, of
your sincerity & Generosity – I am Grateful
I am truly sensible of my Obligations to you
But surely you'll repeat no more to me, that harsh
Expression {^viz} that you had been guilty of a Folly
in declaring yr sentiments to me, I’ll flatter
my self they were but words, since in yr Last
you told me, you should neither be dissatisfied
or miserable, provided I assured you I was
entirely yours, it is wt I thought I’d confirmed
to you before, but I’ll repeat it to Eternity, & pro=
=test to you my Heart is entirely yours, my
last Gasp will confirm the sincerity, of my Passion
why do you imagine I can change? am I so insen=
sible of perfection? No – believe me Dr Cowper
I can distinguish innumerable Charms, only centred
in you, you are mistress (& ever will be) of my
Thoughts, actions, & of my whole Soul, four a
Clock I suppose you’ll be at Mr Squires – be steady,
Resolute, & not change – Adieu,
M Madan
Monday Noon
Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723
Madan is delighted to hear confirmation of Cowper’s father’s consent to the memory – he will never forget that conversation. Discussion of feelings and sentiments expressed to each other, and the conventions of expressing these sentiments. This discussion is rooted in embodied language: his heart will be hers until his last breath, she will always have power over his thoughts and soul. He expects he will see her later that day.
Madan Family
Eng Lett C.284 f.32
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
primary author
- breathing
- death/dying
- feeling
- grateful
- happy
- hopeful
- love (romantic)
- memory
- self
- soul
- thought
primary addressee
- feeling
- happy
- love (romantic)
- low
To Cite this Letter
Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723, 1723: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Madan Family, Eng Lett C.284 f.32
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.