646 - Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723

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Image #1 of letter: Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723
My Dear Miss Cowper, I think you complain the
stile of my last was too free, recollect, you’ll find, it
was just wt you dictated to me, the Evening before
I (since I’ve known wt Life was) xxx have been subservient
even to yr nod, can I offend in following yr Sentiments?
but you tell me you are but half awake, therefore
shall defer this subject till 3 Clock
With wt Pleasure do I view yr last nights Epistle
I must believe those protestations true, I think in
some measure I deserve them, if Love, sincerity &
Honour can plead merit, This is wt I’ve assur’d you
a Thousand times, & surely will for ever – I’ve company
just come in, Battle &c I must conclude yours Entirely
M Madan

Monday One Clock
My Dear Miss Cowper, I think you complain the
stile of my last was too free, recollect, you’ll find, it
was just wt you dictated to me, the Evening before
I (since I’ve known wt Life was) xxx have been subservient
even to yr nod, can I offend in following yr Sentiments?
but you tell me you are but half awake, therefore
shall defer this subject till 3 Clock
With wt Pleasure do I view yr last nights Epistle
I must believe those protestations true, I think in
some measure I deserve them, if Love, sincerity &
Honour can plead merit, This is wt I’ve assured you
a Thousand times, & surely will for ever – I’ve company
just come in, Battle &c I must conclude yours Entirely
M Madan

Monday One Clock

Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723

Further discussion of expressions of feeling, and the implication that Madan’s previous letters had been too forthcoming in expressing his feelings towards her. He doesn’t understand how he has offended her when he has just repeated her feelings back to her.

Madan Family

Eng Lett C.284 f.25

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford




Person: Martin Madan
View full details of Person: Martin Madan

primary author

  • reading
  • talking
  • visiting
  • writing


  • feeling
  • love (romantic)
  • pleasure

  • disposition
  • self


Person: Judith Madan
View full details of Person: Judith Madan

primary addressee

  • sleeping
  • talking


  • feeling
  • love (romantic)



How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Martin Madan to Judith Cowper, 1723, 1723: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Madan Family, Eng Lett C.284 f.25

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
