619 - Hannah Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 7 August 1803
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (1)
- How to Cite
My Dear MaryAnn
I have embraced the Opportunity
by your Cousin Tom who is returning to school in
writing to you, as I shall be happy to be informd by you
at any time how your Father & the rest of your
family party are, and particularly how your dear
little Sister is I doubt not but you are all very fond
of her Mrs Shepperd told me she was a fine little
fat girl, the loss of your dear Mother I daily regret
she was a Valluable Mother & friend, may you Cultivate
her amiable disposition which will [deleted] make your
self & friends happy, I hope Betsy is well, your Uncle
and Cousins has had a pleasant journey to Blackpool
they all I hope have benefited by it, the weather
was delightful all the time and not too much crowd{^ed}
with Company they bathed every other Morng, Mr Joseph
Turner returns with your Cousin for a few days, he is
[new page]
he is now leaving Manchester, I had a letter on Friday
from your Grandmother she is very well my
Aunt Abbatt continues much the same complains
of a bad pain in her side, my Aunt had been paying
a Brides Visit the day before to a Mrs Dow your
Father perhaps remembers the name, Mrs
Marsden is in Yorkshire at Mr J Saundersons
my Aunt & Mrs PIgot intends paying them a Visit
if they can get a conveyance, I wish either Horses
or Carriages were more plentiful my Aunt would
now & then get out a little, she is happy in having
good health & good spirits which has enabled her to
bear the tryals she has undergone with fortitude,
I hope my Father & I Shall be able to Visit them this
Autumn, we have not yet been at Runcorn we
talk of the Next week, we are not very anxious
about it as we are not very fond of leaving home,
I was glad to hear your Cousin Holmes was spending
a few days with you it would do her good & give you
all pleasure, I hope you have had plenty of fruit and
clean ours is so dirty we are obligd to wash it before we
[new page]
use them, my dear mary must excuse this letter
being wrote in haste & having had many interrup
tions, I find your Cousins are writing & will give
you particulars of their journey, they have been
dining with us to day, please to remember
my Father & my kind love to your Father,
Brothers & Sister, and Accept the sincere regards
Of your Cousin H Hatfield
My Respects to Miss
Roberts –
[new page]
Miss Nicholson
Favord by
Mr J Hatfield
My Dear MaryAnn
I have embraced the Opportunity
by your Cousin Tom who is returning to school in
writing to you, as I shall be happy to be informd by you
at any time how your Father & the rest of your
family party are, and particularly how your dear
little Sister is I doubt not but you are all very fond
of her Mrs Shepperd told me she was a fine little
fat girl, the loss of your dear Mother I daily regret
she was a Valluable Mother & friend, may you Cultivate
her amiable disposition which will [deleted] make your
self & friends happy, I hope Betsy is well, your Uncle
and Cousins has had a pleasant journey to Blackpool
they all I hope have benefited by it, the weather
was delightful all the time and not too much crowd{^ed}
with Company they bathed every other Morng, Mr Joseph
Turner returns with your Cousin for a few days, he is
[new page]
he is now leaving Manchester, I had a letter on Friday
from your Grandmother she is very well my
Aunt Abbatt continues much the same complains
of a bad pain in her side, my Aunt had been paying
a Brides Visit the day before to a Mrs Dow your
Father perhaps remembers the name, Mrs
Marsden is in Yorkshire at Mr J Saundersons
my Aunt & Mrs PIgot intends paying them a Visit
if they can get a conveyance, I wish either Horses
or Carriages were more plentiful my Aunt would
now & then get out a little, she is happy in having
good health & good spirits which has enabled her to
bear the tryals she has undergone with fortitude,
I hope my Father & I Shall be able to Visit them this
Autumn, we have not yet been at Runcorn we
talk of the Next week, we are not very anxious
about it as we are not very fond of leaving home,
I was glad to hear your Cousin Holmes was spending
a few days with you it would do her good & give you
all pleasure, I hope you have had plenty of fruit and
clean ours is so dirty we are obligd to wash it before we
[new page]
use them, my dear mary must excuse this letter
being wrote in haste & having had many interrup
tions, I find your Cousins are writing & will give
you particulars of their journey, they have been
dining with us to day, please to remember
my Father & my kind love to your Father,
Brothers & Sister, and Accept the sincere regards
Of your Cousin H Hatfield
My Respects to Miss
Roberts –
[new page]
Miss Nicholson
Favord by
Mr J Hatfield
Hannah Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 7 August 1803
She is writing via cousin Tom who is returning to school, enquiring after Mary-Ann's new little sister and commiserating her on the loss of her mother [implying that their mother died in childbirth], providing an update on the journey of her Uncle and Cousins to Blackpool where they bathed and it was not too crowded, providing and update on the health of Aunt Abbatt and Grandmamma, complaining about the difficulty finding carriages and horses, providing details of their social engagements.
Nicholson Family Papers
MSS 1041 1803 (84)
John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
Augst 7th 1803
Travis Mills
[Manchester, Lancashire, England]
Miss Nicholson, Gateacre, Favoured by Mr J Hatfield
[Liverpool, Lancashire, England]
My Dear MaryAnn
primary addressee
To Cite this Letter
Hannah Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 7 August 1803, 781803: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, Nicholson Family Papers, MSS 1041 1803 (84)
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.