593 - Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 10 August 1801
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- How to Cite
10 Augst 1801
Dear Mariann
As Mr Roberts
is going to Liver
pool I thought
I would write
to you by him,
we are going
[new page]
to Harrogate next
week have you
begun to learn
to dance yet, we
have gathered
all our currants
and if it continues
fair my Father
[new page]
says we shall
get the pears to
day my Grand
father and Aunt
are not returned
from Harrogate
yet we had a
letter from them
[new page]
last week they
were well Adieu
[change hand] Miss M A Nickolson
[original hand]
From yr Affecte Cousin
E Hatfield
10 Augst 1801
Dear Mariann
As Mr Roberts
is going to Liver
pool I thought
I would write
to you by him,
we are going
[new page]
to Harrogate next
week have you
begun to learn
to dance yet, we
have gathered
all our currants
and if it continues
fair my Father
[new page]
says we shall
get the pears to
day my Grand
father and Aunt
are not returned
from Harrogate
yet we had a
letter from them
[new page]
last week they
were well Adieu
[change hand] Miss M A Nickolson
[original hand]
From yr Affecte Cousin
E Hatfield
Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 10 August 1801
A short letter telling her that they are going to Harrogate next week, asking if Mary-Ann has begun dancing lessons yet, and describing the fruit that they are picking in the garden this week.
Nicholson Family Papers
MSS 1041 1801 (67)
John Rylands Library, University of Manchester
10 Augst 1801
Travis Isle [Manchester, Lancashire, England]
Miss M A Nicholson, Gateacre [Liverpool, Lancashire, England]
To Cite this Letter
Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 10 August 1801, 1081801: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, Nicholson Family Papers, MSS 1041 1801 (67)
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.