591 - Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 19 January 1801

  • Transcription
  • Letter Details
  • How to Cite
Travis Isle
19 Jany 1801
Dear Mariann
I was glad
to receive a letter fro{^m}
you by my Father
I am sorry your
Father could not
spare you to come
here this winter
[new page]
I should have
been very glad
to have seen you
I thought your
new little Brother
was to be named
Matthew but yo
ur Father says
he is to be called
[new page]
Thomas which is
a much prettier
name, I am work
ing a pincushion
for my Aunt Han
nah, I think your
letter was neatly
written. Miss Rob
erts sends her love
[new page]
To all of you. I hope
You will write to me

[change hand] Miss M A Nicholson

[original hand]
soon farewell and
believe me yr Affecti Cousin
Betsy Hatfield
Travis Isle
19 Jany 1801
Dear Mariann
I was glad
to receive a letter fro{^m}
you by my Father
I am sorry your
Father could not
spare you to come
here this winter
[new page]
I should have
been very glad
to have seen you
I thought your
new little Brother
was to be named
Matthew but yo
ur Father says
he is to be called
[new page]
Thomas which is
a much prettier
name, I am work
ing a pincushion
for my Aunt Han
nah, I think your
letter was neatly
written. Miss Rob
erts sends her love
[new page]
To all of you. I hope
You will write to me

[change hand] Miss M A Nicholson

[original hand]
soon farewell and
believe me yr Affecti Cousin
Betsy Hatfield

Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 19 January 1801

She is glad to receive a letter but is sad to hear that Mary-Ann can't come to visit her, she likes the name chosen for Mary-Ann's new little brother, she's working on a pincushion for her Aunt Hannah and complimenting her on her neat handwriting.

Nicholson Family Papers

MSS 1041 1801 (64)

John Rylands Library, University of Manchester




19 Jany 1801

Travis Isle [Manchester, Lancashire, England]

Miss M A Nicholson, Gateacre [Liverpool, Lancashire, England]

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 19 January 1801, 1911801: John Rylands Library, University of Manchester, Nicholson Family Papers, MSS 1041 1801 (64)

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
