569 - Ann Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 2 June 1799
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Houghton june 2d 1799
My Dear Maryann
Itt Gave your Aunt
Abbatt & me Great Pleasure to Receive the Pincushion
& Handkerchief, the Heming is very well Done the marking
is Beautifull, it will always Give us pleasure to hear
of your Improvement, it will likewise be a Great Credit
to Miss Roberts when you advance in years you will
find the Advantage of being Diligent in your youth,
we was very Glad to see your Father & Mother as they
have been to kind to come, I shall Defer my journey
to another year, accept my Dear Maryann of your
Aunt & my Sincere Good wishes for your Health & Happi-
{?ness? I am my Dear your Affecte Grandmother
Ann Hatfield
My Dear Maryann
Itt Gave your Aunt
Abbatt & me Great Pleasure to Receive the Pincushion
& Handkerchief, the Heming is very well Done the marking
is Beautifull, it will always Give us pleasure to hear
of your Improvement, it will likewise be a Great Credit
to Miss Roberts when you advance in years you will
find the Advantage of being Diligent in your youth,
we was very Glad to see your Father & Mother as they
have been to kind to come, I shall Defer my journey
to another year, accept my Dear Maryann of your
Aunt & my Sincere Good wishes for your Health & Happi-
{?ness? I am my Dear your Affecte Grandmother
Ann Hatfield