564 - Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 23 March 1799

  • Transcription
  • Letter Details
  • People (3)
Travis Isle March 23 – 1799
Dear Cousin Mariann

I was sorry not to have a
letter from you by my Cousin Matt he told me
you were all well and that little James was a
very good boy give my love to him, - Mr Shepperd
dined here yesterday Jonathan said he wanted
to write to him, did you see Jonathans funny
letter to Tom – I hope you will come to Travis Isle
this summer I shall be very glad to see
you & Bessy, it is a very fine morning and we
are writing before breakfast there are five yellow
crocus’s come out on the grass plot and you can =
not think how pretty they look I wish you could
see them – how does your Mother & Father & Miss
Roberts give my love to them, - my Aunt & Mary &
Aunt Hannah are very well Grandpapa is got
quite well again, our garden looks very pretty
the buds are coming out upon the trees –
[new page]
Miss Roberts is well and sends her love
to you – we are trying to play at leap cord
can you play it because I saw your cord when
you lived in Deansgate I cannot do it well yet
but hope I shall before I am come home, -
Susanna Bateman came to play with us the other
day she went over the cord one hundred & thirty
four times without stopping once, -
I hope you will write me a letter soon –
I believe I shall not go with my papa to fetch Tom
home Papa says he will return with Master
Duckworth – Jonathan is going to write Cousin
Bessy on the other side of this paper, -
I suppose cousin Bessy Boardman will come
home soon – Papa did not get up till 8 O Clock
this morning after being call’d three times do not
you think he was lazy – Farewell
& believe me your Affect Cousin
Bessy Hatfield
[new page]
[change hand] Travis Isle March 13
My dear Cousin Bessy
I hope you will write to me,
for I like to have letters from any body – we have
a very neat garden and my papa is walking in it,
Bessy & I have had a bad cold but we are better now
[damaged] had company on Wednesday and they {?gon} there
[damaged] very nicely at night, and I heard them – [damaged]
[damaged] Miss Roberts has got a nice myrthle and it [damaged]
very green, - Miss Canby is well, we are going
to Chapel this morning in a coach – my Aunt Hannah
gave Bessy & I a bird cage but we have not made use
of them; do you think it would be cruel to keep birds
in them, I am afraid it will for if we should forget
to feed them they will die – the Sun rose very early
this {^morning} and {^the} little birds sing here very sweetly – it rain’d
very fast yesterday afternoon – Mr Shepperd will
bring you this letter – Goodbye Cousin Bessy –
give my love to Tom from Yr Affecte Cousin J Hatfield
me I will wrote to him this week by Cousin John Hatfield
[new page]
Miss N A Nicholson
Travis Isle March 23 – 1799
Dear Cousin Mariann

I was sorry not to have a
letter from you by my Cousin Matt he told me
you were all well and that little James was a
very good boy give my love to him, - Mr Shepperd
dined here yesterday Jonathan said he wanted
to write to him, did you see Jonathans funny
letter to Tom – I hope you will come to Travis Isle
this summer I shall be very glad to see
you & Bessy, it is a very fine morning and we
are writing before breakfast there are five yellow
crocus’s come out on the grass plot and you can =
not think how pretty they look I wish you could
see them – how does your Mother & Father & Miss
Roberts give my love to them, - my Aunt & Mary &
Aunt Hannah are very well Grandpapa is got
quite well again, our garden looks very pretty
the buds are coming out upon the trees –
[new page]
Miss Roberts is well and sends her love
to you – we are trying to play at leap cord
can you play it because I saw your cord when
you lived in Deansgate I cannot do it well yet
but hope I shall before I am come home, -
Susanna Bateman came to play with us the other
day she went over the cord one hundred & thirty
four times without stopping once, -
I hope you will write me a letter soon –
I believe I shall not go with my papa to fetch Tom
home Papa says he will return with Master
Duckworth – Jonathan is going to write Cousin
Bessy on the other side of this paper, -
I suppose cousin Bessy Boardman will come
home soon – Papa did not get up till 8 O Clock
this morning after being call’d three times do not
you think he was lazy – Farewell
& believe me your Affect Cousin
Bessy Hatfield
[new page]
[change hand] Travis Isle March 13
My dear Cousin Bessy
I hope you will write to me,
for I like to have letters from any body – we have
a very neat garden and my papa is walking in it,
Bessy & I have had a bad cold but we are better now
[damaged] had company on Wednesday and they {?gon} there
[damaged] very nicely at night, and I heard them – [damaged]
[damaged] Miss Roberts has got a nice myrthle and it [damaged]
very green, - Miss Canby is well, we are going
to Chapel this morning in a coach – my Aunt Hannah
gave Bessy & I a bird cage but we have not made use
of them; do you think it would be cruel to keep birds
in them, I am afraid it will for if we should forget
to feed them they will die – the Sun rose very early
this {^morning} and {^the} little birds sing here very sweetly – it rain’d
very fast yesterday afternoon – Mr Shepperd will
bring you this letter – Goodbye Cousin Bessy –
give my love to Tom from Yr Affecte Cousin J Hatfield
me I will wrote to him this week by Cousin John Hatfield
[new page]
Miss N A Nicholson

Elizabeth Hatfield to Mary-Ann Nicholson, 23 March 1799

Discussing Jonathan's funny nature, detailing the garden and the arrival of the crocuses, the difficulties of playing leap cord, she passes the letter over to her brother Jonathan who writes a letter to Mary-Ann's sister Betsy.

Nicholson Family Papers

MSS 1041 1799 (47)

John Rylands Library




March 23 1799

Travis Isle [Manchester, Lancashire, England]

Miss M A Nicholson, Gateacre [Liverpool, Lancashire, England]

  • reporting
  • response

  • happy
  • hopeful
  • humorous
  • positive

  • opening
  • throughout (consistent)


Person: Mary-Ann Nicholson
View full details of Person: Mary-Ann Nicholson

Dear Cousin Mariann

primary addressee

  • travel
  • writing


Person: Elizabeth Hatfield
View full details of Person: Elizabeth Hatfield

primary author

  • looking
  • recreation
  • writing



  • affection
  • amused
  • hopeful
  • love
  • sorrow


Person: Jonathan Hatfield
View full details of Person: Jonathan Hatfield

secondary author

  • travel
  • visiting

  • a cold
  • illness


  • recovery
  • unwell

  • affection
  • feeling
  • happy
  • hopeful

  • environment
  • religious meeting