436 - Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777

  • Transcription
  • Letter Details
  • How to Cite

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Image #1 of letter: Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777

Image 2 of 4

Image #2 of letter: Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777

Image 3 of 4

Image #3 of letter: Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777

Image 4 of 4

Image #4 of letter: Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777
My dear Becky
According to my promise made
at Northampton I write to inform you that through
the divine goodness of a gracious GOD I am in perfect
Health, I often think of you and wish you to be
here with me. O my dear what a blessed Jesus
have we who though he was rich yet for our sakes became
poor that we through his poverty might be made
rich. And now he is as willing to bear the petitions
of his People which are put up to him as he was
when he was on Earth “therefore let us come boldly
unto the Throne of grace that we may obtain
mercy and find grace to help in every time of need”
Sir Harvey Trelawney is a very excellent Person
indeed, he observes “that when Christians meet
together it is a great disappointment to he blessed Jesus
when he comes with his Book of Remembrance to
hear them instead of talking to his glory filling up
[new page]
their time with unprofitable conversation”
Therefore my Dear Friend let us always be upon
our guard remembering that the blessed Jesus is
ever present to hear what we have to say
in behalf of his glorious Name.
The privileges we enjoy and the many opportunities we
have of enjoying them ought to stir us up to serve our dear
Redeemer the better, that when we come to die we may leave
{?sure} testimony behind us that we are gone with Jesus.
O, Blessed for ever blessed be the name of Jesus
for dying to save lost and ruined sinners may the
language of our hearts be that shall we render
unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us.
May we by faith be enabled to look into
the regions of eternal felicity and behold the
blessed Jesus pleading at his Fathers Throne
for our previous and immortal Souls
Please to give my duty to my Governess and
Mr Trinder and Mrs Wykes. My Love to Miss
[new page]
Lawrence Miss S Simpson {^and} your Sister tell Miss
M Simpson I don’t think I can spare time to write to
her these Holy Days. I hope you will be favored
with the divine [deleted] presence while we are absent
Mile End
Dec 30 1777
To the earnest desire and for [illeg]
Of yours sincere by unworthy
Accept of love from Ann Rutt
Pray excuse all faults and show it nobody pray write soon
And treat for me at Mr Ruth N 5 facing the Assembly
Rooms, Mile End
[new page]
Miss R Clegg
At Mrs Trinders
My dear Becky
According to my promise made
at Northampton I write to inform you that through
the divine goodness of a gracious GOD I am in perfect
Health, I often think of you and wish you to be
here with me. O my dear what a blessed Jesus
have we who though he was rich yet for our sakes became
poor that we through his poverty might be made
rich. And now he is as willing to bear the petitions
of his People which are put up to him as he was
when he was on Earth “therefore let us come boldly
unto the Throne of grace that we may obtain
mercy and find grace to help in every time of need”
Sir Harvey Trelawney is a very excellent Person
indeed, he observes “that when Christians meet
together it is a great disappointment to he blessed Jesus
when he comes with his Book of Remembrance to
hear them instead of talking to his glory filling up
[new page]
their time with unprofitable conversation”
Therefore my Dear Friend let us always be upon
our guard remembering that the blessed Jesus is
ever present to hear what we have to say
in behalf of his glorious Name.
The privileges we enjoy and the many opportunities we
have of enjoying them ought to stir us up to serve our dear
Redeemer the better, that when we come to die we may leave
{?sure} testimony behind us that we are gone with Jesus.
O, Blessed for ever blessed be the name of Jesus
for dying to save lost and ruined sinners may the
language of our hearts be that shall we render
unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us.
May we by faith be enabled to look into
the regions of eternal felicity and behold the
blessed Jesus pleading at his Fathers Throne
for our previous and immortal Souls
Please to give my duty to my Governess and
Mr Trinder and Mrs Wykes. My Love to Miss
[new page]
Lawrence Miss S Simpson {^and} your Sister tell Miss
M Simpson I don’t think I can spare time to write to
her these Holy Days. I hope you will be favored
with the divine [deleted] presence while we are absent
Mile End
Dec 30 1777
To the earnest desire and for [illeg]
Of yours sincere by unworthy
Accept of love from Ann Rutt
Pray excuse all faults and show it nobody pray write soon
And treat for me at Mr Ruth N 5 facing the Assembly
Rooms, Mile End
[new page]
Miss R Clegg
At Mrs Trinders

Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777

Letter advising her on spiritual matters, on temporal poverty and spiritual wealth, and sending love to the other girls at school

Bateman Family Papers

OSB MSS 32 Bos 2, Folder 31, (1)

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University




Dec 30 1777

[unknown, England]

Miss R Clegg, At Mr Trinders, Northampton

[Northamptonshire, England]

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Ann Rutt to Rebekah Bateman, 30 December 1777, 30121777: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Bos 2, Folder 31, (1)

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
