434 - H Hunt to Arthur Clegg, 29 February 1779
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Dear Sir
Think not strange that the books were delayd
so long: I have been several times from
home & very busy when at home.
I do not by these or other books want to make
the young ladies Christians but they
may see that the prudent use of such
may make them understanding & the
Lord make them saints indeed.
If the later fits them for heaven, the
former will set them both for more use=
=fulness to others & comfort to themselves in
this life, both in the world and in their
own families if GOD graciously give them
such as he did to Jacob, and I remember
it was one of the ornaments of Israels King
David that his wife Abigail was a woman
of a good understanding & of a beautiful countenance
& tho she seen’d to be thrown away on Nabal
yet her prudence &c saved her property & her
husbands life & those of his men, perhaps
her own life also: & recommended her to a
share in honours of Israels Kingdom; &
I see no reason to think it disqualified her
For the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Lord make you & yours heirs of both Kingdoms
Yours. Unworthy H.Hunt
[new page]
P.S. I wd recommend them a concern
For an abiding sense of their emptiness
& weakness both in Religion & Nature
together with a necessity of Supplies
in both for future usefulness.
Also the close devotion in the morning
before they appear in the family at all
by reading the Scrp: Med; & Prayer
That if curiosity urges them to read
these books (which are but an introducen
hastily; yet that afterward, each makes
one of the books her own proper task
for one hour each day regularly, then
to chance & take the other, & when
both are thus gone through let one
read & the other hear in turns
till they have digested grammar
history geography & Astronomy &c
The rest of the day for needle work
useful company &c
The Lord make all a pleasure
& it is sure to be a profit
Dear Sir
Think not strange that the books were delayd
so long: I have been several times from
home & very busy when at home.
I do not by these or other books want to make
the young ladies Christians but they
may see that the prudent use of such
may make them understanding & the
Lord make them saints indeed.
If the later fits them for heaven, the
former will set them both for more use=
=fulness to others & comfort to themselves in
this life, both in the world and in their
own families if GOD graciously give them
such as he did to Jacob, and I remember
it was one of the ornaments of Israels King
David that his wife Abigail was a woman
of a good understanding & of a beautiful countenance
& tho she seen’d to be thrown away on Nabal
yet her prudence &c saved her property & her
husbands life & those of his men, perhaps
her own life also: & recommended her to a
share in honours of Israels Kingdom; &
I see no reason to think it disqualified her
For the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Lord make you & yours heirs of both Kingdoms
Yours. Unworthy H.Hunt
[new page]
P.S. I wd recommend them a concern
For an abiding sense of their emptiness
& weakness both in Religion & Nature
together with a necessity of Supplies
in both for future usefulness.
Also the close devotion in the morning
before they appear in the family at all
by reading the Scrp: Med; & Prayer
That if curiosity urges them to read
these books (which are but an introducen
hastily; yet that afterward, each makes
one of the books her own proper task
for one hour each day regularly, then
to chance & take the other, & when
both are thus gone through let one
read & the other hear in turns
till they have digested grammar
history geography & Astronomy &c
The rest of the day for needle work
useful company &c
The Lord make all a pleasure
& it is sure to be a profit
H Hunt to Arthur Clegg, 29 February 1779
Sending books for the improvement of his daughters, and suggesting David (King of Iraelites) wife Abigail as a good model of womanhood for them to follow, recommending a daily routine for the girls to help them grow into suitably devout young women.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 28 (1)
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
29 Feby 79
[Oldham, Lancashire, England]
[??Manchester??, ??Lancashire??, England]
- devotional practice
- making
- reading
- thinking
- active
- aesthetics
- education
- faith
- mind
To Cite this Letter
H Hunt to Arthur Clegg, 29 February 1779, 2921779: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 28 (1)
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.