413 - Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 February 1778
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- People (1)
- How to Cite
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I would have wrote to you sooner only have waited
for this opertunity pr Mr Wittenbury who tould me when he
came down he should return in About A forthnight I am
very Glad to hear that you both enjoy such A good state of helth
& that a kind Providence has cast your lot [deleted] into such A
Religious family & that you have such an indulgent Governess
you aught to be very thankfull for it & beg you would endeavour
to supress every uneasy thought that may arise in your Brests
as to our comeing to Northamton its quite uncertain (as indeed
is every thing {?here}) but if we should take in A mind to come
belive it will be when Brother Spear coms up to London
which if all be well will be some time in April but I hope
to write to you again more than once betwixt & then –
& shall acquaint you of it before we come –
we have heard that Miss Hunter is very poorly again &
that {^they are afraid} the Spring will be a trying time with her I am sorry
for Dear Mr & Mrs Hunter they are a deal exercise’d with
afflictions in their Family they have lately Buryed their
youngest Child which {^makes} the Eight & {^have only} five living out of thirteen
[new page]
have nothing material to Acquaint you with all Relations
& Friend through Mercy are pritty well in generall & Blessed
be the Almightly your Father is something better than he has
been, please to give our Christian Respects to Mr & Mrs Trinder
Mrs Wykes & to Mr Rylands &c – the generalty of your Uncles
& Aunts sends their Love to you I have not seen my Brother
James since you left home but hear they are in good helth
your Father joyns me in Love to you both Praying the Lord to
Bless you & to lift up upon you the Light of His Countenance
& give you Peace that Peace which Passeth all Understanding
From Dear Daughters
Your ever Loving Mother
Sarah Clegg
Manchesr Feby
17th 1778
[new page]
[ANNOTATION: Mrs Sarah Clegg died at Higher Ardwick
near Manchester on the 19th June 1811
having nearly reached the 77th year, and
was buried in the Independent Meeting
-house at Gatley near Cheadle in the county
Of Chester
Mr Arthur Clegg (husband of the above) died at
Higher Ardwick 27 March 1818 in his 85th year
and was buried near his wife –
“The memory of the Just is blessed” -------Proverbs]
[new page]
Miss Cleggs
At Mr Trinders
I would have wrote to you sooner only have waited
for this opportunity pr Mr Wittenbury who told me when he
came down he should return in About A fortnight I am
very Glad to hear that you both enjoy such A good state of health
& that a kind Providence has cast your lot [deleted] into such A
Religious family & that you have such an indulgent Governess
you aught to be very thankful for it & beg you would endeavour
to supress every uneasy thought that may arise in your Breasts
as to our coming to Northampton its quite uncertain (as indeed
is every thing {?here}) but if we should take in A mind to come
believe it will be when Brother Spear coms up to London
which if all be well will be some time in April but I hope
to write to you again more than once betwixt & then –
& shall acquaint you of it before we come –
we have heard that Miss Hunter is very poorly again &
that {^they are afraid} the Spring will be a trying time with her I am sorry
for Dear Mr & Mrs Hunter they are a deal exercise’d with
afflictions in their Family they have lately Buried their
youngest Child which {^makes} the Eight & {^have only} five living out of thirteen
[new page]
have nothing material to Acquaint you with all Relations
& Friend through Mercy are pretty well in general & Blessed
be the Almighty your Father is something better than he has
been, please to give our Christian Respects to Mr & Mrs Trinder
Mrs Wykes & to Mr Rylands &c – the generality of your Uncles
& Aunts sends their Love to you I have not seen my Brother
James since you left home but hear they are in good health
your Father joins me in Love to you both Praying the Lord to
Bless you & to lift up upon you the Light of His Countenance
& give you Peace that Peace which Passeth all Understanding
From Dear Daughters
Your ever Loving Mother
Sarah Clegg
Manchesr Feby
17th 1778
[new page]
[ANNOTATION: Mrs Sarah Clegg died at Higher Ardwick
near Manchester on the 19th June 1811
having nearly reached the 77th year, and
was buried in the Independent Meeting
-house at Gatley near Cheadle in the county
Of Chester
Mr Arthur Clegg (husband of the above) died at
Higher Ardwick 27 March 1818 in his 85th year
and was buried near his wife –
“The memory of the Just is blessed” -------Proverbs]
[new page]
Miss Cleggs
At Mr Trinders
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 February 1778
Apologising for not answering their letter, but she has been waiting for Mr Wittenbury to be able to take it, expressing thanks that they are well, apologising that they are unlikely to be able to visit them at school, providing details about the health of Miss Hunter and their father.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [5]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Febry 17th 1778
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Cleggs, At Mr Trinders, Northampton
[Northamptonshire, England]
My Dear Daughter
primary addressee
- easy
- health
- uneasy
- well
- faith
- peace
- personal blessings
To Cite this Letter
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 February 1778, 1721778: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [5]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.