412 - Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 20 January 1778
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my Dear Daughters
yours came duly to hand was Glad to hear you was
so well employed on New Years Day may the Lord Bless
the means you are favoured with to the good of your Pretious
Souls. give my kind respects to your Governess tell her I
Received her Agreable Letter: & am much Obliged to her for her
kind invitation, but such A journey would by no means be
practicable while the wether is so could & I hope there will
be no occation for it in a little Time as hers gradually getting
better; Blessed be God for it. I intend to write her the first
opertunity, my Dears I would have you reconcile your minds
as much as possible to your present cituation as I believe you
could never have had A more Agreable one for learning {^in} for both
Worlds, & I would {^have you to} endeavour not to think the Time long it will soon
be over there’s now 4 months gone & it appears but like yesterday
you know what swift things Time is compared to in scripture
as we had need to be making the best improvement of it &c
Mr Marshall departed this Life on Monday the 12th inst he was
very comfortable in his mind to the last & exprest great & longing
desires for zions prosperity the text he schose for the subject of his
Funeral discourse you will find in Eph: 6 Chapr Vers 24th
which Mr Priestley Preached from last Sabbath
[new page]
an excellent searching discors with a deale of life & warmth
you must have your Letters ready belive Mr Wittenbury will
be comeing down very soon your Cousn Bec & Molly sends there Love
& will be very glad to hear from you – we have bought Mr War[damaged]
Garden & have got A door made in our little back yard to go into
it that way. friends & Relations are pritty well in jeneral only
your Uncle Joseph is poorly of his Old Complaint. We have heard
that Miss Hunter is rather better & they have some hops of
her recovery. Mrs Henshall sent last week to know when I heard
from you & how you are in health. I would have you to write to her
some opertunity. your Uncle Smithson, Uncle & Aunt Pearson
sends their Love to you as likewise does your other Uncles & Aunts
your Father joins me in Respects to Mr & Mrs Trinder Mr Rylands
Mrs Wykes wishing them many happy years –
Exept the same wishes your selves hopeing these will find you
in good health which through mercy they leave
your ever Loveing Mother
Sarah Clegg
PS Mrs Alice Loe desirs her Love to you
both she has been very poorly she has
not been at our House of five weeks
before to Day –
[new page]
Miss Cleggs
Mr Trinders
my Dear Daughters
yours came duly to hand was Glad to hear you was
so well employed on New Years Day may the Lord Bless
the means you are favoured with to the good of your Precious
Souls. give my kind respects to your Governess tell her I
Received her Agreeable Letter: & am much Obliged to her for her
kind invitation, but such A journey would by no means be
practicable while the weather is so cold & I hope there will
be no occasion for it in a little Time as hers gradually getting
better; Blessed be God for it. I intend to write her the first
opportunity, my Dears I would have you reconcile your minds
as much as possible to your present situation as I believe you
could never have had A more Agreeable one for learning {^in} for both
Worlds, & I would {^have you to} endeavour not to think the Time long it will soon
be over there’s now 4 months gone & it appears but like yesterday
you know what swift things Time is compared to in scripture
as we had need to be making the best improvement of it &c
Mr Marshall departed this Life on Monday the 12th inst he was
very comfortable in his mind to the last & expressed great & longing
desires for Zions prosperity the text he chose for the subject of his
Funeral discourse you will find in Eph: 6 Chapr Vers 24th
which Mr Priestley Preached from last Sabbath
[new page]
an excellent searching discourse with a deal of life & warmth
you must have your Letters ready believe Mr Wittenbury will
be coming down very soon your Cousn Bec & Molly sends there Love
& will be very glad to hear from you – we have bought Mr War[damaged]
Garden & have got A door made in our little back yard to go into
it that way. friends & Relations are pretty well in general only
your Uncle Joseph is poorly of his Old Complaint. We have heard
that Miss Hunter is rather better & they have some hops of
her recovery. Mrs Henshall sent last week to know when I heard
from you & how you are in health. I would have you to write to her
some opportunity. your Uncle Smithson, Uncle & Aunt Pearson
sends their Love to you as likewise does your other Uncles & Aunts
your Father joins me in Respects to Mr & Mrs Trinder Mr Rylands
Mrs Wykes wishing them many happy years –
Except the same wishes your selves hoping these will find you
in good health which through mercy they leave
your ever Loving Mother
Sarah Clegg
PS Mrs Alice Loe desires her Love to you
both she has been very poorly she has
not been at our House of five weeks
before to Day –
[new page]
Miss Cleggs
Mr Trinders
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 20 January 1778
Expressing her gratitude that they were occupied on New Years Day, apologising that she is unable to travel to see them and they must reconcile their minds to not seeing their parents, informing them about Mr Marshall's death and providing updates on various family member's health
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [4]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Jany 20th 1778
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Cleggs, Mr Trinder's, Northampton
[Northamptonshire, England]
primary addressee
- home-sick
- separation
- education
- peace
- soul
- school
- winter
To Cite this Letter
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 20 January 1778, 2011778: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [4]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.