411 - Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 November 1777
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- People (1)
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we Received your Letters by Brother Richardson
Poor Man he was very Poorly when he got home & had been all
The way from London. I have been there to Day to {^see} him & hes much
Better Bessed be GOD for it have likewise been to see Mrs Priestley
she is much better: she as been very bad ever since she came
home & was thought dangerous but hope she’l now get the better
of it. we are very Glad to hear that you & the family are all
in good health as (through Mercy) we are at Present –
I approve of your thoughtfulness in Bec working you each a cap
thought at it my self after I wrote you last & would have her
begin of them as soon as she has finished her Apron & when they
are done & you should both live & be well I would {^have} you work
either of you a Shoal & shall be much Obliged to your Governess
if she will take the trouble to buy the Muslin for them –
my Handkerchief may be Omited a while Mr & Mrs Rider belive
will call to see you either Thursday or Fryday {^next} in their way
to London Mr Marshall is yet liveing he was very bad when
we came home thought he could not have lived many Days
but the week after his Disorder took A favourable turn & his friends
was in hopes he might Recover am Afraid there is little hope of it now
as he continues but weake and poorly & gets no strength
[new page]
I hope we are thankfull we see your making improvements in
your writing but should be much more so to hear that you are
improving in Spiritual Knowledge especially in Heartfelt
experience both of your Original depravity & your recovery by
getting an intrest in the Merrits and Righteousness of A
Prettous Redeemer who Loves little Children to come unto him
he hath said Proverbs 8th & the 17th I Love them that Love me &
those that seek me early shall find me. I beg you’l be earnest
at a Throne of Grace that the Word may
=ed with the Energy of His Spirit to your Hearts and I hope
I shall meet you there – your Father joins me in Love
Mr Roylands to Mr & Mrs Trinder &c
Alice Law & our Molly sends their Love to you both
believe your Father will send a line to you pr Mrs Rider
who joins me in Love to you both
who am
your affectionate Mother
Sarah Clegg
Novemr 17th 1777
[new page]
Bror Richardson delivered your [damaged] concerning your learning Musick
if you have an inclination to it [damaged] ask Mr Trinder what the Aditional
expence will be {^& let us know} and we will certify you in our next &c
[new page]
Miss Becky Clegg
Mr Trinders
we Received your Letters by Brother Richardson
Poor Man he was very Poorly when he got home & had been all
The way from London. I have been there to Day to {^see} him & he’s much
Better Blessed be GOD for it have likewise been to see Mrs Priestley
she is much better: she as been very bad ever since she came
home & was thought dangerous but hope she’ll now get the better
of it. we are very Glad to hear that you & the family are all
in good health as (through Mercy) we are at Present –
I approve of your thoughtfulness in Bec working you each a cap
thought at it myself after I wrote you last & would have her
begin of them as soon as she has finished her Apron & when they
are done & you should both live & be well I would {^have} you work
either of you a Shoal & shall be much Obliged to your Governess
if she will take the trouble to buy the Muslin for them –
my Handkerchief may be Ommitted a while Mr & Mrs Rider believe
will call to see you either Thursday or Friday {^next} in their way
to London Mr Marshall is yet living he was very bad when
we came home thought he could not have lived many Days
but the week after his Disorder took A favourable turn & his friends
was in hopes he might Recover am Afraid there is little hope of it now
as he continues but weak and poorly & gets no strength
[new page]
I hope we are thankful we see your making improvements in
your writing but should be much more so to hear that you are
improving in Spiritual Knowledge especially in Heartfelt
experience both of your Original depravity & your recovery by
getting an interest in the Merits and Righteousness of A
Precious Redeemer who Loves little Children to come unto him
he hath said Proverbs 8th & the 17th I Love them that Love me &
those that seek me early shall find me. I beg you’ll be earnest
at a Throne of Grace that the Word may
=ed with the Energy of His Spirit to your Hearts and I hope
I shall meet you there – your Father joins me in Love
Mr Roylands to Mr & Mrs Trinder &c
Alice Law & our Molly sends their Love to you both
believe your Father will send a line to you pr Mrs Rider
who joins me in Love to you both
who am
your affectionate Mother
Sarah Clegg
Novemr 17th 1777
[new page]
Bror Richardson delivered your [damaged] concerning your learning Music
if you have an inclination to it [damaged] ask Mr Trinder what the Additional
expense will be {^& let us know} and we will certify you in our next &c
[new page]
Miss Becky Clegg
Mr Trinders
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 November 1777
Providing updates on the health of Brother Richardson, Mr Marshall and Mrs Priestly, discussing Bec's plans to make caps for them, and providing instructions for them to make other items of clothing, expressing her thankfulness that they are working hard on the spiritual improvement.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [3]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Novemr 17th 1777
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Becky Clegg, Mr Trinder's, Northampton
[Northamptonshire, England]
primary addressee
- duty
- education
- faith
- sinful
- virtuous
To Cite this Letter
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 17 November 1777, 17111777: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [3]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.