408 - Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 30 October 1777
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (1)
- How to Cite
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we Received your Letter & am very glad you
are in A good state of Helth. I should like to know how Miss
Ford is & the rest of the Family as to your drinking
of Tea you have our consent for once a Day if it will
agree with you, shall leave that to you to Determin
whether every Day or every Other: give My Respectfull
Compliments to your Governess & shall be much Obliged to
her if she will provide it for you & place it to your
Account as we are at such a Distance it would be inconveni=
=ent for us to send it you, I would have Bec to write the next
& to have a Letter wrote ready Against your Uncle
Richardsons Return from London & Examine your Old
Capes to see if you think they will last this Winter to
weare along with the new ones (am Afraid if you weare
the thin Muslins along with the thick ones you’l
catch Colds) if you think they wont send me word &
will send you two the first Operturnity.
[new page]
your Aunt Matty has sent you either of you a work Bag
which she diesrs you to except with her Love to you both she
is we hope getting the better of her complaint Blessed be
the Almighty she coms to sleep at our House as Usual which
is company for us at A Night, we have had a meeting for
Prayer at our House every Fryday night since we came
home & hope to continue them. I believe the Lord has
Countenanced {^us} in it, & hope he will & in all our meetings
his Name according to his Promise, the Revd Mr Ashworth A
Baptist Minnister from Gilderson in Yorkshire Preached
for us last Night an Excellent Sermon from those Words in
the 2d Chapr & 16th Vers of the Song of Solomon, My beloved is mine
and I am his, I hope you’l study to make good ues of your Time
& {^pray} that the means you injoy may be Blessed to the good of both
your Souls and Bodys, your Father has been much cast down
at times, & perticulerly last week but Praised be the Almighty
who gave him some comfort last Sabboth he joins in Love to you
give our Love to Mr & Mrs Royland Mr & Mrs Trinder &c
Molly sends her Love to you both –
all at present
from your Affectionate Mother
Sarah Clegg
Octor 30th 1777
PS have sent the new Pilgrim
desire you will take care of it.
[new page]
I would {^have} you sprig your work bags with some small flowers. have sent your
Stockings & intend sending you two pair of Black ones as soon as I have
got them knit your Aunt Bettey sends her Love to you & would have
{^wrote} this opertunity but Polly & Joseph is poorly & cross which makes her
Busy, if I have omitted any of your Cloths in the Book you must
put them ----
we Received your Letter & am very glad you
are in A good state of Health. I should like to know how Miss
Ford is & the rest of the Family as to your drinking
of Tea you have our consent for once a Day if it will
agree with you, shall leave that to you to Determine
whether every Day or every Other: give My Respectful
Compliments to your Governess & shall be much Obliged to
her if she will provide it for you & place it to your
Account as we are at such a Distance it would be inconveni=
=ent for us to send it you, I would have Bec to write the next
& to have a Letter wrote ready Against your Uncle
Richardson’s Return from London & Examine your Old
Capes to see if you think they will last this Winter to
wear along with the new ones (am Afraid if you wear
the thin Muslins along with the thick ones you’ll
catch Colds) if you think they won’t send me word &
will send you two the first Opportunity.
[new page]
your Aunt Matty has sent you either of you a work Bag
which she desires you to accept with her Love to you both she
is we hope getting the better of her complaint Blessed be
the Almighty she comes to sleep at our House as Usual which
is company for us at A Night, we have had a meeting for
Prayer at our House every Friday night since we came
home & hope to continue them. I believe the Lord has
Countenanced {^us} in it, & hope he will & in all our meetings
his Name according to his Promise, the Revd Mr Ashworth A
Baptist Minister from Gildersome in Yorkshire Preached
for us last Night an Excellent Sermon from those Words in
the 2d Chapr & 16th Verse of the Song of Solomon, My beloved is mine
and I am his, I hope you’ll study to make good use of your Time
& {^pray} that the means you enjoy may be Blessed to the good of both
your Souls and Bodies, your Father has been much cast down
at times, & particularly last week but Praised be the Almighty
who gave him some comfort last Sabbath he joins in Love to you
give our Love to Mr & Mrs Royland Mr & Mrs Trinder &c
Molly sends her Love to you both –
all at present
from your Affectionate Mother
Sarah Clegg
Octor 30th 1777
PS have sent the new Pilgrim
desire you will take care of it.
[new page]
I would {^have} you sprig your work bags with some small flowers. have sent your
Stockings & intend sending you two pair of Black ones as soon as I have
got them knit your Aunt Betty sends her Love to you & would have
{^wrote} this opportunity but Polly & Joseph is poorly & cross which makes her
Busy, if I have omitted any of your Cloths in the Book you must
put them ----
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 30 October 1777
Giving them her consent to drink tea once a day should it agree with them, asking Bec to write letters to family, asking them to check their clothes to ensure that they will be suitable for winter as she worries about them getting cold, telling them that Aunt Matty has sent them a work bag, telling them about their Father's low spirits.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [2]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Octor 30th 1777
[Lancashire, England]
[unknown, England]
primary addressee
- constitution
- whole-body
- drinking
- making
- writing
- aesthetics
- clothing
- health
- well
- disposition
- duty
- education
- personal blessings
- soul
To Cite this Letter
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman and Elizabeth Wilson, 30 October 1777, 30101777: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 25 [2]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.