397 - Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman, 18 May 1792
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- People (1)
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My Dear Daughter
Cousin Robert & all the company are arriv’d
safe & tollarably {^well} Miss W seems more fatauged than
her Mother Mrs W got out of the Coach & came up
Stares to see us before she went to her Brothers
Cousin R desires you would inform his parents
of their safe arrrivel I’m sorry your Father forgot
to mention in his Letter last Monday our receiving
the parcill safe I though he had done last week
he was poorly & low spirited which made me
very uneasy but thro mercy he is A great deal
better this week we have been two nights at Highbury
this week he says Son Bateman may get that needfull
done to the Chase you mentioned we understood by Johns
last letter that Old James had got a place which was
glad to hear but you say nothing about it so don’t know
what to think I’m sorry to hear your teeth are not well
yet mine are much better I think to bring something
home with me which I hope will do them good .
[new page]
think it has done mine I am very Glad to hear you
the Little ones are so well your Sister is very
well but grows large she sends her Love to you &
yours intends to write soon Excuse me saying
any more as Old Mrs W is come to drink Tea {?here}
tho we have but just Dine’d give our Love to Son
Grandsons & all Relations as if name’d except &
same your self &c
from you
affectionate Mother
S Clegg
Give my Love to Molly &
Peggy you say nothing about
neither your new Servant
nor mine, as soon as the Chase
comes I beg you would make use
of it as often as you can &c &c &c
I {?laped} up this & went into the dineing rome when Mrs W
Desired I send her respects & tell you she should be very
Glad to see you in London
[new page]
Mrs Bateman
Levers Row
My Dear Daughter
Cousin Robert & all the company are arriv’d
safe & tolerably {^well} Miss W seems more fatigued than
her Mother Mrs W got out of the Coach & came up
Stares to see us before she went to her Brothers
Cousin R desires you would inform his parents
of their safe arrival I’m sorry your Father forgot
to mention in his Letter last Monday our receiving
the parcel safe I though he had done last week
he was poorly & low spirited which made me
very uneasy but thro mercy he is A great deal
better this week we have been two nights at Highbury
this week he says Son Bateman may get that needful
done to the Chase you mentioned we understood by Johns
last letter that Old James had got a place which was
glad to hear but you say nothing about it so don’t know
what to think I’m sorry to hear your teeth are not well
yet mine are much better I think to bring something
home with me which I hope will do them good .
[new page]
think it has done mine I am very Glad to hear you
the Little ones are so well your Sister is very
well but grows large she sends her Love to you &
yours intends to write soon Excuse me saying
any more as Old Mrs W is come to drink Tea {?here}
though we have but just Dine’d give our Love to Son
Grandsons & all Relations as if name’d except &
same your self &c
from you
affectionate Mother
S Clegg
Give my Love to Molly &
Peggy you say nothing about
neither your new Servant
nor mine, as soon as the Chase
comes I beg you would make use
of it as often as you can &c &c &c
I {?laped} up this & went into the dining room when Mrs W
Desired I send her respects & tell you she should be very
Glad to see you in London
[new page]
Mrs Bateman
Levers Row
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman, 18 May 1792
Informing her that Cousin Robert has arrived safely and asking for this information to be passed on to his parents, her father is ill again and forgot to write to her recently, sharing a recipe for teeth problems (she tried it and it worked for her), and providing an update on her pregnant sister's size and health
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 24 [3]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
May 18th 1792
Mrs Bateman, Levers Row, Manchester
[Lancashire, England]
My Dear Daughter
primary addressee
To Cite this Letter
Sarah Clegg to Rebekah Bateman, 18 May 1792, 1851792: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 24 [3]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.