376 - William Bateman to Thomas Bateman (junior), 28 January 1809
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My Dear Brother
I have received your scrap
of paper for the Gun, but as its not at this
time at home, I cannot send it to you:
in lieu of it, I have sent you some of the first
volumes of Rollins Ancient History, which you
will do well to read carefully over; the first
volume you may find rather dry, and tedious, but
after that, the history is highly entertaining and
instructing – you will find their contents more
pleasant and easy of digestion that the contents
of a Gun, for I assure you it is hardly safe
to use this old Gun, which cannot be less than
30 or 40 years old; besides you may displease
your peaceable neighbours, as I did at Ardwick
but a stronger argument than all is – that it
will leave you no time for application to the
[new page]
made which in your Indentures we suppose you
undertook to learn – and with this I shall
conclude –
I am your affectionate Brother
Wm Bateman
Pray keep the pistol
[new page]
Mr Thos Bateman Junr
My Dear Brother
I have received your scrap
of paper for the Gun, but as its not at this
time at home, I cannot send it to you:
in lieu of it, I have sent you some of the first
volumes of Rollins Ancient History, which you
will do well to read carefully over; the first
volume you may find rather dry, and tedious, but
after that, the history is highly entertaining and
instructing – you will find their contents more
pleasant and easy of digestion that the contents
of a Gun, for I assure you it is hardly safe
to use this old Gun, which cannot be less than
30 or 40 years old; besides you may displease
your peaceable neighbours, as I did at Ardwick
but a stronger argument than all is – that it
will leave you no time for application to the
[new page]
made which in your Indentures we suppose you
undertook to learn – and with this I shall
conclude –
I am your affectionate Brother
Wm Bateman
Pray keep the pistol
[new page]
Mr Thos Bateman Junr
William Bateman to Thomas Bateman (junior), 28 January 1809
Sending him the first volumes of Rollins Ancient History to read, and providing him with advice about keeping his gun clean and not annoying the neighbours
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 20 [1]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Jany 28th 1809
[Lancashire, England]
Mr Thos Bateman Junr
[??Liverpool??, ??Lancashire??, England]
primary author
- consumption
- gifting
- reading
- recreation
- writing
- affection
- apprehension
- love
- love (familial)
- family
- siblings
My Dear Brother
- reading
- recreation
- family
- siblings
mind - improving
To Cite this Letter
William Bateman to Thomas Bateman (junior), 28 January 1809, 2811809: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 2, Folder 20 [1]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.