335 - Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 26 August 1784
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of what I am very subject too, viz a neglecting tho not
forgetting to cancel obligations {^of this kind} sooner, your very esteem’d
favor lays me under these I must still as before look
to your generosity to excuse the omission – I was very
sorry I had it not in my power to see your Cousin B
who was so kind as to bring me your letter – I was gone
a little way into Cheshire with my Papa for a ride
which prevented me – We are very much obliged to
you for the invitation to Chester I shoud be exceedg
happy to avail myself of it but twill be impracticable
this summer [deleted] the hopes of seeing you at Manchester
[deleted] {^reconciles} me to that – I assure you I felt a great inclina =
=tion to have come with Mr Hodson tho I saw it was in
vaine - my Sister is at Liverpool – a party of them went
yesterday, my Mamma return’d last week after a
stay of three {^weeks} & I think she is much altered for {^ye} better with
it – you heard (you say) by chance of Miss Clarksons
[new page]
death - the news is true & how soon the summons may
be issued to call us we cannot tell which shows the
necessity of a continual preparedness that it may ot
come unwelcome – it seem’d a friendly stroke to poor
Nancy – her only fear was coming back again into the
World the fears of death being quite removed in the
prospect of a blissfull eternity – she had been poorly
most of the winter & towards the last was seiz’d with ye
Gout at the Stomach which turn’d to an inflamations –
she died of the 16 June after only keeping her bed 3
days --------
I shall expect to hear from you soon as
you promised when I hope to know the time fixed - &c &c
My Papa & Mamma unite in kindest respects to Mr Mrs
Hodson & yourself with her who is
My Dear
Hodson’s ever affectionate
R Clegg
Manchester Augt 26
Be pleased to presents of joint respects to Mr Mrs
[new page]
[change hand] on this day {^13 years} 16 June 1797
The writer of this letter
died after about 7 hours
illness –
Alas! For so fond a
[new page]
Answer’d Sepr 22
Miss Hodson
Cuppins Lane
of what I am very subject too, viz a neglecting tho not
forgetting to cancel obligations {^of this kind} sooner, your very esteem’d
favor lays me under these I must still as before look
to your generosity to excuse the omission – I was very
sorry I had it not in my power to see your Cousin B
who was so kind as to bring me your letter – I was gone
a little way into Cheshire with my Papa for a ride
which prevented me – We are very much obliged to
you for the invitation to Chester I shoud be exceedg
happy to avail myself of it but twill be impracticable
this summer [deleted] the hopes of seeing you at Manchester
[deleted] {^reconciles} me to that – I assure you I felt a great inclina =
=tion to have come with Mr Hodson tho I saw it was in
vaine - my Sister is at Liverpool – a party of them went
yesterday, my Mamma return’d last week after a
stay of three {^weeks} & I think she is much altered for {^ye} better with
it – you heard (you say) by chance of Miss Clarksons
[new page]
death - the news is true & how soon the summons may
be issued to call us we cannot tell which shows the
necessity of a continual preparedness that it may ot
come unwelcome – it seem’d a friendly stroke to poor
Nancy – her only fear was coming back again into the
World the fears of death being quite removed in the
prospect of a blissfull eternity – she had been poorly
most of the winter & towards the last was seiz’d with ye
Gout at the Stomach which turn’d to an inflamations –
she died of the 16 June after only keeping her bed 3
days --------
I shall expect to hear from you soon as
you promised when I hope to know the time fixed - &c &c
My Papa & Mamma unite in kindest respects to Mr Mrs
Hodson & yourself with her who is
My Dear
Hodson’s ever affectionate
R Clegg
Manchester Augt 26
Be pleased to presents of joint respects to Mr Mrs
[new page]
[change hand] on this day {^13 years} 16 June 1797
The writer of this letter
died after about 7 hours
illness –
Alas! For so fond a
[new page]
Answer’d Sepr 22
Miss Hodson
Cuppins Lane
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 26 August 1784
Explaining that she was unable to receive her letter in person having travelled into the Cheshire for a ride with her Papa, thanking her for an invite to Chester, providing information about her Mamma's health, discussing the death of Miss Clarkson.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [17]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Sugt 26 1784
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Hodson, Cuppins Lane, Chester
[Cheshire, England]
primary author
- exercise
- recreation
- visiting
- affection
- happy
- hopeful
- love
- regret
- sorrow
- duty
- faith
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 26 August 1784, 2681784: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [17]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.