327 - Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 10 December 1783
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for which we return you our best thanks & as
the man who brought it return’d ye next Day
I thought it perhaps might not be too soon
to answer yours – In which you ask about Mr Spenr
I really must refer you to some other
more distant part for any intelligence – it is rather
too dear for me to correspond with him as ye
last thing I heard of him he was to set sail
for Portugal in an hour – So I can tell
you no more of him -------- Shoud you not take
it as trouble I must beg you will be so obligg
as to transcribe me yt song you play call’d
Advice with the words – as the Gentleman
I learn of cannot procure it for me nor never
remember seeing it – I mean the notes of ye
above as I think I shoud like to play it.
Papa Mamma Sister Miss Clarkson with
myself beg our kindest respects to Mr Mrs & Miss
[new page]
Hodson excuse haste as we are going to have
Doctr Mitchell & his Lady this afternoon
I remain
Your affectionate
Friend R Clegg
Decr 10 1783
My best Compliments attend Mrs Whitby’s
Family with your GrandMamma Mrs & Miss
Brown - - &c &c adieu write as soon as you can
do me the above favor also
[new page]
[change hand] Dr Mitchell died in Oxford Road Manchester 30 April
1824 in his 74th year – Mrs M still survives
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Cuppins Lane
for which we return you our best thanks & as
the man who brought it return’d ye next Day
I thought it perhaps might not be too soon
to answer yours – In which you ask about Mr Spenr
I really must refer you to some other
more distant part for any intelligence – it is rather
too dear for me to correspond with him as ye
last thing I heard of him he was to set sail
for Portugal in an hour – So I can tell
you no more of him -------- Shoud you not take
it as trouble I must beg you will be so obligg
as to transcribe me yt song you play call’d
Advice with the words – as the Gentleman
I learn of cannot procure it for me nor never
remember seeing it – I mean the notes of ye
above as I think I shoud like to play it.
Papa Mamma Sister Miss Clarkson with
myself beg our kindest respects to Mr Mrs & Miss
[new page]
Hodson excuse haste as we are going to have
Doctr Mitchell & his Lady this afternoon
I remain
Your affectionate
Friend R Clegg
Decr 10 1783
My best Compliments attend Mrs Whitby’s
Family with your GrandMamma Mrs & Miss
Brown - - &c &c adieu write as soon as you can
do me the above favor also
[new page]
[change hand] Dr Mitchell died in Oxford Road Manchester 30 April
1824 in his 74th year – Mrs M still survives
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Cuppins Lane
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 10 December 1783
Thanking her for the ham, uncomfortably denying any contact with Mr Spencer who has now set sail for Portugal [I suspect he was a rejected suitor], asking Mary to send her to words and notation for a song she plays called 'Advice'.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [14]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Decr 10 1783
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Hodson, Cuppins Lane, Chester
[Cheshire, England]
primary author
- recreation
- singing
- writing
- affection
- grateful
- duty
- education
- courting
- friendship
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 10 December 1783, 10121783: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [14]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.