325 - Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 27 November 1782
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I have now before me your last letter [deleted]
dated ye 18th of Octr [deleted] tellg me while I read yt I have been
too dilatory in answering it while ye contents alarm me & speak
tho in others words ye purport of our saviours admonition “watch
& pray lest ye enter into temptation” duty’s really necessary yet
I speak it with shame much neglected by me daily experience
teaches me my need – {^with} ye deceitfulness of my heart & ye
shares of a vain world together with ye wile of a cunning
adversary & yet ye backwardness I [deleted] feel to these things I shoud
sometimes be ashamed to tell a fellow mortal I cannot help
exclaiming with Mr Berridge – “what a cheat & a rogue is man
to himself” – I shoud wish you in your next to tell {^me} what
was ye {^cause} of Mr Hil-ch’s being set aside I never yet got to hear
it - & how they seem to take it – My dear Miss Hodson
I sincerely wish you may be early acquainted with ye
things yt pertain to salvation yt ye means of grace you are
enjoying might be blest (enjoying did I say) = but give me
leave to add {^with it} that those only which see their need of a saviour
& of their own helplessness {^& sinfulness} by nature can from [deleted] ye heart
rejoice at ye good {^tidings} of salvation by a redeemer permit me
while I with those to be known by my Friend to tell {^her} I wish
no greater happiness for myself than a saving knowledge of
[new page]
& interest in them – My Papa Mamma & Sister join me
in kindest {^respects} to Mr & Mrs Hodson – I hope soon to hear of
your Mamma’s happy delivery which we sincerely wish her –
My Aunt Richardson is this day coming to Manchester to
Reside here she havg left Ratcliffe upon ye marriage of Mr
Richardson {?Brother} which was yesterday – I have it now
in my power to fulfil my promise concerng Mr Berridges
letters am sorry to give you ye trouble of getg them copy’d
havg thought to have done it myself but one thing or
other has always hindered – Miss Clarksons begs her compts to
all – I hope I need not apologize to my dear Friend for ye
writing of this letter therefore must conclude as it is near
meetg time with my best love & wishg you ye comforts of
this life as far as consistent with ye glory of God & a happy
mortification to the world yt you may live above its smiles
or frowns be fitted for a better & have ye comfortable hope
of it while here below
I remain
with great respect
your affectionate
Friend R Clegg
(My compt to all Friends)
Nov 27 1782
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Pr favor of The
Revd Mr Armitage
I have now before me your last letter [deleted]
dated ye 18th of Octr [deleted] tellg me while I read yt I have been
too dilatory in answering it while ye contents alarm me & speak
tho in others words ye purport of our saviours admonition “watch
& pray lest ye enter into temptation” duty’s really necessary yet
I speak it with shame much neglected by me daily experience
teaches me my need – {^with} ye deceitfulness of my heart & ye
shares of a vain world together with ye wile of a cunning
adversary & yet ye backwardness I [deleted] feel to these things I shoud
sometimes be ashamed to tell a fellow mortal I cannot help
exclaiming with Mr Berridge – “what a cheat & a rogue is man
to himself” – I shoud wish you in your next to tell {^me} what
was ye {^cause} of Mr Hil-ch’s being set aside I never yet got to hear
it - & how they seem to take it – My dear Miss Hodson
I sincerely wish you may be early acquainted with ye
things yt pertain to salvation yt ye means of grace you are
enjoying might be blest (enjoying did I say) = but give me
leave to add {^with it} that those only which see their need of a saviour
& of their own helplessness {^& sinfulness} by nature can from [deleted] ye heart
rejoice at ye good {^tidings} of salvation by a redeemer permit me
while I with those to be known by my Friend to tell {^her} I wish
no greater happiness for myself than a saving knowledge of
[new page]
& interest in them – My Papa Mamma & Sister join me
in kindest {^respects} to Mr & Mrs Hodson – I hope soon to hear of
your Mamma’s happy delivery which we sincerely wish her –
My Aunt Richardson is this day coming to Manchester to
Reside here she havg left Ratcliffe upon ye marriage of Mr
Richardson {?Brother} which was yesterday – I have it now
in my power to fulfil my promise concerng Mr Berridges
letters am sorry to give you ye trouble of getg them copy’d
havg thought to have done it myself but one thing or
other has always hindered – Miss Clarksons begs her compts to
all – I hope I need not apologize to my dear Friend for ye
writing of this letter therefore must conclude as it is near
meetg time with my best love & wishg you ye comforts of
this life as far as consistent with ye glory of God & a happy
mortification to the world yt you may live above its smiles
or frowns be fitted for a better & have ye comfortable hope
of it while here below
I remain
with great respect
your affectionate
Friend R Clegg
(My compt to all Friends)
Nov 27 1782
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Pr favor of The
Revd Mr Armitage
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 27 November 1782
Lengthy apologies for her failure to write sooner, hoping that they both are blessed with the necessary wisdom to negotiate courtship and meditating on the means of salvation, providing details of mutual acquaintances health.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [8]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Nov 27 1782
[Lancashire, England]
Miss Hodson, Chester
Pr favor of The Revd Mr Armitage
[Cheshire, England]
primary author
- devotional practice
- writing
- affection
- fear
- hopeful
- love
- regret
- shame
- duty
- faith
- sinful
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, 27 November 1782, 27111782: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [8]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.