316 - Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, undated
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- People (1)
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Hodsons unanswered ye date of which puts me in mind of what
she said [deleted] while I was at Chester “yt after I had {^writ} you
once to let you know how got home I shoud not any
more”; however give me leave in my plain way to {^tell} you
yt this epistle long as it has been is reachg Chester &
worthless as you’ll find it when there yt you are for once
mistaken” but I can just think what you will say
when you read ye above viz “I don’t care {^as it has been so long} if it had never
reached me” but I’m sure yt if my Friend (for so I shall
& am glad to style you) knew what has hindered me
Writing I shoud need make no further apologies but I
Must beg leave to suppress it only this far I say concerng
If yt for this month past I cannot say yt I have been {^one day} perfect=
=ly {^well} in either body or mind - & yt whatever were my spirits
while I was at Chester they are far worse here – but I
think tis time to conclude on yt subject for I can assure
I think my path seems hitherto nought – but I am in a
desert & cannot expect to find my way strew’d with roses
for no sooner when I think I have {^found} a rose & want to
regale myself with its fragrancy but I meet a pricking
train to remind my forgetful soul yt this is not my rest
& tis necessary {^for} I find creature comfrots woud draw my
heart to far from God & ‘tis to me, however & melancholy {^reflection}
[new page]
that what is given us to be enjoyed & make this life in
some measure agreeable {^&} yt shoud be injoyed to his glory {^who is ye giver} shoud be
a means of drawing us from him in this case as Mr Hervey
styles it our very comforts become {?killing}
Please to give my kind respects to Mr & Mrs [damaged]
& tell your Mamma yt Mrs Priestly is expecting to get her bed
every day but in any other respect is I believe very clever {?there}
was a prayer meetg on her account last Monday night
at there house – We got ye soap a few days {^after your letter} [deleted]
visit Mrs Dinwiddie by all ye accounts I can hear she is a
very agreeable woman Mr Will & his Lady are return’d
with her Mother & Sister & old Mrs D is going to reside in
Scotland – I have got a whole budget of thanks to
present from ye recipients of ye soap {^you sent} excuse my representing
them altogether my Aunt Rich is never {^got} hers till last
saturday she has been in London since I wrote you & I have
had {^no} opportunity before – I’m afraid you will hardly be
able to read this rubbish. I think its time to give up
till I can write more correctly however I hope you’ll
excuse & pray don’t prognosticate any thing from it. My
Papa Mamma Sister & all friends as if named beg
their respects jointly with R Clegg to your parents & self
with begging you excuse with candor ye inadvertencies with
which this letter abounds & to present my best compts to
all your {^Grandmamma} Aunts Uncles & Cousins for (excuse ye freedom of
likening them to mine however they do resemble in
being to numerous {^to name} unless your poor correspondent
was better able to write.
I conclude your
Sincere Friend still tho absent
R Clegg
Our respects to Mr & Mrs
Armitage we had Mr Smith to dine on sabbath day.
[new page]
Mr Smith told us of poor Sister Sarah’s indisposition pray write
& tell me how is do excuse this letter I have several by
Unanswered for I write as much this five weeks as this letter contains
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Mr Hodsons
Cuppins Lane
Hodsons unanswered ye date of which puts me in mind of what
she said [deleted] while I was at Chester “yt after I had {^writ} you
once to let you know how got home I shoud not any
more”; however give me leave in my plain way to {^tell} you
yt this epistle long as it has been is reachg Chester &
worthless as you’ll find it when there yt you are for once
mistaken” but I can just think what you will say
when you read ye above viz “I don’t care {^as it has been so long} if it had never
reached me” but I’m sure yt if my Friend (for so I shall
& am glad to style you) knew what has hindered me
Writing I shoud need make no further apologies but I
Must beg leave to suppress it only this far I say concerng
If yt for this month past I cannot say yt I have been {^one day} perfect=
=ly {^well} in either body or mind - & yt whatever were my spirits
while I was at Chester they are far worse here – but I
think tis time to conclude on yt subject for I can assure
I think my path seems hitherto nought – but I am in a
desert & cannot expect to find my way strew’d with roses
for no sooner when I think I have {^found} a rose & want to
regale myself with its fragrancy but I meet a pricking
train to remind my forgetful soul yt this is not my rest
& tis necessary {^for} I find creature comfrots woud draw my
heart to far from God & ‘tis to me, however & melancholy {^reflection}
[new page]
that what is given us to be enjoyed & make this life in
some measure agreeable {^&} yt shoud be injoyed to his glory {^who is ye giver} shoud be
a means of drawing us from him in this case as Mr Hervey
styles it our very comforts become {?killing}
Please to give my kind respects to Mr & Mrs [damaged]
& tell your Mamma yt Mrs Priestly is expecting to get her bed
every day but in any other respect is I believe very clever {?there}
was a prayer meetg on her account last Monday night
at there house – We got ye soap a few days {^after your letter} [deleted]
visit Mrs Dinwiddie by all ye accounts I can hear she is a
very agreeable woman Mr Will & his Lady are return’d
with her Mother & Sister & old Mrs D is going to reside in
Scotland – I have got a whole budget of thanks to
present from ye recipients of ye soap {^you sent} excuse my representing
them altogether my Aunt Rich is never {^got} hers till last
saturday she has been in London since I wrote you & I have
had {^no} opportunity before – I’m afraid you will hardly be
able to read this rubbish. I think its time to give up
till I can write more correctly however I hope you’ll
excuse & pray don’t prognosticate any thing from it. My
Papa Mamma Sister & all friends as if named beg
their respects jointly with R Clegg to your parents & self
with begging you excuse with candor ye inadvertencies with
which this letter abounds & to present my best compts to
all your {^Grandmamma} Aunts Uncles & Cousins for (excuse ye freedom of
likening them to mine however they do resemble in
being to numerous {^to name} unless your poor correspondent
was better able to write.
I conclude your
Sincere Friend still tho absent
R Clegg
Our respects to Mr & Mrs
Armitage we had Mr Smith to dine on sabbath day.
[new page]
Mr Smith told us of poor Sister Sarah’s indisposition pray write
& tell me how is do excuse this letter I have several by
Unanswered for I write as much this five weeks as this letter contains
[new page]
Miss Hodson
Mr Hodsons
Cuppins Lane
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, undated
Contains a lengthy apology for not writing sooner, complaining about a general illness of body and mind for the last month and meditating on her faith, providing news of mutual friends and acquaintances, Mrs Priestly is about to give birth, more opinions on Mrs Dinwiddie's personality, thanks for the soap sent by Mary and asking her to write back soon.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [7]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
[??Manchester??, ??Lancashire??, England]
Miss Hodson, Cuppins Lane, Chester
[Cheshire, England]
primary author
spirits (body part)
- devotional practice
- meditating
- travel
- writing
- illness
- melancholy
- separation
- disorder
- ill-health
- uneasy
- unwell
- duty
- faith
- mind
- body - worsening
- health - worsening
- mind - worsening
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Mary Jane Hodson, undated: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 10 [7]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.