307 - Rebekah Bateman to Margery Smithson, 22 May 1797
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yd of Black Lace the same as the inclosed, don’t let be any
coarser, let it cost what it will, as bad as times are I’m
saucy, if you coud meet with a remnant if it be rather
more than a yd I shall have no objection to it, but
must beg the favor of you to get it for Mr B to bring
as I should go to High Grove on Wednesday, & I want
to put it on my gauze cloak, & when you are down
I’ll thank you to get a yd of Dowlass at 1/6 pr yd = &
send it at the same time. I suppose you woud hear by
{?W} from London, so I need say nothing of what I had
only I can tell you they are not for saying anything
to Mr Lyndal which I’m glad of, & they took my hint
well. Give my love to my Bror & tell him he missed a Master=
=piece of Mr Smiths for sublimity of sentiment, & elegance of
language. I have a few sentences in my memory, but as I fear
they woud lose some of their native purity by my transcribing
them from my memory only (for they never touched my heart)
I shall decline entertaining you with them
I remain Dr Mart
Yours very sincerely
R Bateman
Gatley May 22 97
yd of Black Lace the same as the inclosed, don’t let be any
coarser, let it cost what it will, as bad as times are I’m
saucy, if you coud meet with a remnant if it be rather
more than a yd I shall have no objection to it, but
must beg the favor of you to get it for Mr B to bring
as I should go to High Grove on Wednesday, & I want
to put it on my gauze cloak, & when you are down
I’ll thank you to get a yd of Dowlass at 1/6 pr yd = &
send it at the same time. I suppose you woud hear by
{?W} from London, so I need say nothing of what I had
only I can tell you they are not for saying anything
to Mr Lyndal which I’m glad of, & they took my hint
well. Give my love to my Bror & tell him he missed a Master=
=piece of Mr Smiths for sublimity of sentiment, & elegance of
language. I have a few sentences in my memory, but as I fear
they woud lose some of their native purity by my transcribing
them from my memory only (for they never touched my heart)
I shall decline entertaining you with them
I remain Dr Mart
Yours very sincerely
R Bateman
Gatley May 22 97
Rebekah Bateman to Margery Smithson, 22 May 1797
Asking her to get her some black lace to match a sample that she has enclosed, explaining her plans for the lace and giving permission for Margery to spend more to get the right quality, praising a sermon she has recently heard.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 9 [4]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
May 22 97
[Lancashire, England]
[unknown, England]
primary author
- consumption
- devotional practice
- listening
- meditating
- grateful
- love (familial)
religious meeting
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Margery Smithson, 22 May 1797, 2251797: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 9 [4]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.