268 - Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 7 July 1747
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I Wod not Omitt this opportunity
of Satisfieing you of my Regard for you Which [deleted]
Gives me grate Uneasyness for you but {?to/so} Suspect it, my
Reason for Inserting it in this is My Mother tould me
you Immagined our Corespondence Woud Drop through my
Deglect Which I hope nay am Shure Never Will Happen
for have too grate a Share of ye Sattisfaction that acrues
from a Corespondence of this Nature Ever to be Gilty
of Such a Crime shud be Sorry my Dear Sister Shoud
Ever Habour Such a thought of one {^who} Esteems it one
Of ye Gratist pleasure She has in haveing so good
a Sister for her Friend & Who is Desirous of its Continuance
With her Life as it woud be ye grattist Uneasyness Coud
be for any thing of that kind to Happen betwixt too
Who have Ever been so Dear to one an other & hope
though for Want of opportunity our Writeing May not
be so often as Coud wish it hope that will Never abate
ye Love that is Mutally betwixt us, Which I Can promis
Will never be on my Side & hope never will on yours
[new page]
I am very Sorry Little Nancy is so Weekley But
Hope your Meated of {?Diping} will Recover her String
Again Which Will give me grate pleasure to hear
Conclude With Mr Cooper joyning with Love to Bror
& Self With thanks for your kind present Which
Was very Good for had part of {^it} Sunday Last.
am Dear Sister your
Loveing & Affecte Sister
R Coopers
I am Sorry I Cant send your
Costers for have been Disapointted
For has not Brought according to promis
But shall send them next jorney
Excuse Hast
I Would not Omit this opportunity
of Satisfying you of my Regard for you Which [deleted]
Gives me grate Uneasyness for you but {?to/so} Suspect it, my
Reason for Inserting it in this is My Mother told me
you Imagined our Correspondence Woud Drop through my
Neglect Which I hope nay am Shure Never Will Happen
for have too grate a Share of ye Satisfaction that accrues
from a Correspondence of this Nature Ever to be Guilty
of Such a Crime should be Sorry my Dear Sister Shoud
Ever Harbour Such a thought of one {^who} Esteems it one
Of ye Greatest pleasure She has in having so good
a Sister for her Friend & Who is Desirous of its Continuance
With her Life as it would be ye greatest Uneasyness Could
be for any thing of that kind to Happen betwixt too
Who have Ever been so Dear to one an other & hope
though for Want of opportunity our Writing May not
be so often as Could wish it hope that will Never abate
ye Love that is Mutually betwixt us, Which I Can promise
Will never be on my Side & hope never will on yours
[new page]
I am very Sorry Little Nancy is so Weakley But
Hope your Meated of {?Diping} will Recover her String
Again Which Will give me grate pleasure to hear
Conclude With Mr Cooper joining with Love to Bror
& Self With thanks for your kind present Which
Was very Good for had part of {^it} Sunday Last.
am Dear Sister your
Loving & Affecte Sister
R Coopers
I am Sorry I Cant send your
Costers for have been Disappointed
For has not Brought according to promise
But shall send them next journey
Excuse Hast
Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 7 July 1747
Apologising profusely for her failure to write, fretting that her negligence would lead to her sister refusing to correspond with her, and expressing concern for Nancy's health.
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/2 [1]
Sheffield Archives
July 7th 1747
[??Sheffield??, ??Yorkshire??, England]
Little Nancy
- ill-health
- recovery
- strong
- unwell
- weak
- care provided by family/kin/household
- regimen
To Cite this Letter
Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 7 July 1747, 771747: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/2 [1]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.