242 - Rebekah Bateman to Thomas Bateman, 13 October 1788
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You will think by my writing so
soon I am better than common but as I had
so favorable an opportunity I cou’d not let it
pass by Mr & Mrs Wrigglesworth of {?Bucklers}=
=bury London & a Gentleman & Lady of their acquaint=
=tance especially as they wisht to see my Will –
they have behav’d remarkably civil & done all they
coud to keep up my spirits as such I hope you
will return ye favor done to me as done to
yourself. You will laugh at my Parcil but
hope you’ll excuse ye stockings being put round
I did it to keep them tight ye Walnutts
I got in ye Country this afternoon fresh off y
tree & thought they might serve to entertain
you some evening when alone ----- I have
nothing of any consequence to relate since my
last only to press you again to write soon
& every particular how you go on
[new page]
We are all thro mercy very well & beg join
respects to all Friends with sincere love
to you from
your ever
Wife R Bateman
Octr 13 1788
[new page]
Mr Bateman
Levers Row
Favor’d by
Mrs Wrigglesworth
You will think by my writing so
soon I am better than common but as I had
so favorable an opportunity I cou’d not let it
pass by Mr & Mrs Wrigglesworth of {?Bucklers}=
=bury London & a Gentleman & Lady of their acquaint=
=tance especially as they wisht to see my Will –
they have behav’d remarkably civil & done all they
coud to keep up my spirits as such I hope you
will return ye favor done to me as done to
yourself. You will laugh at my Parcil but
hope you’ll excuse ye stockings being put round
I did it to keep them tight ye Walnutts
I got in ye Country this afternoon fresh off y
tree & thought they might serve to entertain
you some evening when alone ----- I have
nothing of any consequence to relate since my
last only to press you again to write soon
& every particular how you go on
[new page]
We are all thro mercy very well & beg join
respects to all Friends with sincere love
to you from
your ever
Wife R Bateman
Octr 13 1788
[new page]
Mr Bateman
Levers Row
Favor’d by
Mrs Wrigglesworth
Rebekah Bateman to Thomas Bateman, 13 October 1788
Explaining to him why she has written to him so soon after her previous letter, telling him of details of her visitors that have tried to keep her spirits up, sending fresh walnuts and apologising for the state of her parcel.
Bateman Family Papers
OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 6 [11]
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Octr 13 1788
[Yorkshire, England]
Mr Bateman, Levers Row, Manchester, Favor'd by Mrs Wrigglesworth
[Lancashire, England]
primary author
spirits (body part)
- gifting
- visiting
- writing
- health
- well
- affection
- happy
- love
- love (romantic)
To Cite this Letter
Rebekah Bateman to Thomas Bateman, 13 October 1788, 13101788: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, Bateman Family Papers, OSB MSS 32 Box 1, Folder 6 [11]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.