2248 - Elizabeth Cumberland to [?George or Richard] Cumberland, 18 June 1774
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Monday June 18 1774
My Dear
After being under the greatest [illeg] about your health
ever since Satterday last I was restored by the arrival of {^the} Post man this afternoon.
I xxx was afraid you was ill as you had a cold upon you when you set
out. I could not think of going out till I heard from you {^but} intend to
take your kind advice and set of for Camberwell tomorrow [illeg]
about as much as I can for I am very dul without you and long for your
return I spent the day yesterday {^at} Mr Tapp heard of the Death of Mr
Abrm Hankel who died on Satterday, but I [illeg] you have heard of
it before now I hope you will meet your Dear Brother well & that you will
have a great deal of pleasure with him pray my love you must excuse
[illeg] bit of cool as it is late and as I intend to gad about thoughts I wld
let you know I had reachd you and was well, shall conclude with my
Blessing to my Dear Boys and prayers for their health & happiness
and am your affectionate Mother
Elizb Cumberland
PS my Compliments
to all friends
Elizabeth Cumberland to [?George or Richard] Cumberland, 18 June 1774
Elizabeth has worried about her son’s health until the post arrived; she misses him. She hopes they will meet and enjoy each other’s company. She is intending ‘to gad about’.
Cumberland Papers
Add MS 36491_98
British Library
Monday June 18 1774
primary author
- bored
- separation
- uneasy
- well
- affection
- amused
- love (parental)
- worried
To Cite this Letter
Elizabeth Cumberland to [?George or Richard] Cumberland, 18 June 1774, 1861774: British Library, Cumberland Papers, Add MS 36491_98
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.