2243 - James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791

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Image #1 of letter: James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791

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Image #2 of letter: James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791

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Image #3 of letter: James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791

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Image #4 of letter: James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791
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Image 1

Dear [?Sir]

I did myself the pleasure to write
you the 3[?rd][?with][?in] reply to your kind favour of the 25th April, and indeed I ought to have wrote you some days ago [?but][?has] been uncommonly busy but nothing that, with your goodness, will plead for and pardon my seeming neglect shall make me [?farther] apology
With happiness and pleasure I now beg leave to inform you that your Daughter and I were married on the [?6th] [?current] at [? illeg.] to which place Mrs Marr and your Son accompany'd us the ceremony was perform d by the Rev.[?d super] Doctor Hardy one of the Ministers of [?Edinb']the [?privatest] manner which could not been done so here, on account of our numerous friends, we return'd from [?Edinb.] last night and directly home to our own

Image 2

[illeg.] House. I beg you will accept my sincere thanks for your great kindness in the [?expedition] you have made in forwarding this business, I shall at all times be glad and happy to hear of your good health. I hope Mrs [?Watt] and your family are all well to whom I [?request] my sincere and respectful good wishes.
With duty and respect I sincerely wish you and [?them] all health and happiness remaining at all times with [?truth] and regard [inkblot]
Dear Sir
Glasgow 15th June 1791 Yours most sincerely
[?JW] Miller

N.B. Please address Mr [?Gardner][?I land]
Charlotte Street

Image 1

Dear [?Sir]

I did myself the pleasure to write you the [?3rd] with in [illeg] to your kind favour of the 25th April and indeed I ought to have with you some days ago but has been uncomonly busy but [?trusting ]that with your goodness will plead for and pardon my seeming neglect shall make no further apology

With happeniness and pleasure I now beg leave to inform you that your Daughter and I were married on the 6th current at [?Edinb] to which place Mrs Marr and your Son accompany'd us the ceremony was performed by the Rev d Doctor Hardy one of the ministers of [?Edinb]in the [illeg] manner, which could not been done so here, on account of our numerous friends, we return'd from [?Edinb]last night and directly home to our own

Image 2

[Illeg] House, I beg you will accept of my sincere thanks for your great kindness in the [Illeg] you have made in [?forwarding] this business, I shall at all times be glad and happy to hear of your good health. I hope Mrs Watt and your family are all well to whom I request my sincere and respectful good wishes.
With Duty and Respect I sincerely wish you and them all health and happiness remaining at all times with health and regard
Dear Sir
Glasgow 15th June 1791 Yours most sincerely
N.B. Please address me Gardeners Land Charlotte Street Ja s Miller

Image 3

Glasgow June 15
[?Fond] Father
I take up the pen once more to thank you for your goodness to me and for my present happiness. If their is any thing in my power that will render your old Age comfortable speak but the word as I will do it - for it is both my duty [missing] happiness to [?love] so excellent a parent -
My Brother left us upon Tuesday we were very happy with him and went to see every place of note about Edinburgh - We all regretted very much that he could not spend a longer time with in Scotland but hope now he has found the way he will not be such a stranger.
Mrs Murr was with us in Edinburgh and was very well while there but has since been complaining a good deal my Aunt Betty is much in her ordinary and kept her health pretty well while we were away -

Image 4

Please give my respectful Compliments to Mrs Watt and beg her acceptance of [?this] pair of gloves for herself and four pairs for Gregory and Jessy which I send by the mail tomorrow If you will be so kind as accept of two pair I shall consider it as a great obligation

With sincere wishes for your health and happiness I remain Fond Father your dutiful daughter
Margt W Miller

[Addressed to] Mr James Watt, Heathfield, near Birmingham

[Addressed from] Mr & Mrs Miller June 15 1791
Gardeners Land Charlotte Street


James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791

James announces his marriage to Margaret some days before, and would like to continue to hear of James Watt’s good health. Margaret sends thanks to her father and assures him she will continue to remain dutiful. Mrs Marr was at the wedding and Aunt Betty kept ‘pretty well’ when they were away. She sends gloves for her stepmother, Mrs Watt, and the two children.

Watt, James and Family Papers

MS 3219/4/1/1/9/10

Library of Birmingham






Heathfield, near Birmingham

[Warwickshire] [England]

Person: James Watt (snr)
View full details of Person: James Watt (snr)

primary addressee

  • clothing
  • comportment


  • health
  • well



at home

  • family
  • fatherhood
  • parenthood

Person: Margaret Watt (jnr)
View full details of Person: Margaret Watt (jnr)

primary author


  • devotional practice
  • gifting
  • sight-seeing
  • travel
  • writing

  • grateful
  • happy
  • hopeful
  • regret

  • duty
  • personal blessings

  • at home
  • religious meeting
  • travel

  • filial
  • marriage

Person: James Watt (jnr)
View full details of Person: James Watt (jnr)


  • sight-seeing
  • travel



  • family
  • filial
  • siblings

Person: Anne Watt
View full details of Person: Anne Watt



How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

James and Margaret Miller [nee Watt (II)] to James Watt (II), 15 June 1791, 1561791: Library of Birmingham, Watt, James and Family Papers, MS 3219/4/1/1/9/10

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
