2216 - Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800

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Image #1 of letter: Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800

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Image #2 of letter: Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800

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Image #3 of letter: Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800

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Image #4 of letter: Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800
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I Rec'd the favour of your Letter on Tuesday Evening
I shod have written to you on the same subject If I had not
expected to see you the latter end of this Month & therefore
I thought it unnecessary to trouble you with a letter
About six weeks since Miss Antrim wrote to Me to say
a very miserable woman had been at Her House to Visit Miss L
who' said She was Her Mother, She was so very much distress'd
She had solicited ye Redd Charity from the School
My Poor Proteges who can have no affection to a mother who she
never knew was as you may naturally suppose very much mortified
& the consiquence is that I shall again be under the [?necessity}
to remove her to some Place where she may not find her
Miss Andrim Observing a Child who cou'd never do her
Credit must in the [?Lord} do her harm, their school is very
much increasing & they do not want to keep her
Now Sr for the Mother I hear confirm what I said in a former
Letter respecting an allowance to be made to her out of [?Lys]
Income but on these conditions that she never shall apply
to Lyn If she find where she may be & I must say I think it
very unkind of the Conways to give a direction. In my house

Image 2

she is not known by any other name than Lyn & when I place
her again I will only give that name I have been obliged to
remove her three times on this account
I know nothing of her Birth or Parentage but I have been inform'd by my Twickenham Nighbours this Woman actually is
not her Mother & that the woman was in a mad house at the time
this girl was born, as it did not concern me I never made
the least enquiry Mr Myddelton brought her to My Door & said
He did not know what to do with her & to oblige him I took the
care of her from his assurance that no mother wou'd ever appear
Her health was so bad & her doctors so expencive that the first
year making no allowance for her board with me I was ten Pounds
out of Pocket & I think last year I did not receive as
much for her board as was paid for School Board She is
alway near four months at Home her apocatherarys Bill the
year before last was upwards of seven Pound and seven Pound
to the Doctors who attended her Eve. She has been I'll lately
which I was not informed of till she was recovered then she
came to me a few days said she did not know what had
been the matter with her but she believed she had had a fever
& had taken a great deal of the Medicine. I realy think these
Ladies are in fee with the Doctors they attend the School by the

Image 3

Year & I suppose every child sick or well must subscrib
I find it the General Opinion as [?Howarth] that she is Doctor Taylors
Child & I must say I think every feature like him to corroborte
this Idea I must make you Laugh. She was about ten years
when Mr Myddelon brought her & tho' She has been much given
to creative fancies what she then said seem'd to be simple
Ignorance & Innocene of 2 Poor {?D.J} was very much frightened
at being alone in the Dark & particularly in thunder &
Lightening & he Used to sleep with Us but I realy dont recoll
it whether it was Aunt Jones or Coz Conway that now a
Sheltered him from the Impending Dangers.
with this good story I beg leave to conclude least
you may think me quite scandelous.
Lyn tell me Aunt Jones left this poor woman in question
two shillings Pr week I beg to know whether Mr Conway
has any fund to suply it now
Your Obliged Hum{bl^} Serv
Elisa Lister
Thursday Noon
Charles St Manchester Sq

Image 4

James Clitherow Esq
Boston House
Brentford [?Puss}
Mn Lister
[?km ward]
[?abr] Nov 1800


Elizabeth Lister to James Clitherow Esq, c. November 1800

Concerning the care and education of Ann Lynsdale, ward of Court of Chancery, allegedly illegitimate daughter of Dr John Taylour. Describing a young distressed woman (Ann Lynsdale) whose mother was thought to be in an asylum. The young woman was in poor health and attended by expensive doctors. It is thought the young woman is Dr Taylour’s child, and she looks like him.

Lister, Elizabeth


London Archives




abt Nov 1800

Charles Street Manchester Square, London


Boston House, Brentford, Middlesex


  • enquiry
  • reporting

  • concerned
  • neutral

throughout (inconsistent)


Person: Elizabeth Lister
View full details of Person: Elizabeth Lister

primary author



Person: Ann Lynsdale
View full details of Person: Ann Lynsdale



  • fever
  • illness
  • separation

  • health
  • recovery
  • unwell

  • affection
  • distress


  • apothecary
  • doctor
  • medical

