2050 - James Watt (II) to James Watt (I), 25 November 1757
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Dear Papa Glasgow Nov [r super]24 1757
As I receivedam going out of town to day to the River I thought proper to advise you I rec [d super]: the [pound symbol]5.13. from M [r super]Ritchie the 13 I have applied toward paying some of the things. Mr Walker said he would speak to his partners about the acc:[t super]My aunt Muirheid has been ill with the [?Megrim (migraine)] but is better I am Dear Papa
Your ever Dutiful
James Watt
Image 1
Glasgow Novr 24 1757
As I receive am going out of town to day to the River
I thought proper to advise you I recd the £5.13.
from Mr Ritchie the 13 s have applied toward
paying some of the thing. Mr Walker said he would
speak to his partners about the acct My aunt
Muirheid has been ill with the [illeg] but
is better I am Dear Papa
Your ever Dutiful Son
James Watt
Image 2
Mr To
James Watt
James Watt (II) to James Watt (I), 25 November 1757
James is about to travel and informs his father of money he has received. His Aunt has been unwell with the megrim (migraine) but has improved.
Watt, James and Family Papers
MS 3219/3/3/2/3/18
Library of Birmingham
Novr 24 1757
Glasgow [Scotland]
Greenock [Scotland]
primary author
- family
- filial
To Cite this Letter
James Watt (II) to James Watt (I), 25 November 1757, 24111757: Library of Birmingham, Watt, James and Family Papers, MS 3219/3/3/2/3/18
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.