2006 - Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686
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Image 1 of 3
![Image #1 of letter: Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_110828_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_47_1.jpg)
Image 2 of 3
![Image #2 of letter: Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_110837_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_47_2.jpg)
Image 3 of 3
![Image #3 of letter: Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_110849_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_47_3.jpg)
I wonder’d deare brother that I had
not of so long a time heard from Tre=
=gothnan and am very sory to heare
as I did yesterday that my deare sis=
=ters ilnes may bee the occasion of it
I beg you wood order some body (not
to give you the trouble of thy time)
to let mee know how shee is and in
what manner shee has beene ill, I
also here shee is, {?averse} to Drs but if
you see cause for it I hope you will
prevaile in that matter and espetially
in the choise of the best who is cer=
=tainly Dr Bidgood of Exeter by
all report, and now I have only to assure
you of my affectionate service AC
[new page]
[change hand]
10th Janr 86 Lady
Clinton wth 2 notes one
Mr Ja Morton & Mr
Will West of Wood
& {?senfully} = &c
[new page]
Ffor Hugh Boscawen
Esqr at Tregothnan
Truro Post
I wondered dear brother that I had
not of so long a time heard from Tre=
=gothnan and am very sorry to hear
as I did yesterday that my dear sis=
=ter's illness may be the occasion of it
I beg you would order some body (not
to give you the trouble of thy time)
to let me know how she is and in
what manner she has been ill, I
also hear she is, {?averse} to Doctors but if
you see cause for it I hope you will
prevail in that matter and especially
in the choice of the best who is cer=
=tainly Dr Bidgood of Exeter by
all report, and now I have only to assure
you of my affectionate service AC
[new page]
[change hand]
10th January 86 Lady
Clinton with 2 notes one
Mr James Morton & Mr
Will West of Wood
& {?senfully} = &c
[new page]
Ffor Hugh Boscawen
Esqr at Tregothnan
Truro Post
Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686
She had been wondering why she hadn't heard from him, and is sorry to hear that his wife's illness may be the cause, asking for a number of details about Margaret Boscawen's health, she knows that Margaret is averse to doctors but hopes Hugh will prevail, recommending a good doctor
Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers)
1262M/0/FC/1 [47]
Devon Heritage Centre
Jan: 10th 86
[?Cornwall] [England]
Truro Post
[Cornwall] [England]
- doctor
- medical
To Cite this Letter
Anne Clinton to Hugh Boscawen, 10 January 1686, 1011686: Devon Heritage Centre, Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers), 1262M/0/FC/1 [47]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.