1983 - Hugh Boscawen to Hugh Fortescue, 19 November 1698
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![Image #1 of letter: Hugh Boscawen to Hugh Fortescue, 19 November 1698](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_105832_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_35_1.jpg)
Deare Sr
I gave my [deleted] Dauther an accot of or many adventures
from {?Haledrunken} to Crockaton Well from whence we came this
morning found ye ways very bad from thence to Exon, good to this
place ye snow being gon mostly, but were frighted by ye waters, yt
were greate. I bles God we are all well, & give you Services love & duty
I am greately pleasd to finde yrs of 18th from Torington, being
very fearfull wt wold be ye event of yr journey, now bles God it
prov’d bettr then we expected, wch is all I shall say at prsent. Sr
Ffran Drake overgot us a little before we came to this Towne,
and is past by Mr Haris will follow him to Crockhorne, & I
hope you will not faile to appeare the 29th at farthest who am
Yr most affectionate humble
H Boscawen
Dear Sir
I gave my [deleted] Daughter an account of our many adventures
from {?Haledrunken} to Crockaton Well from whence we came this
morning found ye ways very bad from thence to Exon, good to this
place ye snow being gone mostly, but were frighted by ye waters, that
were great. I bless God we are all well, & give you Services love & duty
I am greatly pleased to find yours of 18th from Torrington, being
very fearful what would be ye event of your journey, now bless God it
proved better then we expected, which is all I shall say at present. Sir
Ffran Drake overgot us a little before we came to this Town,
and is past by Mr Harris will follow him to Crockhorne, & I
hope you will not fail to appear the 29th at farthest who am
Your most affectionate humble
H Boscawen
Hugh Boscawen to Hugh Fortescue, 19 November 1698
A short letter, describing their ongoing journey from Crockaton Well in the snow, most of which has gone but they were frighted by the force of the waters that they need to cross, they are thankful that Fortescue's journey was better than expected
Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers)
1262M/0/FC/1 [35]
Devon Heritage Centre
19th Nor 98
[?Cornwall] [England]
[?Cornwall] [England]
primary author
- health
- well
- fear
- grateful
To Cite this Letter
Hugh Boscawen to Hugh Fortescue, 19 November 1698, 19111698: Devon Heritage Centre, Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers), 1262M/0/FC/1 [35]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.