1972 - Anne Clinton to Bridget Boscowan, 26 December 1693
- Transcription
- Letter Details
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Deare Neece this is over and above, for I writ
to you lately, but you will say ‘tis for my one
[deleted] endes before I finish my scribble, so I will begin now
to tell you that {^a} lame son of cosen Buckness is in so much
want that after hee had dind here they tell mee, hee
pickd up the crums and offals upon the hall table {^to cary home} hee
has foolishly moved and his wife on donne lying I wish
they doo not starve, I have [illeg] very much on him
for these severall yeares so I have on another brother
of his and the sister {^too} I wood not trumpet out these cha=
=ritisse but to shwe you that I desire not what I
wood not doo my self, what you will give pray let it
bee to [illeg] that I may make it go the farther hee shall
know tis yours, I will make no excuse for this trouble
because tis a kindness to hint what one ought to doo
and so much for that, now I must tell you I am obleigd
to your good spouse for coming to see mee and hee {?saide}
hee was obleigd to mee more then any of your relations
for not chiding him I desire hee wood not thinke I
had lesse kindness for you, then others because I did it
not, hee cleaves himselfe to mee assuring that hee durst
neither persuade nor diswade from the iourney and
indeede since you staide so long I doubt it had beene
{?horrendous} but why did you not come sooner yet I
hope God will bring you safe out of thy dangerous time
onely your friends will want your good company I pro=
=missed my selfe to chat by your for this colde wether
and drinke of your [illeg] your spouse {?ses} {?needed}
[new page]
once thinke hee cood not love you better, but now hee
findes hee dos but pray doo you remember upon your
refusing of some good offer I return’d to examine
you if you had not some secret inclination and you
assur’d mee no and I beleeved you but now I suspect
otherwise and I hope twas what God order’d for the
best and that you are directed to the best midwife
tho not Mrs Sherbrooke, I must tell you what my Grandmo=
=ther [illeg] gave all her children and Grandchildren which
are pretty numerous and none had {?convulsions} twas
almost not quite the bignes of a pea of vennice
treacle with a leetle oyle of sweete almons either
after or before it you may add a leetle sirrup of violets
to the oyle if approved on best all thy [deleted] or any
of this must bee before it sucks and keepe it fasting
as long as you can after it and let it not bee used
to bee fed or [illeg] some after it wakes all the
time and as leetle a nights as can bee, give it
rather water and sugar then beere, I am very so my
neece {?trefuses} is ill pray assure her of my con=
=cerne for her and believe mee your affectionate
aunt and servant AC
my sister and neece
are your humble servants
[change hand] [bottom margin]
My Ladye Clinton
[deleted] direcktion
to me about my [deleted]
Lyin & ye child
Dear Niece this is over and above, for I writ
to you lately, but you will say ‘tis for my one
[deleted] ends before I finish my scribble, so I will begin now
to tell you that {^a} lame son of Cousin Buckness is in so much
want that after he had dined here they tell me, he
picked up the crumbs and offals upon the hall table {^to carry home} he
has foolishly moved and his wife on done lying, I wish
they do not starve, I have [illeg] very much on him
for these several years so I have on another brother
of his and the sister {^too} I would not trumpet out these cha=
=rities but to show you that I desire not what I
would not do my self, what you will give pray let it
be to [illeg] that I may make it go the farther he shall
know tis yours, I will make no excuse for this trouble
because tis a kindness to hint what one ought to do
and so much for that, now I must tell you I am obliged
to your good spouse for coming to see me and he {?said}
he was obliged to me more then any of your relations
for not chiding him I desire he would not think I
had less kindness for you, then others because I did it
not, he cleaves himself to me assuring that he durst
neither persuade nor dissuade from the journey and
indeed since you stayed so long I doubt it had been
{?horrendous} but why did you not come sooner yet I
hope God will bring you safe out of thy dangerous time
only your friends will want your good company I pro=
=mised my self to chat by your for this cold weather
and drink of your [illeg] your spouse {?ses} {?needed}
[new page]
once think he could not love you better, but now he
finds he does but pray do you remember upon your
refusing of some good offer I returned to examine
you if you had not some secret inclination and you
assured me no and I believed you but now I suspect
otherwise and I hope twas what God ordered for the
best and that you are directed to the best midwife
though not Mrs Sherbrooke, I must tell you what my Grandmo=
=ther [illeg] gave all her children and Grandchildren which
are pretty numerous and none had {?convulsions} twas
almost not quite the bigness of a pea of Venice
treacle with a little oil of sweet almonds either
after or before it you may add a little syrup of violets
to the oil if approved on best all thy [deleted] or any
of this must be before it sucks and keep it fasting
as long as you can after it and let it not bee used
to bee fed or [illeg] some after it wakes all the
time and as little a nights as can be, give it
rather water and sugar then beer, I am very so my
niece Trefussis is ill pray assure her of my con=
=cern for her and believe me your affectionate
aunt and servant AC
my sister and niece
are your humble servants
[change hand] [bottom margin]
My Lady Clinton
[deleted] direction
to me about my [deleted]
Lyin & ye child
Anne Clinton to Bridget Boscowan, 26 December 1693
Tells Bridget of a distant relation that is in straightened circumstances and whose wife is heavily pregnant, suggesting that she might be charitable towards him, making recommendations about a midwife for Bridget (who is pregnant), recommending a recipe for soothing the infant
Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers)
1262M/0/FC/1 [17]
Devon Heritage Centre
26th de: 93
[?Cornwall] [?England]
[?Cornwall] [?England]
To Cite this Letter
Anne Clinton to Bridget Boscowan, 26 December 1693, 26121693: Devon Heritage Centre, Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers), 1262M/0/FC/1 [17]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.