192 - Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 July 1762
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Dr Sisr/
I hope you’l Except this late tho Sinceare acknowlidg{^ment}
for your grate & Undesarved favours Conferd upon me at
all times More Especialy ye last which is not ye Smallest & which
I hope shall with ye most gratfull Heart for ever Remember
I Receivd ye things safe but hath made a Mistake for hath sent
one stocking not mine which may be a disapointment to a more
Scrupolus person then my self but Necessity hath no [deleted] Law
therfore shall send it down {&Durty} Nancy proposes sending a few
pattrans for your Aprobaton before she makes a Purchase by Bror
Shall send no News as it will be a Subject to Imploy her pen
Which you know she is very fond of shall oneley say she is very
Agreeable to every thing & every body & Conducts her self as you
Coud wish & Desire & Don’t question yts Continuance I can tell
you your Daughter hath made a Conquest allready for my Cousn
Bob Cooper grately admires her if she gains hearts so so[damaged]
I don’t know wether wee shant rob you of her but however
Hope to see you first for shall not Dispence with Mr Elliott
Promist Especialy as your Daughter tells my Maid she wishes
to see her Mama for an [deleted] hour or too & what must be
her Desire by that time she is very well & begs her Duty
& love where Due shall Conclud with Mr Cooper joyning with
me in ye same & am Dear Sisr
yrs for Ever
R Cooper
Mr Cooper was Disapointed
of a Snuf box bespock of
Mr Hancock pleas to send
the first oppertunity
Dear Sister/
I hope you’ll acccept this late tho Sincere acknowledg{^ment}
for your grate & Undeserved favours Conferred upon me at
all times More Especially ye last which is not ye Smallest & which
I hope shall with ye most grateful Heart for ever Remember
I Received ye things safe but hath made a Mistake for hath sent
one stocking not mine which may be a disappointment to a more
Scrupulous person then my self but Necessity hath no [deleted] Law
therefore shall send it down {&Dirty} Nancy proposes sending a few
pattrans for your Approbation before she makes a Purchase by Brother
Shall send no News as it will be a Subject to employ her pen
Which you know she is very fond of shall only say she is very
Agreeable to every thing & every body & Conducts her self as you
Could wish & Desire & Don’t question its Continuance I can tell
you your Daughter hath made a Conquest already for my Cousin
Bob Cooper greatly admires her if she gains hearts so so[damaged]
I don’t know whether wee shan’t rob you of her but however
Hope to see you first for shall not Dispense with Mr Elliott
Promised Especially as your Daughter tells my Maid she wishes
to see her Mama for an [deleted] hour or too & what must be
her Desire by that time she is very well & begs her Duty
& love where Due shall Conclude with Mr Cooper joining with
me in ye same & am Dear Sisr
yours for Ever
R Cooper
Mr Cooper was Disappointed
of a Snuff box bespoke of
Mr Hancock pleas to send
the first opportunity
Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 July 1762
Apologising for her failure to write sooner and asking for forgiveness, providing news on the progress of Nancy and requesting a visit soon.
Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield
LD1576/2 [16]
Sheffield Archives
July 19 1762
[??Sheffield??, ??Yorkshire??, England]
- consumption
- writing
- disposition
- duty
To Cite this Letter
Rebecca Cooper to Catherine Elliott, 19 July 1762, 1971762: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/2 [16]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.