1895 - [?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683
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Image 1 of 3
![Image #1 of letter: [?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_104457_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_10_1.jpg)
Image 2 of 3
![Image #2 of letter: [?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_104534_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_10_2.jpg)
Image 3 of 3
![Image #3 of letter: [?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683](/media/researchdata/letters/sbod_20220301_104545_GB0027_1262M_0_FC_1_10_3.jpg)
Dear Sister/
Perceaving by yours to
my nees that you are much imployed
about the sick and that Mis {?duplises}
is not yet wel, I send you these medisons
for malincoly, and the spleen Sin Johns
wort and gill gooy ground together or alone
made and taken like [deleted] tea, the
first and last thing is good, and to
purge malincoly, sena steeped in bear or
{?eal}, half an ownce devided into 4 quart
bottels, and let them drink it for there
ordinary drink, for as long time as you
see cause, the common straburys eaten
plentiful is good [change hand ??] but my cheefe medicine which
reaches unto modnes (so doo these in ther place) and
which I will not conceale from you, also considering
your practice being at too greate a distance to
preiudice mine, take ground {?Juy} that is call’d [deleted]
[deleted] als hoofe three greate handfuls shred small boyle it
in a {?pottle} of white wine pure without mixture till
[new page]
till two parts bee consumed then straine it and [deleted]
boyle it with six ounces of the best {?sallet} oyle
till it gloneth like an ointment, anoint the
moulde of the head upon the seame the haire bee-
=ing cut away being {?womd} eight or nine times
together {?chafing} it in very well
then take of the same [illeg] beaten and brads
and shred boyle it in white wine and oyle
together till like a poultice which you must
aply poultice {?wise/rise/nise} about the quantity of an
egg {?worne} after working in the ointment tye
it on fast this must bee done evy [deleted] other day
for ten times make the poultice fresh eny time
you use it always applying it after the use of
the oyle they must take no phisick when they
use this nor drinke wine or strong drinke, this
course curd seventy {^mad} persons in ten dayse time but
this is to bee used three months eny month beginning
the first day of the last quarter of the moone
and so continuing for ten times eny other day
vomits in this case is most excellent, yours
most humbly deare sister AC
I heare my La: {?Halerds} doughter is dead in
[new page]
Ffor the R: Hoble the Lady
Margaret Boscawen
At Tregothnon
Leave this with the post
Master at Truro
[vertical right side] Truro post bagg
[change hand]
Sister Clintons
Aprill: 28: 1683
Dear Sister/
Perceiving by yours to
my niece that you are much employed
about the sick and that Miss {?duplises}
is not yet well, I send you these medicines
for melancholy, and the spleen St Johns
Wort and Gill Gooy ground together or alone
made and taken like [deleted] tea, the
first and last thing is good, and to
purge Melancholy, Senna steeped in bear or
{?eal}, half an ounce divided into 4 quart
bottles, and let them drink it for their
ordinary drink, for as long time as you
see cause, the common strawberries eaten
plentiful is good [change hand ??] but my chief medicine which
reaches unto modnes (so do these in their place) and
which I will not conceal from you, also considering
your practice being at too great a distance to
prejudice mine, take ground {?Juy} that is called [deleted]
[deleted] als hoof three great handfuls shred small boil it
in a {?pottle} of white wine pure without mixture till
[new page]
till two parts be consumed then strain it and [deleted]
boil it with six ounces of the best {?sallet} oil
till it gloneth like an ointment, anoint the
mould of the head upon the seam the hair be-
=ing cut away being {?womd} eight or nine times
together {?chafing} it in very well
then take of the same [illeg] beaten and brads
and shred boil it in white wine and oil
together till like a poultice which you must
apply poultice {?wise/rise/nise} about the quantity of an
egg {?worn} after working in the ointment tie
it on fast this must be done every [deleted] other day
for ten times make the poultice fresh any time
you use it always applying it after the use of
the oil they must take no physic when they
use this nor drink wine or strong drink, this
course cured seventy {^mad} persons in ten days time but
this is to be used three months any month beginning
the first day of the last quarter of the moon
and so continuing for ten times any other day
vomits in this case is most excellent, yours
most humbly dear sister AC
I hear my La: {?Halerds} daughter is dead in
[new page]
For the Right: Honourable the Lady
Margaret Boscawen
At Tregothnan
Leave this with the post
Master at Truro
[vertical right side] Truro post bag
[change hand]
Sister Clintons
April: 28: 1683
[?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683
She understands that Margaret is much employed by the sick, this letter contains a number of recommendations for the treatment of melancholy which she doesn't conceal from Margaret as her practice is at too great a distance to prejudice her own, noting that Lady Halled's daughter has died in childbed
Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers)
1262M/0/FC/1 [10]
Devon Heritage Centre
Ap 28th 1683
Tregothnan, Truro, Cornwall
Dear Sister
primary addressee
- disposition
- duty
- care provided by family/kin/household
- recipe
To Cite this Letter
[?Anne] Clinton to Margaret Boscawen, 28 April 1683, 2841683: Devon Heritage Centre, Boscawen Collection (Fortescue papers), 1262M/0/FC/1 [10]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.