181 - Frances Frankland to Ralph Thoresby, June 1684
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (1)
- How to Cite
Manchester June/84
yr Sister Mrs Shovlin is not
a little Joyd to here of yr safe returne.
Will I hope do well at all things intended for
her learning. But hath bene much indisposed
by an aguish distemper wh I imagin ye effect
of yt wett shee had in her iurney to Mancher
& since yt a pain in her head so as shee hath
bene able to do very little wt her needle yet
I hope hath not lost her time as to other
things. For shee is not ouer tender of her
selfe. but stiring about wt doubtless is much
ye better for her. but ye pain of her head
hath bene so ill this week yt shee taks not
kindly rest in the night yt I think it abso
lutly nessessary to have some advise & should
have {?defferd} it till I had yr particular com=
mand for it. but dare not delay it least her
want of rest might indanger a feavour. yr Doct
I intend to consult wt is a person of honesty &
judgmt very successfull as I have oft experi-
-ensed & not for tempering wt persons it will bee
I hope only one fee & do hope {^it} may bee well
given I confess shee is too regardless of her
self do beleve did increase her cold by
wearing nothing under her morning cote moth
evening but have prevailed to a warm
wastcots wch shee now hath & do hope by yr
next to give an account of her freedome soon
her pain by ye blessing of god upon ye means.
Sr I have yett to give yu thanks for her
company for shee is of a marvelus good disposition
& I hope {^hath} a true love to yr best things & although
young yett not bards up wt yt too generall ignoran[ce]
in person of her groath to ther deffects. but a
very sencible shee is short ready to respect
councell advise to wh I must add as a confirm[illeg]
to yr wish of what I say of her shee hath sea[illeg]
times take notis to mee & expressed her sence of
her happiness in yu her brother. few sath sh[illeg]
such brothers so yt as I say to her, I hope
will endeavour yt wh may render her
of love delight & comfort to her so dere a brother
to wn wt ye Assistance of ye allmighty shall
contribute wtever shall lie in ye power of
pardon this blotted
scroll wh by shortness
of time canot bee
yr oblieg Servt
Frances Franklin
to Mr Thorsbie at
his house in
Manchester June/84
yr Sister Mrs Shovlin is not
a little Joyd to here of yr safe return.
Will I hope do well at all things intended for
her learning. But hath bene much indisposed
by an aguish distemper wh I imagine ye effect
of yt wet she had in her journey to Manchester
& since yt a pain in her head so as she hath
bene able to do very little wt her needle yet
I hope hath not lost her time as to other
things. For she is not over tender of her
self. but stirring about what doubtless is much
ye better for her. but ye pain of her head
hath bene so ill this week yt she takes not
kindly rest in the night yt I think it abso
lutely necessary to have some advise & should
have {?deferrd} it till I had yr particular com=
mand for it. but dare not delay it least her
want of rest might endanger a fever. yr Doct
I intend to consult wt is a person of honesty &
judgmt very successful as I have oft experi-
-ensed & not for tempering what persons it will bee
I hope only one fee & do hope {^it} may bee well
given I confess she is too regardless of her
self do believe did increase her cold by
wearing nothing under her morning cote moth
evening but have prevailed to a warm
waistcoats which she now hath & do hope by yr
next to give an account of her freedom soon
her pain by ye blessing of god upon ye means.
Sr I have yet to give yu thanks for her
company for she is of a marvellous good disposition
& I hope {^hath} a true love to yr best things & although
young yet not bards up what yt too general ignoran[ce]
in person of her growth to their defects. but a
very sensible she is short ready to respect
counsel advise to wh I must add as a confirm[illeg]
to yr wish of what I say of her she hath sea[illeg]
times take notice to me & expressed her sense of
her happiness in yu her brother. few sath sh[illeg]
such brothers so yt as I say to her, I hope
will endeavour yt wh may render her
of love delight & comfort to her so dear a brother
to wn wt ye Assistance of ye almighty shall
contribute wtever shall lie in ye power of
pardon this blotted
scroll wh by shortness
of time cannot bee
yr oblige Servant
Frances Franklin
to Mr Thorsbie at
his house in
Frances Frankland to Ralph Thoresby, June 1684
Thoresby's sister, Mrs Shovlin, is pleased to hear of his safe return - she is indisposed by an aguish distemper which was likely occasioned by the wet weather during her journey. She has been ill and has a pain in her head, and is unable to use her needle. They discuss consulting a doctor, and they believe she has made her cold worse by not wearing enough. Franklin apologies for her hurried and messy writing.
Thoresby, Ralph Papers
Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
Manchester [Lancashire, England]
To Cite this Letter
Frances Frankland to Ralph Thoresby, June 1684, 61684: Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Thoresby, Ralph Papers, YAS/MS6/51
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.