1769 - Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Hampton Allen, 21 September 1707

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Image #1 of letter: Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Hampton Allen, 21 September 1707

Image 2 of 2

Image #2 of letter: Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Hampton Allen, 21 September 1707
Ashenhurst September ye 21st. 1707.
Dear Sister [Sister Hampton]
Since I came home I spoke to my FatE. to give me leave to go with you to
Coleshill, but tho’ when I spoke to him before he said he would not be
concerned about yE removall from ye Parke, yet he now sais it will
cost more mony to be in another place [deleted] & he knows not why for wt.
reason you should remove but to gratify a wavering humour & an unsteady
temper wch. he will not comply with & when I with many severe expressions

[new page]
towards you wch. it would be as uneasy to me to write as it was to
hear ym wch. I assure you I did with a great deale of sorrow, & tho
I asked him Three or Four times {^yt} he would give me no leave to go with
you but {^he {he utterly} refused it &} said you could not be so well any where else as where
you were, if I could do any more I wouldhave time wt I can to gratify you in this matter but all I he<.del> can say to
my FatE signifies nothing; I am & c.
For MEs. Allen at ME Stanleys at ye Parke in Alderley to be left at ye
Black Lion in Maclesfield.
Ashenhurst September ye 21st. 1707.
Dear Sister [Sister Hampton]
Since I came home I spoke to my FatE. to give me leave to go with you to
Coleshill, but though when I spoke to him before he said he would not be
concerned about your removal from ye Parke, yet he now says it will
cost more money to be in another place [deleted] & he knows not why for wt.
reason you should remove but to gratify a wavering humour & an unsteady
temper wch. he will not comply with & when I with many severe expressions

[new page]
towards you wch. it would be as uneasy to me to write as it was to
hear them wch. I assure you I did with a great deal of sorrow, & though
I asked him Three or Four times {^yt} he would give me no leave to go with
you but {^he {he utterly} refused it &} said you could not be so well any where else as where
you were, if I could do any more I wouldhave time which I can to gratify you in this matter but all I he<.del> can say to
my FatE signifies nothing; I am & c.
For MEs. Allen at ME Stanleys at ye Parke in Alderley to be left at ye
Black Lion in Macclesfield.

Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Hampton Allen, 21 September 1707

It gives Thomas sorrow to report that his father does not support Sister Hampton moving from The Park, a view that he expressed to Thomas in severe terms.

Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family)

D231 M/B/8 [126]

Derbyshire Record Office




September 21 1707

Ashenhurst [Bradnop, Staffordshire, England]

The Park, Alderley [Alderley Park, Nether Alderley, Cheshire, England]
The Black Lion, Macclesfield [Cheshire, England]

Person: Thomas Hollinshead
View full details of Person: Thomas Hollinshead

primary author

  • talking
  • travel
  • writing


  • distress
  • love (familial)
  • sorrow


  • filial
  • siblings

Person: Francis Hollinshead (snr)
View full details of Person: Francis Hollinshead (snr)



old age



How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Hampton Allen, 21 September 1707, 2191707: Derbyshire Record Office, Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family), D231 M/B/8 [126]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
