1648 - Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Stanley, 29 September 1705
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Deare Sister
I was in hopes to have seene you at ye Parke before this, but some
business at home has hindred me hitherto & a journy I must make into
Shropshire next weeke I am afraid will force me to defer it till ye
Weeke following, but then Nancy & I designe to come together; I had
a Letter from Str. Hampton yesterday, she write yt ME. Allen is much
worse of his cough then heretofore, yt he was with some Phisician at
Stafford who sais he is going into a consumption, yt they expect dayly
when ye old gentlewoman expires; I pray God my Str. may be able to bear
up under affliccons; My FatE. gives his service to my BrotE. Stanley &
Blessing to yEself & ye children, BrotE. Franc & Nancy joine with me
in service to my BrotE. yEself & then I am Deare Sister &c.
Deare Sister
I was in hopes to have seeneyou at ye Parke before this, but some
business at home has hindered me hitherto & a journey I must make into
Shropshire next week I am afraid will force me to defer it till ye
Week following, but then Nancy & I design to come together; I had
a Letter from Str. Hampton yesterday, she write yt ME. Allen is much
worse of his cough then heretofore, that he was with some Physician at
Stafford who sais he is going into a consumption, that they expect daily
when ye old gentlewoman expires; I pray God my Str. may be able to bear
up under afflictions; My FatE. gives his service to my BrotE. Stanley &
Blessing to yEself & ye children, BrotE. Franc & Nancy join with me
in service to my BrotE. yourself & then I am Deare Sister &c.
Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Stanley, 29 September 1705
Thomas has been too busy with work to visit. Their sister Hampton’s husband, Mr Allen, is worse with a cough and a physician has said it is consumption. Mrs Allen senior is expected to die soon. Thomas hopes Hampton will be able to cope.
Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family)
D231 M/B/8 [99]
Derbyshire Record Office
Saturday September 29 1705
Ashenhurst [Bradnop, Staffordshire, England]
[Alderley Park, Nether Alderley, Cheshire, England]
primary author
- travel
- visiting
- work
- apprehension
- love (familial)
- regret
personal blessings
at home
To Cite this Letter
Thomas Hollinshead to his Sister Stanley, 29 September 1705, 2991705: Derbyshire Record Office, Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family), D231 M/B/8 [99]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.